Unfulfilled Desires

Unfulfilled Desires


"Jonguppie," Chris whispered into the korean's ear as they spooned on the couch, watching movies into the late, late night. "You're the only one for me."

Jongup shivered against Chris' stomach, pushing himself further into the older male. He wanted to get closer but they were already as close as can be.

"Chris-oppa," he mumbled into the arm s underneath his head.

He got a response he was secretly hoping for as Chris let his hand slide down Jongup's side, his fingers dragging and pulling Jongup's shirt. Suddenly Jongup wished he wasn't wearing a shirt.

As Chris began to pull at Jongup's shirt and kiss his neck, all that could be heard around the room was the movie and the two of them repeatedly saying each others' names. Flipping the younger male over to look directly into his eyes, Chris stopped kissing and pulling.

"Jongup," he whispered.

"Y-yes?" Jongup answered with his signature smile, still in ecstasy from the kisses.

"I want you."

Chris' lips came crashing down against his, and Jongup felt his eyes roll back in bliss. He muttered his lover's name into the lips on his and grabbed at the strong back above him. 

The older male began to rub his hands all over Jongup's chest, slowly but surely moving towards his crotch. Jongup kissed at Chris' jaw, begging for more. Just as Chris' hands reached Jongup's belt buckle, he stopped again.

"O-oppa?" Jongup questioned his elder, wondering why he had stopped so close to what he was sure they both wanted.

Chris reached his hand back and smacked Jongup in the face, waking him up immediately.

Jongup opened his eyes, waking up immediately and yelling in pain. He looked up to see Young Jae hovering over his face.

He glared at the older male, growling, "What?"

"Nothing, you just seemed to be enjoying your dream," the jokester giggled before dancing out of Jongup's room, just barely dodging a flying shoe.

"Stop interrupting my dreams Young Jae!" the angry b-boy dancer yelled from his bed.

Angrily turning himself over under the covers, Jongup closed his eyes roughly, muttering, "Damnit, now I gotta start all over."

Sooner than he knew it, he was back asleep, dreaming of his idol again.


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Chapter 1: i can't okay, i can't /dies
gwisoon #2
Chapter 1: I found strange knowing that I /actually/ found a UPCB/ChrisUp fanfic and then I realizED IT WAS YOU!!! I actually laughed at Jongup <3
And I really like your writing skills love ;; <3
Chapter 1: This is so effed up, but I love it!
chopschticksplinter #4
Chapter 1: xD ermergerd.
Chapter 1: Poor Jonguppie!! X3
Chapter 1: omg. whut. this. this is...owo...whut. /sobs...so beautiful.../brick'd. can you write an actual one-shot? omg i would love you forever.