Prologue - Lifeless

Horror is Our Love


Author: StandingSmall

Story: Horror is Our Love

Part One: The Death of Kwon Jiyong

Chapter: Prologue - Lifeless

Author's Note: Hello everyone! Horror is Our Love is a story that is already complete. I will be posting a new chapter every two days unless something comes up that delays it! Hopefully you enjoy! Any and all feedback is welcome :)

I want to let everyone know that this will be a horror story. Things will get weird and the paranormal will be introduced.



Numbness is a hard feeling to describe. It’s something that starts on the surface and slowly envelops you like water before permeating your senses. Before you can realize what’s happened you're drowning in it. It sinks down to your core and crushes you. Numbness is a hard feeling to shake and one that can render you helpless.


It takes Choi Seunghyun approximately five seconds to register his boyfriend is laying cold and lifeless on the floor outside of their shared bedroom. It takes another two seconds for his knees to buckle and cave beneath him.  In ten seconds his hands begin to shake and he crawls across the floor to Jiyong. Seunghyun can’t register what’s happening around him. He doesn’t realize he’s sitting in a puddle of Jiyong’s blood. To Seunghyun, the outside world doesn’t exist. Right now the world is just this. The only two things that exist are Jiyong and he. The idol reaches out to his fallen love and cradles Jiyong’s face in his hands. Seunghyun screams until his throat is raw. He cries until his lungs give out. In less than thirty seconds his world has crumbled around him and he is numb.


Naturally Seunghyun is the first person police suspect to be responsible for Jiyong’s death. The two had been in a secret affair for years and just recently started living with each other. Not to mention they found Seunghyun cradling Jiyong to his chest while sitting in a pool of the deceased’s blood. However after months of investigating no evidence is found incriminating Seunghyun and he is dropped from the list of suspects. He is free to live his life and carry on.


But Seunghyun is still numb. He doesn’t live life as he used to. That isn’t to say he wishes for death – he is not suicidal and besides, dying wouldn’t bring Jiyong back nor would it make anything better. If anything Seunghyun wants to live. He wants to continue on with his life and make the best of things because he knows that’s what Jiyong would want him to do. Yet he just can’t shake the numb feeling that has settled in the pit of his stomach.


Every once in awhile Seunghyun finds himself wishing he had done it. Sometimes he wonders if the numbness would go away if he’d been the killer. That way maybe he’d at least feel something - hatred towards himself perhaps. Or maybe he’d feel relief. Maybe he’d take comfort in the fact that the legal system would be able to bring justice to Jiyong by catching his killer. Yet everyday the investigations continue, and everyday the police are still no closer to closing the case than they were the day before.


It takes almost a year for things to return to normal. At least as normal as things could be after the death of a major pop idol.


Jiyong’s parents eventually erect a memorial in his memory at the Dolce Vita pension hotel he built for them. His sister Dami checks up on them every once in awhile and continues to run her boutique. She stops by to see Seunghyun sometimes too, usually only when she hasn’t heard from him in awhile just to make sure he’s still alive.


Jiyong’s father gave Seunghyun Gaho to keep him company. Seunghyun thinks the patriarch of the Kwon family just gets too sad when he sees Gaho – the dog reminds him too much of Jiyong and it hurts so he gave him away. So eventually Jiyong’s precious pooch is passed on to Seunghyun. Charlie doesn’t like having Gaho around the house at first. Seunghyun’s little spaniel is adverse to the bulldog’s presence and makes her displeasure very clear by peeing on the furniture. She eventually mellows out once Seunghyun starts bribing her with treats and she makes an effort to coexist peacefully with her new companion.


Life goes on, Seunghyun supposes. People die no matter who they are. While the passing of a pop idol makes headlines for a while it is eventually forgotten. Despite the mystery surrounding Jiyong’s death people forget and go on with their lives. His most loyal fans find new idols and move on.


Unlike everyone else Seunghyun can’t forget. He is numb without Jiyong (G-Dragon, Kwon Leadah, his best friend and soul mate). For Seunghyun, the world doesn’t turn anymore. His life is still stuck in that one moment he was brought to his knees. Everyday he feels as if he’s still crawling towards Jiyong’s body. Every time he showers he scrubs at his knees because he can never wash Jiyong’s blood from his skin. The memory burns. It is the one thing that can pierce his numbness.


What Seunghyun saw that day he can never forget. How could he? Finding the body of the man you love cold and lifeless in a puddle of his own blood should be something no human being has to endure. For Choi Seunghyun, that is just the beginning of his misfortunes.



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Chapter 1: omg ji.. T__T i wonder how many ch you're planning and what seunghyun misfortune will be.
Can't wait for next update
Chapter 1: Omfg this is amazing