Donghae's confession

Forbidden Love

“Ne, Siwon shi, I’ll go on a date with you,” said Taeyeon and forced herself to smile at the handsome boy standing in front of her.

“Seriously? Oh my goodness, you’re not joking right?” smiled Siwon excitedly.

When Taeyeon started shaking her head to reply, Siwon suddenly gave her the biggest hug. Taeyeon was shocked, she didn’t hug back, she didn’t do anything; this skinship was too much for her, especially when she just “broke up” with her “boyfriend”, Donghae, a few days ago.

As soon as Siwon realised she wasn’t hugging back, he quickly let go of her, “Ahh, I’m terribly sorry….got too excited” and laughed awkwardly.

“Oh…it’s okay,” said Taeyeon and that was when the awkward silence began.

Siwon broke the awkwardness by saying, “okay, well since tomorrow is Saturday, why don’t we have a date?”

“Hmmm, okay”

“Okay, then lets meet up outside the EXO shopping mall?” suggested Siwon.

“Okay”, replied Taeyeon.


-Taeyeon POV-

Taeyeon ah, what are you doing? Is it right of you to go on a date with Siwon shi when you just “broke up” with Donghae? Is it alright for you to use Siwon shi’s kindness when you’re still in love with Donghae? Ahhhh, I honestly didn’t want to go on a date so quickly, besides I’ve never been on a date before! And I wanted my first date with Donghae…which was impossible… But Siwon shi insisted and it was getting harder to reject him. I know what I’m doing isn’t right, but maybe, just maybe this date will change everything? Make me fall in love with Siwon shi and forget Donghae?

-End of POV-



-Meanwhile at Siwon’s house-

“Uhh, Donghae, what are you doing here? Don’t you have to go to school?” asked a man, who seems to be in his late twenties.

“Oh hyung, you’re here” answered Donghae in surprised.

“Of course I’m here…this is my house…”, replied the man.

“I know, don’t you have work?” asked Donghae.

“Ani, not today, got day off. Ya, Lee Donghae, stop avoiding my questions! What are you doing here?” shouted the man.

“I missed your house, so I thought I’ll come by since Siwon’s at school,” Donghae replied.

“Uhh I see, still fighting with him?” asked the man.


“So…since we’re alone, tell me what happened?” asked the man in curiosity.

“Leetuek hyung, you’re Siwon’s brother, he didn’t tell you?” asked Donghae while going through their fridge.

“Ani, he just said something about you treating a girl badly….which I don’t know why he’s so upset, you always treat girls badly,” mocked Leetuek.

“Hmmm, yeah I guess you’re right,” agreed Donghae, however there was a little sadness in his voice which Leetuek notice.

“Ya, Lee Donghae. Even though Siwon’s my blood related brother, I’ve always been closer with you. You’re like my brother too, Siwon’s always studying and too busy to hang out with me, so I tell you everything instead. So be a man and tell me everything, everything about this girl and this sissy fight of yours”, demanded Leetuek while looking at Donghae with sincerity.

Donghae only looked at his hyung and was thinking real hard whether to tell him how he was feeling. He trusted Leetuek, but at the same time he is Siwon’s brother. But at the end, Donghae decided to spill his heart to his hyung as he was getting sick of hiding his feelings about Taeyeon.

“Okay, hyung, sit down” demanded Donghae.

“Wow, okay seonsaengnim”, teased Leetuek.

Donghae evil eyed his hyung and said, “and since you’re a lawyer, you have to make an oath before hand promising you won’t say anything to Siwon….or else, you’ll give me your playstation and your new smartphone, okay?”

Leetuek was shocked and he hesitated, but thought again and finally risked his babies (his electronics) and promised the boy.

Donghae sat down in front of his hyung and breathed in, preparing himself, “Okay, so Siwon and I got into this fight because of a girl named Taeyeon.”

“Okay….” responded Leetuek, while raising an eyebrow in curiosity.

Donghae continued, “Okay, so when I first came back to Seoul, I bumped into this girl, Taeyeon. She was so stupid at first, but when I got to know her and when I ki….kissed her...”

“Wo wait, you kissed her?...thats actually not suprising…keep going,” mocked Leetuek.

Donghae gave Leetuek a look and continued, “yes, I kissed her, but I…I don’t know…I-”

“Oh my gosh, you love her, don’t you? I can see it in your face when you talk about her,” Leetuek interrupted.

Donghae didn’t even bother denying, “yeah…hyung, I’m in love with this low-class, annoying, stupid girl”.

Leetuek was shocked. If anyone who knows Donghae and heard what he just said would be shocked too. Donghae has always played around with girls; he will either break a girls heart by rejecting her when she confesses or go out with her a few days then humiliate her by telling her how annoying she was. So it was not a surprise when Leetuek nearly fell off his chair when he heard Donghae say the word, “love”.

When Leetuek came back to his senses, he asked, “okay, so how does my brother come into this?”

“Okay, well when I was still in America, Siwon and I will occasionally talk on the phone. He’ll always tell me about the girl he likes, he described her as a quiet girl in his class. She was not noticeable by other people but he will always notice her because he has heard her sing before. He always told me how beautiful and what a great singer she is,” answered Donghae.

“Uh oh, is this beautiful girl with the amazing voice, Taey-” asked Leetuek but was interrupted by Donghae.

“Ne, his crush is Taeyeon."

Leetuek gave the best shocked reaction which made Donghae laughed a little.

However, he quickly went back to his serious face and continued.

“Anyway, when I arrived back in Seoul, I was too busy making fun of Taeyeon and solving family issues, I never got to ask Siwon who the girl was. However, I found out the after day I kissed Taeyeon and asked her to be my fake girlfriend and slave,”

Leetuek interrupted, “wait what? Girlfriend and slave?”

“Oh hyung, don’t worry about that, it isn’t important anymore….Anyhow, the day after I kissed Taeyeon, I overheard Siwon talking to one of his friend, Eunhyuk, about Taeyeon and how he likes her-”

Leetuek interrupted again, “Oh okay, I get this now, I’m assuming since my brother likes this Taeyeon girl, you decided to “break up” with her and act like a jerk?”

Leetuek was spot on, which didn’t surpise Donghae. Leetuek has always been good with detective things, since his a lawyer he comes across a lot of case solving.

A sad helpless look suddenly showed on Donghae's face, “ne, you’re right hyung…I don’t deserve a sweet girl like her anyway. Siwon’s nice and caring….they match really well together.”

Leetuek looked at his depressed dongseng and walked to the fridge, he took out two cans of beer and went back to where Donghae was sitting. He handed one to Donghae, “here, I shouldn’t be doing this since I’m a lawyer and you’re underage, but you really need a drink.”

Donghae smiled at his hyung, and took the can and drank with Leetuek.

Even though Leetuek only gave Donghae one can, they somehow managed to drink a lot more, soon there were ten empty cans sitting on the table. They both had five each, since Leetuek was an adult, he was still conscious however Donghae was a little typsy. When Donghae reached for his sixth can, Leetuek tried to stop him, “Ya, that’s enough, you’re parents are going to kill me if they find out.

Donghae took his hyung by his hand and said, “Uhh hyung, I just wished...I just wished i lived as a better guy. Maybe then, I won’t feel bad about taking her and fighting Siwon for her, maybe then I’ll be able to hold her… and love her….hyung…I really…really….do love her”






*Hey readers :) I added a new character! Leetuek oppa wasn't planned, but i really needed another character to help bring out Donghae's feelings for Taeyeon and i thought a "brother" figure will be the best choice :) So i hope Donghae's feelings are understood now! Hope you guys like it and thanks for the support :) You are all precious to me :)


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sea0horse #1
Chapter 20: it was sweet :3 i like it very much~
lilliana22081996 #2
Chapter 20: Thank you very much for a great story!!!<3
sea0horse #3
Chapter 19: please update soon~
lilliana22081996 #4
Chapter 19: if this is the second last chapter, please make a sequel!<3 i love this kind of story! <3
sea0horse #5
Chapter 18: update please~
sea0horse #6
chingu~~ please update soon!
hanna92 #7
Chapter 17: And siwon's text message just had to come at that precise moment...i love all this drama, donghae is just so freaking cute, even when he's like this, and taeyeon too. keep it coming.
aniMefan22 #8
Chapter 17: omg I love this chapter, but it's soo sad. anyway It's getting interesting...don't end so soon, I really love this story.