The Bloodsucker's Infatuation




Tiffany had been watching her for days and every second would either make her smile or put her in rage. Taeyeon was hers, specifically her mate but because of her blood lust was in a newborn level, the Authorities ordered her to keep her distance. All she need was to regain her control.  What will happen when Tiffany finally get to control her bloodlust? 





The putrid smell hits Taeyeon as she walk down the alley. Her foolishness slaps her once more as her thought obtrude her mind. Someone was chasing her, she wanted to fight but her trembling hand and her weak knees said the other way around. This predicament had her heart chant promises that she would do good will after she got away from this labyrinth. 

What if she got caught?

The foot steps indicate the presence of a soul and it put her in an awful certainty. Sweats form on her forehead and her anxiousness made her blood rush as she saw a figure.

‘Taeyeon’ said the silky voice. Shivers

‘I’ve been watching you’ Watching someone else

‘Wanting you’ wanting someone else

Observing you’ with someone else

You don’t know what you had put me through. It was a slow painful yet tempting torture but now that nobody else is here, I finally get to warn you with something’

‘W-what do y-you w-want?’ Taeyeon finally said.

She leans closer, hand holding tight to Taeyeon’s shoulder, eyes bore to hers. So hypnotizing. Taeyeon felt the latter’s lips close to her ears. That cold sensation.

‘You are my Mate and you are Mine. Get close with anybody else, you’ll see what happen. I’ll be back’ with that sentence she vanishes into the midst air. Taeyeon with her slight byuntae mind only manage to say one thing in this situation.

‘That was hot’


hehehe I'm a newborn myself lol! ;P Let's just see how this will go and thankyou for stopping by. Bow*  


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mystearica #1
Hmm... 'Bloodsucker'. I'm thinking of a story including vampires. Is it really? Anyway, this sounds interesting. But I can't help but be bothered with Taeyeon's response after maybe Tiffany left her. It's Tiffany right? Anyway, saying 'That was hot' after all of the tense and fear she went through after learning someone's been watching, wanting and observing her. What a byun mind Taeyeon. You really are byuntaeng. :)))))

Sorry for the long post when you haven't even started with the first chapter. I'm definitely gonna support this story though. :D
mickeyfreakkk #2
Seems interesting(: Update soon author(: