


L.Joe's POV:

We wrapped up filming that day, and Chunji seemed super angry at me. What had I done to make him sad… was it because the water bomb I threw at him hurt? I ruffled my wet hair frustratedly. I missed his touch, I couldn't touch him with In Young around. That made me frown. 

"Oppa~ What's on your mind?" It was her.

I forced a smile, however fake it might have seemed, she couldn't tell the difference between a genuine one and a fake one. Shaking my head, I replied, "Nothing Youngiie…"

She took my hand in hers and pulled me towards the van, while I looked back at Chunji, silently pleading for help. All I got in return was a blank stare before he went to find CAP hyung. I missed him. 

Throughout the entire journey back, In Young talked to me animatedly, and I felt bad as I kept answering thoughtlessly, only giving short answers and nodding. I couldn't tear my gaze away from Chunji, who was deep in conversation with CAP hyung, their expressions grim. Was something wrong? Why didn't Chunji want to tell me? He always confided in me… My eyebrows furrowed in confusion and hurt. I looked back at Chunji and CAP after In Young finally fell asleep. Chunji looked like he was about to burst into tears at any moment, something was definitely wrong.


Chunji's POV:

I was still disappointed and heart-broken after seeing L.Joe defend In Young and fight against me. How could I not be? But, my boyfriend did not seem to notice my hurt one bit. 

I watched, clenching my fists till my knuckles turned white, as L.Joe took In Young's hand and smiled, making conversations with her.

I saw everything. All my emotions were being played in my head.

Does L.Joe.. not want me? Is In Young a much better choice than whiny, miserable Chanhee?

Then, L.Joe turned back to face me, his hand still in In Young's. He had an expression with mixed emotions all over his face. My mind blanked out for a moment. Was... he showing to me that he had In Young now? 

My eyes trailed down to their conjoined hands and I immediately ran away. I couldn't bottle this up any more. I had to talk to someone. Someone who had enough wisdom to understand my situation.


CAP Hyung.


I ran over to my leader as I looked at him, with teary eyes. "Omo Channie! Y-Your eyes are all b with tears!" CAP Hyung quickly wiped my tears away.

I sniffed, "M-Minsoo Hyung.. I'm afraid. I'm insecure. I-I'm.. not good enough for Byunghun.."

Tears were rolling down my cheeks as CAP Hyung hushed me and brought me into the van. We had to go back to the dorm; this meant that I had to breathe the same air as L.Joe and In Young. Great.

CAP Hyung held my hand tightly as I poured out my insecurities and worry that L.Joe would leave me for In Young. A much better partner for him. Someone who was confident of herself, someone who could.. give him a proper family.

This deep conversation was ended as CAP Hyung chided me for being vulnerable when L.Joe had obvious love for me.

I.. I wasn't convinced. "T-Thanks Hyung.." I whispered as we reached the dorm.

CAP Hyung eyed me worriedly and made me promise that I will talk to him right after I washed up. I nodded as I practically ran back to the room.


I ran. And ran. 


I was running from reality. I don't want L.Joe to give me up. But.. it seems that reality is catching up with me. Because, I'm losing L.Joe.


L.Joe's POV:

Everyone was exhausted when we finally reached the house, although it was only 4pm, we had spent the whole day filming. I had yet to find out what Chunji was troubled about, due to his insistent avoidance. I knocked on the door of our shared room.


He opened the door silently before attempting to leave, but I was faster, and I grabbed his hand.

"Chanhee. What's wrong?" I looked at him, I searched his face, but was unable to read his expression.

He shook his head and forced a smile, "I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?"

"You're lying…" I retorted, "I can tell when you're angry and upset Chanhee… What's wrong? What did I do?" 

His eyes glazed over with tears, and he sniffled. 

That was it. I couldn't stand seeing my baby cry, it wouldn't change whether In Young was here or not. I dragged him into our shared room and closed the door, pulling him into my embrace.

"Aww baby…" I cooed, while his back soothingly, "It's okay… let it all out." He sobbed into my shoulder, trembling. I lifted his face from my shoulder and kissed away his tears, saying "So are you ready to tell me what's wrong?" He nodded, sniffling. 

With puffy eyes, he poured out all his insecurities about Youngiie & I to me. I nodded and commented occasionally, but other that that, I remained silent, his hand. After he was done, I intertwined our fingers and said, "I love you Lee Chanhee… you and nobody else. No one can replace you, Youngiie is a guest, and I feel obliged to treat her well. But! No matter what happens, I only have eyes for you baby. You don't have to feel insecure about my relationship with Youngiie because it simply doesn't exist."


With that, I kissed him softly, pouring all my emotions into that single kiss. We pulled back, smiling at each other.


A/N: An update!!<3 Thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoy the story!! CHUNJOE :333 SUBSCRIBE. COMMENT. ENJOY. (comment guys, author-nims don't bite!! we love to read fun comments and spazz! rawr!)

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Chapter 14: Why do you have to add that son of a bish
She ruined ChunJoe
Why don't she choose Changjo?
wishful_promises #2
Chapter 14: Oddly enough, even though I KNOW that in any other case (read: any other situation that does not involve my favourite kpop groups or idols, like a talent show or something) I would find Inyoung pretty cool, or in the very least a decent person, I hate her to death here =_= Although I imagine real life has caught up to you guys, I hope that you'll be able to update it again someday ^^
Chapter 14: Omg great i love it
Chapter 14: Oh yeah. Channie, you go call that little hoe bag mean names. But don't hit Byungie. And suicide? I hope L.Joe fixes the situation before Chunji hurts himself...
Stupid Inyoung can shut the f up and die in a hole.
Chapter 14: This is just.


Atm I see all the characters as pathetic
-Ljoe for being a man_____ and making loads of stupid excuses
-Chunji for crying and thinking of suicide. Seriously? Too much waterworks from him

-and ohohohoho. Inyoung that ____ for being a hog and taking l.joe.

He is MY manwhore. ehem. Correction. Chunji's manwhore. Therefore you do no touch him.Only chunji.

hehe. For some reason I call L.joe mean names to signify my love for him xD
Chapter 14: Inyoung is such a freaking bish >:/

Poor Channie v.v

L.Joe better make up with him

& soon~
Jimins_Wifey #7
Chapter 14: awweee my poor Channie.....he's my bias too
he hurt his finger?!?!?!? i hope he's ok
i am really pissed at Inyoung right now and a bit with L.joe
Chapter 14: omo!!! channie =[[[
i feel like crying T^T
L.JOE-U BETTER MADE UP WITH CHANNIE! he wanted to kill himself for ya D:!!
Chapter 14: poor channie .. :'(