
Cooking With Umma

       Kim Jongin better known as Kai the dancing machine of EXO K sat and waited for Kyungsoo, known as D.O., to announce that he was making dinner. He sat beside Sehun who was watching M! Countdown. Their Sunbaes TVXQ! we're performing Humanoids at the moment and their persicion dancing was phenomenal. Kai couldn't sit still though, D.O. had just entered the room and he was antsy and knew that soon D.O. was going to say the words to get them alone. He felt a nudge from his side, he looked over to see that Sehun was looking at him annoyed.

       "Hyung! Would you sit still please!" Sehun exclaimed. " We all know you want to get in D.O. Umma's pants so why don't you go and make your move already!"

       Kai sat in shock at  the makane's statement and quickly went red in the face.

      " If you give me a second" Kai hissed. " I was going to make my move today."

       D.O. stood up at last and said " Okay guys I'm making dinner"

      "I'll help!" Kai said a little loudly while glaring at Suho who was about to voluenteer. 

      " Ok..." D.O. said kind of weirded out by the youngers immediate response.

      Kai followed the owl Umma into the kitchen smirking devilishly at his back. Kai loved the view he had as D.O. walked in front of him.

      Kai his lips as the older reached the sink to wash his hands. He walked up right behind the owl and wrapped his arms around his D.O.'s waist.

       " I was wondering when you were going to make your move." D.O. said with a smirk while turning in Kai's arms to face him.

      Kai was a little shocked at the older straight forwardness, but quickly recovered. He smirked at the older before he trapped him against the sink. D.O. took on the look of an owl then and blushed deep red.

      " Why didn't you make your move then Kyungsoo Hyung?" Kai asked leaning closer to the older so their lips were centimeters apart.

       Kyungsoo looked flustered as he stuttered " Well I .... I"

      Kai laughed at how red the other had gotten and quickly closed the distance between the two. D.O. squeaked a little before closing his eyes and tangling his fingers in Kai's hair. Kai pulled the owl closer and D.O. moaned at the movement.

     The kiss became even more heated as the it became lustful and passionate. Kai lifted Kyungsoo up and wrapped the owls legs around his waist. He turned them around and slammed the other into the fridge. Kyungsoo yelped in pain, but kept kissing the younger.

     "Hyung?" Chanyeol asked.

    " What are we having..." Baekhyun asked before ending his question halfway after seeing his dongsaeng pinning his Hyung to the fridge. 

    Kai released Kyungsoo just as Kyungsoo shoved Kai away.

   " I'm making ddoubokki, Kimchi, and fried rice." D.o. stated while straightening his shirt.

   " and I'm helping him. " Kai said quietly while scratching the back of his head, his face a bright shade of red.

  " Yeah ... Right." Chanyeol said sarcasticly while doing his signature derp face.

  Baekhyun rolled his eyes at the big derp beside him before grabbing the big oaf's arm and yanking him into a random bedroom.

  " Yeol we have no right to laugh at them!" Baekhyun hissed turning red. "Not after Sehun and Suho actually caught us you know... yesterday!"

     Chanyeols' face turned bright red as he laughed akwardly at the unexpected thought of the oldest and youngest catching them a couple days ago.

      "Yes, but Hyunnie we have to tell the others, imagine their faces!" He exclaimed looking down at Baekhyun.

       Baekhyun sighed knowing that there is no way to stop Chanyeol when he want s to do something.

        *                               *                              *                           *                          *                       *

         Dinner had started and everyone could sense the tension between the owl and the dancing machine. Baekhyun and Chanyeol exchanged knowing smirks.

          " So Kyungsoo Hyung did you have fun in the kitchen with Kai?" Baekhyun asked nonchalantley making Kyungsoo choke on his ddobokki. 

  Sehun and Suho looked at the owl Umma with questioning looks. They also noticed Kai's beet red face.

    " Yeah and Kai did you have fun?" Chanyeol teased.

   Kai's blush got even redder if possible. Sehun finally caught on and looked at Suho knowingly. Suho sighed and slipped money under the table to the makane who had won their little bet. 

    Sehun smiled and nudged Kai, who was beside him, and said " Way to go hyung!" The two got even more red and the other laughed.



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