Not the end yet

Forbidden Love


Taeyeon stared at herself in the broken mirror at home and started laughing, “Of course, why would Donghae love me? A poor ugly girl doesn’t suit him at all”.  Her miserable laugh was slowly replaced with tears….lots and lots of tears.


The next day was a school day; however, Taeyeon couldn’t get out of bed. Her wanting to escape school to avoid Donghae was one reason why she couldn’t move, but the main reason was because she was too sick to even move a muscle. Her sickness was most likely due to her crying to sleep the night before…after the situation with Donghae.


-At Donghae's household-

Donghae looked at his calender. Today was marked with exclaimation marks, as it was the last day of Taeyeon being his slave.

One month. I'll be....I' slave....but only ONE MONTH. After that I don't owe you anything and we stop talking to each other. AND, you can't do anything stupid like kissing me again!

That was what she said to him when he first made the deal. He remembers everything she’s ever said. He hasn’t seen her for only a couple of hours, but it felt like eternity for him. “But ha! Today doesn’t really matter anymore right? Considering the deal was technically over after I “broke up” with her”. And having that thought in mind, Donghae furiously crossed out the exclamations marks on the calendar.


-At school-

School has officially started; Siwon wasn’t particularly waiting for Taeyeon, as he knew he should give her some space and just wait for her after school, since he made a deal with her this afternoon to hear her answer for his confession. However, he couldn't help but notice she wasn’t at her seat….and neither was Donghae.




On the other hand, Donghae planned to skip school and use the whole entire day to forget about Taeyeon. So he decided to visit Ahjumma at her restaurant, hoping she will tell him her lame stories and just let his mind think of other things. However, that clearly didn’t work because as soon as he arrived, the ahjumma’s first reaction was, “Omo, where’s my angel like daughter in law?” Which made everything just absolutely worst. Donghae didn’t answer her, and as much as he loves the ahjumma, he kinda regrets coming here. 

“She’s not coming today…ani….she’s never coming here again….

The ahjuma looked at Donghae, “ya, what are you talking about? Shouldn’t you be at school anyway?

Donghae slowly…really slowly dragged himself to his table and sat there. That table no longer reminded him of his childhood, but reminded him of the dinner he had with Taeyeon. “*Sigh…coming here was definitely not the best idea”.

Seeing it was the morning and there were no customers, the ahjumma sat down next to Donghae and his head, treating him like a 3 year old, but he didn’t mind at all, because he really needed that comfort.

My donghae….my sweet sweet Donghae…you know because I don’t have any children, I’ve always treated you as my son, right?. You are like my son. I love you with all my heart, you know right?” Ahjumma looked at Donghae, and the latter looked back at her and couldn’t help but started forming tears in his eyes.

I know…

Then you can tell me anything, I’ll always be here”.

Umma....can I call you that?

Ahjumma was shocked, but at the same time, she felt a sudden warm sensation going through her body, "Of course”.

Umma, I really and truly love this girl…but I think I just lost her forever.

As long as she's alive and she loves you back, then i really don't think there's such thing as losing a love one forever. And as far as i know, Taeyeon is still alive.

Donghae looked at his "mother" and wanted to deny the fact that his love one was Taeyeon.

"Oh don't look at me like you want to deny it, i see the way you look at her, and i see the way she looks at you".

Donghae sighed and realised his love for Taeyeon was too obvious to deny it, “But I can’t…my best friend loves her, so she's not mine to have.

"My dear son, Taeyeon is defintely not an object, shouldn't you be asking her how she feels, and who she wants to be with? I've been in this world much longer than you youngsters have, and i can tell with one glance that the one Taeyeon love is you"

Just when Donghae wanted to rebut what his mother said, he was interrupted.

"I don’t care if you’re best friend likes her too, because the truth is you and Taeyeon are madly in love with each other. This isn't a soccer game, when love comes to you, you can’t just pass your love to another person. Loving someone is fate, God chooses the one you love. I’m sure your best friend will understand you pabo! Two people who loves each other are meant to be…please don’t create another Romeo and Juliet tragedy ending, cause that was both ridiculous and fustrating!

Donghae laughed a little, sniffed and then took in ahjumma’s advice, “You can’t pass your love to a friend…..i’m sure your best friend will understand…

Donghae looked up, “Umma, I think I understand now, thanks!” and gave her a quick peck on the cheek and ran off.

The ahjumma looked at her newly adopted son from a distance and started giggling, “young love”.






Okay good news! I have decided to make this my second last chapter keke ^^ As you can see, this chapter was a little cheesy, especially the talk between the ahjumma and Donghae. But oh well, i think i got the message through HAHA. Oh and i felt like Donghae's real mother would be really offended by this whole motherly situation with the ahjumma, but YOLO HAHA  Just heads up, next chapter would probably be ten times cheesier ;) And i'll try to update as quickly as possible. Thankyou my lovely supporters! And once again sorry for the long wait ! 

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sea0horse #1
Chapter 20: it was sweet :3 i like it very much~
lilliana22081996 #2
Chapter 20: Thank you very much for a great story!!!<3
sea0horse #3
Chapter 19: please update soon~
lilliana22081996 #4
Chapter 19: if this is the second last chapter, please make a sequel!<3 i love this kind of story! <3
sea0horse #5
Chapter 18: update please~
sea0horse #6
chingu~~ please update soon!
hanna92 #7
Chapter 17: And siwon's text message just had to come at that precise moment...i love all this drama, donghae is just so freaking cute, even when he's like this, and taeyeon too. keep it coming.
aniMefan22 #8
Chapter 17: omg I love this chapter, but it's soo sad. anyway It's getting interesting...don't end so soon, I really love this story.