A prince for Cinderella...

Secrets Of Happiness


Siwon found himself spending more and more time in the bookstore. He loved the atmosphere there rack and racks of books, smell of new books the quietness the place holds. He would sit and see Heechul walk through the store flipping through books, doing random tasks, talking to the visitors of the store sometimes tourists sometimes people from town who had just come to say Hi.

”You know..you are not here in Andong to visit this bookstore Siwon ah”Heechul had once commented.”Get out. go visit some places will you..??”

“I am sure I am at right place Heechul ah”Siwon had replied.Yes.. he was pretty sure.

Siwon spent his time watching Heechul  talk,his soft delicate features moving in perfect rhythm as words escape his lips, his face expressing each and emotions. It amazed him how Heechul knew every feelings of the person he was talking too.

“How do you do that??How do you know exact expressions of person you are talking to??”Siwon once asked ”How did you know I am cute.”He asked curiously.

“Ahh..look at you... praising yourself ...”Heechul .

“But that day... you only...”Siwon argued pouting.

“Hmmm...I did.?? really?” Heechul asked acting as if in deep thought.

Siwon didn’t say anything he just sighed still pouting.

“Cute..”Heechul said laughing.”It’s the way you talk Siwon ah”he continued.””When you say something ,it is expressed through tone of your voice and its reflected on your face isn’t it?”.”Like when you are angry your voice will raise at the same time unconsciously your eye brows will be furrowed, eyes will be glaring, lips clenched ,your face will become red you will look umm ..scary ”he paused..

”I just pick the clues from your voice tone of how you must be looking..Like that day your tone said you are pouting, So you must be looking cute..”Heechul completed smiling.

Siwon just stood there controlling the deep urge of hugging Heechul.

For Siwon understanding Heechul was unwrapping a Christmas present. Every time he amazed him with something new, something exciting. Heechul was the book he wanted to read. He wanted to know everything about him.

Heechul ‘s love for books was a thing anyone would not miss. Most of the time, Siwon would see him sitting with a book. His long ,slender fingers expertly moving across the raised dots, his face expressing the emotions of the contents of books.

”You sure do love books.”Siwon once commented.

“I own a bookstore Siwon ah ..What do you think..??”Heechul stated ”I love them because they talk to me, telling me deep  secrets of human emotions, relationships or  other wonderful things, without any expectations ...silently.”

“Hmm..So which one is your favourite?”Siwon asked curiously.

Heechul remained silent for few minutes.

“I will tell...if  you won’t laugh..”Heechul said.

“I won’t laugh..just tell me.”Siwon promised.

“Ummm...Fairytales.”Heechul told Siwon hesitantly.

“Okk..”Siwon said amused.”Which one does you like the most?”He continued.

“Cinderella...”He heard Heechul say.

“Blame it on  my Hee jin noona ..you see”Heechul continued remembering the incident “I was insisting for a bed time story once I was very young and Apparently noona had heard the story in school’s story hour..Sooo...”He paused.”It fascinated me Siwon ah...the story..the magic..It assured me that everything would be fine at the end..That there will be an happy end eventually.”

“That’s why I love them, the fairytales..They show you a different world, a world filled with magic, wonders...Hope..!”Heechul stated.

“I was soo fascinated by story Siwon ah...”He continued laughing ”That I told everyone to call me Cinderella... It felt nice... special.!!Eventually it stuck to me..my noona still calls me that sometimes.”

Siwon smiled looking at Heechul..”God he’s too cute”He thought.

“Sooo...Did this Cinderella find his prince yet”Siwon asked leaning closer to Heechul.”Or the spot is still open ??”He slowly whispered in Heechul’s ears.

Heechul was shocked but he recovered quickly laughing loudly. He was evidently blushing.

“Aigoo...I think, I am falling in love...”Siwon said to himself, staring at the absolute beauty in front of him.

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Tale-2-Tell-TTT #1
Chapter 14: Please update ❤️❤️❤️
nacymarak #2
Chapter 14: I love it!! The simplicity of the story simply captures my heart. I know it's been really a long time but I wish the author could complete this story.
JjeKim #3
Chapter 14: i hope one day my notification will notify me bout this story is update!!

sorry for my bad english.
keep writing authornim ^^
Kimicheol #4
Chapter 14: Please continue this story. This is a good plot please keep on writing author-nim. Siwon really should take care for hee more, he's a fcking workaholic bzz poor chullie. Make a happy ending for sichul!!!^^
Chapter 14: please update this story !
Chapter 14: hanchul so cute....
hannie is so funny gossip boy!!
update soon!
mangafrick #7
Chapter 14: More update more and moreeee
mangafrick #8
Chapter 13: OMG i thought the one who will be coming is mithra thanks god if mithra that is mithra. i dont know what will happen update more please "i dont know why mithra always become the bad guys???????