


Destined - A Pre-prequel to this story

"It was all a matter of time."




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jayismine #1
Chapter 1: ya....lil bit sad and then so fluffy...uuuww <3
taeminnie...I agreed with ya! hihi
Chapter 3: So sweet, playing as a family. Jongkey forever!
PetitFreak0525 #3
Chapter 1: Awww I loved it! So sweet and cute ♥
ahahah Taemin~ah " out of the mouths of babes" ♥
susumiya08 #4
Chapter 2: awwwwww I really loved it!!! mah gah kibummie don't cry jjong loves u!!! tae super sweet!!! I just loved it!!!
Chapter 2: Yes!!!!! A prequel!!! I love you! :)
Chapter 1: Aww!!! So sweet and I loved it!
Chapter 1: Nyaaaa, cute story, happy ending! I liked it! ♥ Thanks for sharing! ☆(^з^)-☆
iloveyoub #8
Chapter 1: Awwww~ taeminnie is so cute xD i loved this ! <3
dubu4you #9
Chapter 1: I liked it!