They're Just Kids: Part 2

The Lake

"Come on, man! Can't we play for a little while once we get to Changmin's house?" Minho asked.

"Yeah! Ever since you met that girl, you go to the lake everyday. It's been a week already," Changmin agreed.

"You guys know how much she means to me," Kyuhyun muttered as he put his backpack on his desk. "But wouldn't it be cool to have some all-boy time?" Changmin asked. Minho nodded. "Look, I'm sorry, guys, but--" Kyuhyun began. But the teacher came in.

"Alright, everyone take your seats," she said. Changmin and Minho walked to their desks. Kyuhyun hung his backpack on his chair.

"Today is the day we give the presents. Everyone, give your present to the person you're supposed to give it to," she said and everyone stood up. Kyuhyun made his way towards Ryeowook, but then someone tapped his shoulder. He turned and Victoria was giving him the present while looking away. "Oh, so you're my Secret Santa? Cool. Thanks," he said while getting the present. She said, "You're welcome." She seemed to be blushing but Kyuhyun didn't seem to notice.

He walked to Ryeowook and gave him the present. "Kyuhyun, I think Vic likes you," Ryeowook said while wiggling his eyebrows. "So?" Kyuhyun asked, blankly. "I thought you have a crush on her," Ryeowook said.

"I don't," Kyuhyun simply said and started walking back to his seat.


"I really can't stay~I've got to go away~This evening has been~So very nice~" Kyuhyun heard "his angel" singing again. He smiled and followed her voice. He found her sitting at the edge of the pier again.

"My mother will start to worry~My father will be pacing the floor~Really I better scurry~" she sang. He quietly walked behind her. "Maybe just half a drink more~"

"Put some records on while I pour~" Kyuhyun sang as he sat next to her. "Annyeong, oppa," she said, cheerfully. She had started to call him "oppa" a few days before, which he definitely approved of.

"How was your day?" she asked. "Really good. Yours?" he replied. "Good. It's even better now," she said. He chuckled and took his lunchbox out. "Time to eat," he said. She smiled and they both got some of the goguma.

"Oppa, what do you do when someone harrasses you?" she asked. "Why? Is this because of the bully? Don't tell me it's because of him," he said, shocked.

"It might be," she said. "Aww, Seo! I don't want this guy bullying you! A girl like you should never go through that," he groaned. "I better go to your school and deal with this kid. Do you still have school next week?"

She nodded. "I don't have school next week. Maybe I can come by," he said. "That would be cool, oppa," she said.

"Have you ever gone AROUND the lake?" he asked. She shook her head. "Well, let's go and explore, Seo!"

They started walking on the path align with the shape of the lake. They talked and looked in the water to see what's inside. The water wasn't dirty because no one else had ever been there and they never littered. The only creatures on the lake were ducks. There weren't any fish or others. Just ducks.

They walked until they reached a waterfall. "A waterfall! Look, Seo! That's so cool!" he exclaimed. She laughed and nodded. "This is a good place to swim," she said. He nodded. He looked at her and smirked.

He took off his jacket and unbottoned his shirt. "Oppa! What are you doing?" she screamed while looking away. He just put his jacket and shirt on the ground. "Don't worry. I'm not taking my pants off," he said and jumped in the water.

The water splashed on her. "I'm so wet!" she screamed. His head popped out of the water. "Swim with me, Seo! You said it was a good place to swim!" he said.

She shook her head and said, "I don't want to. Get out of there! You could catch a cold!"

"So? I don't care. I believe in 'Do now, think later.' Well, in this case, I do," he said. "Why would you even believe in a saying like that?" she asked.

"I said in THIS case, I do! Now, get in here!" he shouted. She shook her head. He smirked and slplashed water on her. "Hey!" she yelled and jumped in, making the water plash onto him.

"It's on!" she said, splashing more water onto him. He laughed and splashed at her. And they continued playing.


"What the heck happened?!" Changmin shouted. "We fell in the lake," Kyuhyun lied. "Then how come your shirt and jacket are the only ones not wet?" Minho asked. They both stared at him.

"Okay, so we played in the water. So what?" Kyuhyun said. " 'So what'? Is that all you have to say? You could get sick, Kyu!" Changmin yelled.

"Yeah, so don't 'so what' us anymore!" Minho said. "Just let me borrow your towel so I can dry myself," Kyuhyun said. Changmin sighed and went to his room. He came back downstairs with a towel in his hand. He threw it to Kyuhyun.

"Thanks," Kyuhyun said. "Do you really really like this girl, hyung?" Minho asked. Kyuhyun nodded. Kyuhyun ruffled his hair with the towel. "I'll go inside the bathroom now. I need to wipe my whole body," he said, walking in the restroom and closing it. Once he locked it, Changmin and Minho looked at each other.

"Who do you think the girl is?" Changmin asked. Minho shrugged and said, "Maybe she's a siren."

"You watch too many pirate movies," Changmin muttered. "I'm saying, how pretty do you think she is that made Kyuhyun head over heels for her? He doesn't even mention Victoria anymore."

"She must be really pretty. I've never seen Kyuhyun so desperate to go to the lake," Minho said. "Yeah. I've never heard Kyuhyun talk so much about a girl before," Changmin added.

Soon, Kyuhyun came out, looking pretty dry. "Thanks, Changmin. See you, guys," Kyuhyun said and alked out the door.


Seohyun walked to a bench, hoping that the bully wouldn't come again. But he did.

"Oh, look! It's Joohyun! Your food looks good. Gimme that," he said and snatched her paper bag. For the past two days, Kyuhyun kept saying he would go to her school and just "kick that bully's ." She wasn't a violent person, but she hoped she could count on him.

"Please!" she begged. "Leave me alone!"

"What makes you think I'll listen to you? Ooh. Goguma!" he said, looking in her bag. She stole her bag back, hoping he would leave her alone.

"Whoa-ho-ho. You think you can steal that from me?" he said and was about to slap her. She closed her eyes, but no hand had hit her. She just heard a grunt and a thud. She opened her eyes and found Kyuhyun standing in front of her.

"So... you must be the bully that she told me about," Kyuhyun muttered. "Don't you know that us boys can't hit girls?"

"Oppa!" she said, surprised. He looked at her and smiled. "I wasn't going to let you down, Seo. Not after I heard about him."

"What are you--her boyfriend? Funny. I didn't think a retard like her could get one. Or maybe you're both retards," the bully said, standing up.

"You're calling her a retard? I mean, I don't care what you call me, but if you call her names, I'll just be furious," Kyuhyun said. "So? I could beat you up. I'm in the fifth grade," the bully said, trying to make himself look bigger.

"Well, I'm in the fifth grade, too. I wonder how you passed grade four. To me, you look stupid," Kyuhyun said. The bully looked at him closely. He realized that Kyuhyun wasn't from this town. Kyuhyun was wearing a suit, his hair was nicely combed, but he really looked intimidating.

"You're not from here, Mr, Fancypants. This ain't your terf," the bully said. "I know. By the way, 'ain't' isn't a word," Kyuhyun said. "I'm tired with your smart acts. Go home!" the bully said, angry.

"I'm not going home until you leave her alone," Kyuhyun said. "She needs to eat." The bully charged at Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun sidestepped and the bully hit the wall. Kyuhyun pulled him from the wall and whispered, "Lesson number one. Never mess with a guy who learned self-defense."

He grabbed the bully's hand and threw him over like a ragdoll. He stepped on him and went on one knee. He then said, "Lesson number two. Bullying leads to bad consequences. And the last lesson. Never mess with Joohyun or me again."

Kyuhyun stood up straight and walked to Seohyun. "I believe that's over," he said. "I didn't know that you learned self-defense," she said. "Well, it's a program at my school. We learn a lot of things," he said as they walked to another chair. All the kids stared at him like he was some kind of hero, which he was.

That bully was a menace to everyone.

They sat down. "It's cool that you're here. But you'll have to wait outide until school is over for us to go to the lake," she said. "I know. At least I stopped that bully," he said.

So he waited outside. He sat on the stairs on the entrance to the school. He felt happy once the bells rung.

The kids ran out of the door. After a lot of kids left, Seohyun finally came out. She was just walking. She smiled when she saw Kyuhyun. She ran to him.

"Hey, Seo. Let's go," he said. He grabbed her hand and they ran down the sidewalk. All the kids stared at them, wondering where they were going. They ran until someone called her name.

"Joohyun," someone called. They turned around. "Isn't he too old for you? He's in the fifth grade."

"We're not dating," Kyuhyun said. "Yeah. Besides, Yonghwa-ssi, age doesn't matter when you're in love," she said. Kyuhyun looked at her and smiled. "The little girl is wise," he said, making her giggle.

Yonghwa raised an eyebrow. "Okay."

They started running again.

"Yonghwa, I think it's now time to move on. You've been crushing over her and now, she's got someone else," his friend said. "But they're not dating," Yonghwa said and walked on.


They sat on the pier again. They were a foot apart. But Kyuhyun slowly scooted closer, not that she noticed. He moved closer until their legs were touching each other. "The lake is so peacefull, isn't it, oppa?" Seohyun asked. "Yeah. It is," he said.

"Seo, have you ever had a crush on someone?" he asked, suddenly. "Well... no. But I've always had a crush on you," she said. "And you're not afraid of saying that?" he asked, surprised at her.

"Nope," she said. She took something from her backpack. "Oppa, I have something for you. Close your eyes." He closed his eyes. She put something around his neck.

He opened his eyes and looked. It was an eagle necklace. He looked at the back of the eagle. It said: Bold.

"I'm bold?" he asked. "Standing up to the bully today. That was bold. But I know that you're really shy with your feelings. Let this remind you to be bold about everything you do," she said.

"Okay. I'll be bold," he whispered. He stared at the words "Bold" and said, "I've also always had a crush on you."

She smiled down at the water. "Wow..."

She leaned on him. "It's really cold." He put his arms around her. "Y-yeah. It is," he whispered. "I think it'll start snowing."

"We should bring some big jackets for the snow," she said. He nodded. He actually really liked this. He mentally thanked the weather for being cold.

Then they suddenly heard a thud. They turned. "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE?!?!" Kyuhyun yelled. "Wow, thanks a lot Minho. Your fall made him find us," Changmin mumbled. "S-sorry," Minho whispered.

"Answer my question," Kyuhyun snapped. "Okay, okay," Minho said, looking at Changmin. Changmin sighed and said, "We wanted to see who this girl was and how pretty she is. So we followed you. And may I say that she's pretty? I mean, look at her. Her big brown eyes. I can see why you like her." Kyuhyun rolled his eyes. Changmin, the gentleman to all ladies.

"Well, Seo, this is Changmin. And Minho," Kyuhyun said. He turned to them and said, "Guys, this is Seo Joohyun."

"Nice to meet you, Joohyun," Changmin and Minho said. She just smiled and said, "Nice to meet you too."

"Well, at least all my friends have met," Kyuhyun sighed.


Another week had passed and it was almost Christmas. Kyuhyun and Seohyun were really close. They were comfortable with doing things that couples would normally do. They'd cuddle, they'd hug. Kyuhyun was going to give her a good present. But she had some bad news.


"I want to give her a necklace," he said to his friends. "A necklace that says something like the necklace she gave me."

"Do we have to go searching for a necklace? Especially in the jewelry store?" Minho whined. "It's too girly," Changmin mumbled.

"Yes. Besides, we'll say that it's for our mom," he said. "Our mom or our moms?" Changmin asked. "Singular," Kyuhyun said. "Kyuhyun, I think this is good," Minho said.

Kyuhyun looked at the necklace Minho was talking about. It was a heart and on it, it said: Always Beautiful.

"Perfect. Thanks," he said and got it. They went to the cashier. "Excuse me," he said. The woman looked down and smiled. "Well, how can I help you young men?" she asked. "Can we buy this? It's for our mom," he said.

"Your mother is lucky to have such kind children. Here. Let me see the necklace," she said and Kyuhyun gave her the necklace. "1,00,00 won," she said.

He took out the money from his backpack and gave it to her. "You must come from a rich family," the woman said, taking the money. "My dad gave it to me, so I can buy it," Kyuhyun lied. "Oh. Can you put it in a box?" Changmin asked. Kyuhyun looked at him and smiled.

"Sure," she said and put it in a box. She gave it to them and they said, "Thank you."

"Thanks, guys," Kyuhyun said. "Hey, we're best friends," Changmin said. "We help each other no matter what," Minho added. They all smiled. "Oh, I love you guys!" Kyuhyun said and hugged them both.

"K-Kyu, this isn't necessary," Changmin nervously muttered. "This looks pretty gay, hyung," Minho whispered. "Aw, c'mon. You know you guys like this," Kyuhyun teased, not letting them go. They just chuckled and hugged back.


Kyuhyun walked the regular path to the lake. This time, he didn't hear her sing. He wondered what happened. He reached the lake and Seohyun was there. But she didn't look happy. She was sitting on the pier, staring at the water.

He walked to her and sat next to her. "Hey, Seo!" he said, happily, trying to change her mood. She looked at him with sad eyes. "Oppa... I'm sorry," she said, looking back at the water. "Why?" he asked. "What's wrong?

"I'm... moving to America," she said. "What? But why?" he asked. "My parents think I'll have a better life there. And get a better education there," she explained. "Better life?" he asked.

"Oppa, we're not like you. We're not the kind of rich family. My father has a job that doesn't pay much. My mother works as a waitress and she doesn't get paid much either," she said.

"B-but... Seo, I don't want you to leave. I want you to stay. Here with me," he said. "I want to stay too. I'm so sorry, oppa," she said and a tear rolled down her cheek.

He took out the box. He opened it and gave her the necklace. "Seohyun... have this," he said. She looked at it and said, "No no no. I can't accept that."

"No. Seohyun, I want you to have this. So you'll alway remember me," he said. He put it around her neck.

"Oppa, I'm going to come back, I promise," she said. "Until then, can you always go to the lake? Because one day, I want to meet you here again." He nodded.

"And... Seohyun, when you get back, can you marry me?" he asked. She nodded. "Let's keep our promises. Pinkie promise?"

She nodded and they linked their pinkies together like they did on the second day they met.

"You'll always be my PrinceKyu, right?" she said. He nodded and asked, "You'll always me my Seohyunnie, right?" She nodded.




Aww, this is just too... heart breaking... kind of... but cute if little kids did do this. It might seem unrealistic but if you spent your whole day with someone for three weeks, you'd be very fond of them on the end of the third.

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Chapter 5: Please update this its really good :>
julie-61 #2
Chapter 5: I am looking forward for next chapter. How they meet again? Please update. Thanks
Stand4SeoKyu #3
Chapter 5: Okay, Can't wait for ur update..
And craapppp i forgot to subscribe this story before, Hehee..
Chapter 5: I'll wait! Don't worry! :D
Chapter 3: Oh noo~! Why didn't they met~? Aww. Poor Seo :( But it's okay, we all know there are other chances~! So Kyu-Oppa, change your attitude now~! :)
Stand4SeoKyu #6
Chapter 3: Dang, they didn't meet each other, eoh???
Oh no, kyu's life so miserable. But thanks god seo is back, hopelly she can help kyuhyun..
Chapter 3: Awww... Pooor princekyu...
soneELF001 #8
Chapter 3: Oh, poor Seohyun. If only she had gotten there earlier :'( Update soon!
Chapter 2: omo... jincha... they're just kids and they can keep a big promise??? anyway please update sooon... >.<
Chapter 2: Aww. Why does Seo have to go~? By the way it's cuteee~! ^.^