Zelo in Trouble

Zelo in Trouble

Zelo’s in trouble.

She twisted in her seat and flashed him a smile. Pumping her fist in the air discretely, she mouthed “hwaiting!”.

Zelo put a hand against his chest, feeling its erratic beating under his palm as the teacher came by to pass out the exam papers.

Yep, he’s in big trouble.


“Well, how did it go?”

“Uh…it was alright.”

She smiled up at him and looped her arm around his like always, “yah, why do you always sound so nervous? Don’t worry, Junhong-ah, you’ll do fine.”

Zelo nodded faintly, which she took as a sign that he was still worried, not knowing that it was actually her proximity to him that was messing up his thought process. She pulled him along, walking the familiar road back to their homes, rambling along about everything and nothing in hopes that it would take his mind off the exams.

But Zelo heard nothing that she said, he was too occupied with his wildly beating heart, and the friction of her skin on his. He was getting scared, what was happening to him? They’d done this so many times before, why is this time different?

He stopped walking, while she kept moving forward and their linked arms broke apart. Startled, she turned back to look at him questioningly, “is something wrong?”

The curious and concerned look on her face did him in, she’s too cute!

He gulped, “uh… I forgot, I’ve got practice today… Sorry, I have to go. See you around!”

Zelo turned around without another word and fled. When he finally stopped in front of the dorms, breathless and heart pounding, he pressed his hand to his chest and tried to convince himself that it was because of all the physical exertion and not because of her.


The next few days must have the most bizarre days of Zelo’s life. He started doing things he’d never done before; things he had never thought he’d do. He first noticed it when he started hanging out online more and more, visiting her cyworld page, twitter and any other social network site she was on a million times a day to see if she had updated. At nights, he’d twist and turn in bed, unable to sleep despite being tired to the bone due to the anticipation of seeing her again the next day. Yet when he did see her, he was a ball a nerves and incoherent stutters. He found himself staring at her all day, only to look away whenever she looked back! It was driving him crazy, he thought about her all day and night, all throughout practices and mealtimes.

Zelo had sung and heard songs about love before, but now he knew, none of them were really accurate depictions- no words could possibly describe these feelings. It scared him too, he was just a regular boy doing the things he loved- rapping, skateboarding, playing around with his hyungs etc… What was he supposed to do about his first love? Zelo knew he wasn’t anywhere close to ready for a relationship. Yet, what was the alternative? He knew he couldn’t be avoiding his best friend all the time. Should he just ignore his feelings?

It had him in a tumult of emotions and he often found himself wondering, if he hadn’t noticed his feelings, would he be in this dilemma? He liked her, but he had always like her. He enjoyed her company, looked forward to seeing her… but that was always how it had been before. Yet what had changed? Zelo just couldn’t wrap his head around it and the inner turmoil showed in his daily actions. So much so, that his hyungs couldn’t help but notice.

It happened on a rare day that they actually sat down to have a home cooked dinner courtesy of Youngjae and Himchan. Delicious as it was, Zelo had banged his chopsticks down on the table in the middle of one of Daehyun’s ridiculous Baby-food analogies. Sighing loudly in frustration, he promptly left the table, 5 curious stares following him as he entered the room then slammed the door behind him.

“What’s wrong with him?” Yongguk was the first one to ask.

“I think he’s in love.” Daehyun said casually as he reached for Zelo’s leftovers, being the first to recover.

“What?! In love?!”

Daehyun looked up from his bowl, startled by Himchan’s raised voice, and saw 4 shocked faces staring back at him.

“How do you know?” Asked Youngjae, who was more surprised by the fact that Daehyun actually noticed anything other than food.

“Aah, I borrowed his laptop the other day and some girl’s cyworld page was open on his browser. So I’m just guessing really, but seeing how he’s been acting lately, I’d say my guess is right. The girl’s pretty cute, Daehyun approves.”

Daehyun pushed the last of Zelo’s food into his mouth and reached for Jongup’s food next. Usually, he wouldn’t steal from the younger boy as blatantly but today was his lucky day. The other boys were still too busy digesting the fact that their giant baby maknae was growing up right before their very own eyes.


Zelo’s in trouble.

He stood in the middle of their tiny living room as the other members fussed around him. He had on a stiff suit, his hair was brushed, shoes shined. And in just a few minutes, he was going on his first date.

Nope, he was deep .

How and why in the world did he let his hyungs convince him that this was the right thing to do? Even now, just minutes away from his death sentence, he really didn’t know.

“Yah, Zelo-ah. Remember what hyung said, it’s polite to be there on time but being late will give you a mysterious aura. And don’t forget the pick-up lines I told you to memorize, cha, recite them for me again. I want to make sure you got them.” Came Himchan’s voice from behind him, hand tugging on his coat tails.

“Yaah, what are you so worried about? Research shows that 85.3% of first loves don’t last. Chances are, you won’t even see her again so why worry? In a few years, you’ll both just move on and meet other people and- oof” Youngjae turned to glare at Daehyun, rubbing his ribs where the other boy had just elbowed him.

“Why do you have to say things like that? Can’t you see he’s already suffering? Junhong-ah, just remember, food is the way to a woman’s heart… wait, that didn’t sound right…”

“Uri Zelo’s so handsome.” Complimented Jongup.

“Junhong-ah, hurry up, recite the lines!”

“Junhong-ah, stop worrying.”

“Junhong-ah, eat a lot! Bring hyung something back, saranghae!”


“Aaargh! I’m not doing this! I can’t!”

Zelo stormed out of the building, finally having had the last straw. He ran his hand through his hair and plopped down at the front door, effectively putting Himchan’s last 5 hours of preparations to ruin. The door clicked open behind him and he knew who it was without even looking.

“I can’t do it, hyung.”

“Do what?”

“This, everything, this date, those stupid lines… love. I don’t know, hyung.”

Yongguk turned to look at the younger boy, who was close to tears.

“Why do you like her?”

The question surprised him, he hadn’t really thought about it before. He didn’t think he had to.

“Well…” He answered slowly, “she’s smart and pretty, almost all the guys in class has had a crush on her at least once.”


“She can dance really well, hyung, you’d be surprised.”

Yongguk nodded, “and?”

“She’s… well, she’s really friendly, always helping people out. She’s comfortable to be with, she doesn’t mind joking and playing around, and she understands me really well, she’s the only person other than you that I’d trust with my secrets…”

If the question had surprised Zelo, the answers were even more of a revelation. He wondered now why he hadn’t realized his feelings before. He wondered now why he had even doubted his feelings before. And he realized now- He was indeed ready. A smile formed on his lips and he chuckled to himself.


“_____-ah.” He said your name, not breaking the pace, hand wrapping yours.


“There’s something I need to tell you. Something I’ve been thinking about for a long time.”

“Mm, I’m listening.”

He took a deep breath, pausing for a long time. You waited, knowing it usually took awhile for your friend to prepare his words.

“I like you.” He said thoughtfully and you waited, sensing there were more to his words even though you wanted so badly to ask him what he really meant.

“I think I have for a while now, but I’ve never realized it.” He stopped walking but held on to your hand. “I don’t want anything to change. I just wanted you to know and… to thank you, for always being there for me thus far.”

His voice grew quieter but more confident as he went on, “I still don’t think I’m ready for a relationship yet, but…” He bent his head and rubbed his neck with his other hand, “but in a few years time, do you think you could see yourself with me? And not just for the few years after that, but for a long time,” he let his hand drop and took a step closer to you, “maybe even forever?”

You looked up at your best friend, eyes shining with moisture, lips pulling up in a smile automatically. Through your blurry vision, you nodded, making the both of you smile even wider. He arms surrounded you and you rested your head against his chest, his rapid heartbeat betraying his true emotions despite his sure words.


“Aah, uri Zelo did well neh? All thanks to me?” Himchan laughed, endlessly satisfied with himself.

“Huh? Forever? You kids are only 16 and you’re already talking about forever?” Scoffed Youngjae.

“What? So you didn’t even bring me any food? Junhong-ah, I disappointed.” Daehyun complained with a shake of his head.

“I’m so proud, I think I’m going to cry. Uri Zelo got himself a girlfriend, maknae-aaah!” Then he sighed, “Jongup-ah, how could you let your dongsaeng get a girlfriend before you? What are we going to do about you, Jongup!”

“But hyung, I’m happy with you…”

Zelo smiled at his hyungs’ antics, too happy to get annoyed. It wasn’t until they’d all shuffled off to the bedroom that he glanced at Yongguk, “hyung, thanks.”

Yongguk merely nodded and waved him away before turning back to his laptop, smiling happily to himself.

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Babikxes #1
Chapter 1: That was adorable ヽ(o゚ω゚o)ノ
i haven't even read this and im already laughing (in a good way), because of the description part.... Jongup.... :D hahah!
Infinite_8 #3
Chapter 1: This was so kawaii aww~ Jongup getting scolded at the end xD
Chapter 1: Oh my, it was so cute. I found myself giggling, smiling and sharing what was happening to my big sister. Compared to the other fluffy stories I read, this one, I think, is by far the best. It's humorous, adorable and well written. I liked it a lot. It brightened my mood. Not even because its about my bias but because of the other members' amazing contribution! They were comical. Just by reading the dialogue, I knew who was talking xD Twas great. Thank you~
ahaha but i was watching an MNET interview last night and Zelo said he thinks he'll have his first love when he's 18/19 >< ONLY LIKE 2 YEARS GAHHH
SurmiiK #6
Chapter 1: awww this was too cute lolling @ himchan and jongup...and youngjae...daehyun.....oh! and daddy gukkie i can imagine his gummy smile xP
_ensoleille #7
Chapter 1: Dae's a real fatty XD
Chapter 1: YoungGuk-appa
HimChan-omma XD