
Winter Reminiscence


Chapter 2 
"So, tell me Krystal, are you interested to hear my story? You know, you're actually kinda correct. I am indeed a person without warm memories. So, interested?" 
"You don't say! Er, I mean, yeah, I would love to." 
"Then, for an exchange, you shall tell me your story first." 
Krystal closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. Past incidents began running through her mind and there was pretty much nothing she could do but to give in to the voices resonating through her brain. 
"Go on," came the encouraging voice. 
Her eyes flickering open, Krystal began to speak... 
"I was born in Seoul. However, my parents, my sister and I moved to Los Angeles when I was 5, and when my sister was 10. Those days in Los Angeles were by far the happiest days of my life..." 
"Then, 5 years later, we had to move back to Seoul due to daddy's work. We had a pretty hard time adjusting to life back in Seoul. Especially for Jessica unnie. Sica unnie was being transferred to a high school in Seoul, and she was ostracised by almost all of her schoolmates. They were jealous of her unembellished beauty, condescending towards her inability to speak proper Korean, and most importantly, she was a new student in that school." 
Something flashed in Krystal's eyes as she recalled the vivid minutiaes of those days. How her Sica unnie used to come home with such a crestfallen expression, set in a permanent down curve. How her poignant cries reverberated under the covers late into the nights. 
"However, there was one person who stood by Sica unnie. He was like her only beam of light in those darkest, gloomiest days and she clung onto him tightly. He would defend her from all the insults hurled and soothe her muffled cries. His encouraging words kept faith in Sica unnie. Besides that, he brought her to various school events to help her expand her social circle, eventually, more people started to appreciate unnie and her popularity increased. She was no longer the target of bullying. Finally, unnie's eyes were back to the smiling crescents they used to be." 
"This special guy was Donghae, or Donghae oppa as I used to address him as. He had been to our house several times , and he was like Prince Charming from fairy tales coming to life! Every time, he would careless sweep his fringe, revealing his auburn eyes that were so amiable. The contours of his features were as gentle as his person and his husky voice would send shivers down your spine. Oppa and unnie stayed as best friends for 3 years, then decided to take their relationship to a higher level. They fell in love with their best friend." 
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Chapter 8: that was an amazing and touching story!!!!
Chapter 8: I'm reading this story in a devastated mood. I still haven't found my warm memories yet, please wish me some luck to find it soon, thanks.
MinSoojung #3
Chapter 8: Love this & minstal.
Chapter 8: It's done! Omo, it's really really good~
hi , if you want to advertise your story .. just go to this URL and fill up the advertisement application form .. thanks:)
Chapter 7: One more epilogue and the story will be done! (:
Chapter 6: Kekekekekekeke can't wait for what's coming up next! ^^
Chapter 6: Update soon dear !!!!!
Chapter 6: Awww Krystal, I know that feeling. It must be very very sad to lost the one who you love and always beside you:''
Poor Minho too :(
Can't wait for the next chapter, update soon^^
Chapter 5: Update soon dear !!!!