Part Two!

★ Sweet Like Sugar ★

“You and me are getting married?” Kris still stared at me with those wide unbelivable eyes. This question was begin to irritating me.

“If you don’t believe me, then call.your.parents.IDIOT” I mocked him. He doesn’t believe me? I talked to him with a really ing for God sake seriously face and he doesn’t believe me. Wow, that’s new.

Ugh, but really. Why was my parents and Kris parents want us to married? I hate it. I really really hate it. I’m already 21 in years old! I can find a husband with myself. And I don’t want to be a young bride. I’m still young to get married. I don’t want to married yet, hiks. Because, married means hell. Hurt in my first time to do ‘that’, then I’m gonna pregnant, and next I will give a birth to my child, raising a child, and blah blah blah. Thinking of that just make me want to cry.

But, that is the negative side. Why can't I think positive? Haha, blame my brain. Wait, if I’m really getting married with Kris, that’s mean I’m gonna pregnant right? And that’s mean, there is a living creature inside my tummy. It will be really awkward for me. Because I’m a tomboy. And I will pregnant. Wow, that will be really weird.

“Amber, you’re right. We’re gonna married. What are we gonna do?” asked Kris.

“Ouch, my head hurts so much... I don’t want to think of that. Let’s go grab some breakfast!” I think my eyes already sparkling because of... food, yummy!

“Uh, okay. But do you mine do something?” Kris furrowed his eye brows.

“And what is that? You wanna me?”

“No, it’s your wig. Take off that wig, okay? I chose you with a short hair” He pointing at my long hair wig. Ups, I forgot to take this off. Such an embarrassing

“Oh, yeah right” I took off my wig and keep it on my bag.

Then, we go the living room and the other members are looking at us with weird face. What happen on them?

“Uhm, guys. What happened?” I asked.

“I should asked that Amber. What happened between you two? You guys look suspicious. Are you guys an item?” Lay looked at me and Kris with those puppy eyes. Aww, that’s so cute. Just like a puppy. Talk about puppy, I want a cute puppy. Someone, please buy me a puppy!

“WHAT? NO!” Kris and me shouted at the same time.

“Haha, you guys shouted at the same time!” Now, Xiumin mock us? Ugh..

“I SAID NO!!” We shouted at the sam time, again.

I looked Kris eyes and Kris looked at me. I pointed at Kris handsome face.

“WHY YOU SHOUTED AT THE SAME TIME!?” asked Kris to me and I asked Kris..... at the same time.

“DON’T COPY MY WORDS!” We shouted again.

“FINE!!” We shouted at the same time... again and again and again and again...

“WOULD YOU GUYS STOP SHOUTING AT EACH OTHER!? IT’S BEGIN TO IRRITATING ME!! “ Tao stopped our fight. Making me and Kris shut our mouth and nodded to Tao. Pretending to be a good kid. Tao looks like my mother when he mad I guess.






Thump thump thump thump...

Wait, what was this?I can feel something in my heart. But what was that? Whenever I look at  Amber, my heart is began to beat really fast. Heart, please stop. I don’t wanna get a heart attack because of you.

Well, I must admit that Amber looks so cute and beautiful. She was really kind, funny, caring, smart, independent. She was a perfection.

Oh taewan mi, nae shimjang jonjaereul
Oh My Lady, naege ilkkae uji, Ohh whoa ohh whoa
Geunyeo ye, nun sseob gwa dunun
Geunyeo ye, yeop seongwa mokseon
Geunyeo ye, geu areumda um
Oh taewan mi

Haha, what am I doing? Singing perfection. Oh My Gosh, Amber really messed my mind. I can’t stand to her. Because when I staring her, my eyes will only catch Amber figure, and there was light, glowing all around her, for the other... nah, I don’t interested with boys. I’m not gay.

“Kris, you gonna eat or not? You will get sick if you don’t eat. C’mon, eat!” Amber woke me up from my Amber world.

“Huh? Oh, yeah. I eat. Yaay, food!”

“Kris, are you have fever? Because I think you’re crazy” said Amber while still eating.

‘Whatever you said, dear’ I wanna say that. But, it’s impossible right? Because she don’t have any feeling for me. I felt a pain in my heart. It make me sad that Amber don’t have any feeling for me. She just think of me as a friend, nothing more.





ZELO98 is Baackkk!! I think my brain is working :p

Sohappilyalone26 thank you for the help!!

COMMEENNTT PPUWWEEASEE. I Hate Silent Reader /pout/






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Francosca #1
Whoa there. That's Zelo right? As in Zelo's B.A.P.? GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWDD! He's f*****g cute! /dies/
krisber_1806 #2
Chapter 4: jelous kris will begin.
Update more longer and soon.
Kris is already jelly ahohoho
BOOhemians #4
Chapter 3: aljfnsdfjsd fluffy fluff krisber x-D
krisber_1806 #5
Chapter 3: im agree kris just for Amber than *insertname*
More update.
krisber_1806 #8
Chapter 2: Amber think pregnant.
So funny...