In The View of Another

The Stories Untold


Title: In The View of Another
Author: lildragongurl
Characters: Yoo Youngjae, Jung Daehyun & Han Sunhwa

Started and Ended on: 27th December 2012
Genre: fluff, cute, romance, friendship
Summary: The Daehyun/Sunhwa relationship in the point of Youngjae.


Hello, I’m Yoo Youngjae.


And well,


Let’s just say I’m in a crisis right now, well kind of.


See that person over there? 


The handsome one.


No? The one sitting on his bed, in front of a laptop now; the one biting his fingers now; the one with that stupid frown on his face.


Yes, the one whose face is as black as a piece of charcoal right now.


You’re asking who is that?


That’s Jung Daehyun. My bestfriend. And he’s well, a bit angry with me now, even though he won’t admit it no matter what.


Maybe not a bit, more than a bit?


Scratch that, he’s in a super duper bad mood right now and it seems that Jongup and Junhong is keeping a distance away from him.


Yes the Jongup whom Daehyun always does stupid things with.


He’s kind of afraid of him right now.


Well, I have to admit; the aura he’s giving out now is so deadly that if I didn’t know anything, I would have thought that he got possessed or something.


Whenever Yongguk hyung or Himchan hyung asked him if he’s alright, he insisted that he’s alright with a forceful smile.


So forceful that it looks ugly even on his pretty face!


But hey! It’s not like it’s my fault!




Hang on, our dorm’s doorbell just rang, let me go check who is it.


Oh it’s Sunhwa noona!


I saw her smile when Yongguk hyung invited her in. It’s becoming more common for her and the other Secret members to come here.


“Where’s Daehyun?”


That was the first question she asked us after greeting us. As if it’s planned, all five of us pointed at our room.


I could see that awkward smile she gave me when she walked past me. I guess she’s thinking the same thing as I am.


We were talking about Daehyun’s bad mood right?


Well, there is she.


Sunhwa noona’s the reason. Okay not fully, I am part of it too, but not as much.


As you see, just a few hours ago, our company had just released a MV of me and Sunhwa. We had a duet together, titled ‘Everything’s Pretty’.


It was very much lovey dovey because the song is talking about a couple confessing their love or something.




Let’s just say those two inside are kind of in a relationship.


They did not really make it official but we are not entirely naïve and innocent either.


So do you get the picture now?


Our Daehyun ah, he’s jealous.


But you can’t blame him; they didn’t make it official because of their career. The company doesn’t know anything. They can’t do anything about it.


So even when the boss chose the two of us, as in me and Sunhwa noona, for this ‘surprise’ duet, our Daehyun can’t say anything.


It’s all about the ‘be professional’ thing.


He even retweeted our company’s tweet on this MV adding on ‘Incredible Event’.


He’s professional enough already right?


So right now, let’s just hope Sunhwa noona will be able to cheer him up.


Honestly, if you were to ask me, I would say ‘Everything’s Pretty’ suits the two of them a lot.


Go read the lyrics, you will understand why.


Their first encounter was awkward, according to Daehyun himself.


Can you believe it? He actually asked for their autograph when he first saw her and the Secret noonas!


It was even mentioned on a show!


And on the same show, he did admit that Sunhwa noona attracted him the most when he first saw them because they’re both Busan natives.


That could be the case then, but I’m pretty sure it isn’t now.


See? My part for this song is totally explaining this situation!


Not to forget, both of them smile a lot when BAP and Secret are together. And they’re both really pretty people, don’t you agree?


Our very own TS Busan Visual Line.


“Yah. Don’t be angry anymore!”


“I’m not.”


Standing near the door of the room, I can hear their conversations clearly. They don’t exactly speak that softly either.


“You’re obviously pissed! It’s just work and come on, that’s Youngjae! Your best friend!”


“Just look at the comments! Both me and ZE:A Kwanghee were mentioned! Why the hell am I the gay here! Why should I be jealous of you for snatching Youngjae away from me!?”


“You’re actually angry about that?”


“I told you, I’m not angry!”


“Well, you and Youngjae kind of look cute together.”


“You’re joking right? But that’s not it! Why is Kwanghee hyung always mentioned in each and every of your activities? You guys are only a virtual couple! Doesn’t the fans know the meaning of virtual? Damn, I thought I’m stupid but I guess they are worse than me.”


Sunhwa noona let out a chuckle.


Looking up, I saw my other members trying to hold in their laughter like what I’m doing right now.


Their arguments are always entertaining.


Guess the mystery’s solved, Daehyun’s not really angry with me but the whole situation.


Ah, I should have guessed.


When this duet announcement was first made, he didn’t really care anyway until today. I should have figured, he wouldn’t just be in a bad mood suddenly.


Sunhwa noona always has a way to make Daehyun talk.


“It’s called fans’ ship. Idiot.”




“Why do you even care about what others’ say? I’m by your side now right?”


This is an impromptu one-shot. Never plan or anything. The idea just popped in my head and I just have to write something regarding Youngjae/Sunhwa one-shot. Inspired by Youngjae's and Sunhwa's 'Everything's Pretty'. As much as I find it so cute! I still secretly wish it's Daehyun. hahahaha~ And somehow the lyrics fits with their interview. So yeah. I did not make up the Autograph part or the Sunhwa attracted Daehyun part. It's all on Show Champion. I gained a few more new subscribers, don't be stingy, give me some comments, let me know what you guys think. ^^

3 fluff and jealousy oneshots consecutively. Be prepared for a angst and depressing one soon!

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Nadyangela #1
Chapter 7: What a great story :3
I like "I Like You" The most it's hilarious XD
And "Untitled seems familiar, now i remember it's Behind The Ordinary XD
Author-nim your story is daebak!! Fightinh!!
Hyejunnie #2
Chapter 3: daehyun sunhwa daehyun this cp..can you make more sundae fanfiction??.. :3
doofus #3
Chapter 6: omg i really like this one
i crey
Myungyeon4ever #4
Chapter 6: Lolool dae all about the cheesecake ^^
Chapter 4: SunDa! HyoChan! <3
Chapter 3: Well, that was good, too sad there are too few ships like these here. *sigh* That one when Youngjae's a narrator is really good :D
Omg, I didn't know there was a real phone-conversation between Sunhwa and Daehyun, awww.
tsekyi21 #7
Chapter 7: literally dead. my sundae feels are off the charts
Chapter 7: Sounds good to me.... will be waiting fot the full story
Chapter 6: Omo, i am so shipping this pairing now
themrsbooboo #10
Chapter 5: this is sooo hot!!! Omgosh