
Say You''ll be mine


Eunji’s POV


“Yah! Eunji. Why you’re still single?You’re pretty you know.” I stopped what I’m doing and answered Hana patiently. “Because there’s already someone in here.” I pointed my heart.


“Can you tell me who is it?” she giggled. “Nope.” I said.


“Why?” she pouted like a child.


“Because, I just don’t want someone to know because you might tell him. And besides you’re a teaser.” I answered and laughed at her face. She’s so disappointed.


“Whatever. Can you describe him instead?” she said while using her aegyo. I smiled as I imagined Luhan. I hesitated to tell her at first but my mouth betrayed me.


“He has a fair skin, a doe-like eyes and an angelic face.” I smiled like an idiot.


“I think I know who that is!” she exclaimed. “It’s Lu-!” I covered before she finishes the sentence.


“Don’t you ever tell him or else I’ll kill you.” She nodded happily.


“That’s why you’re different when he’s around.” She said Aish this girl.


“Shut up!” I told her and shooed her away from my office.


“Okey. I’ll go to my office now. And tell me when you’ll confess to Lu—oopss. You-know-who.” She laughed and walked out happily.


I shook my head then my door opened again. I thought it was Hana, but it’s Luhan. My heart starts beating faster.


“Hey Eunji! How are you?” I stared at Luhan and glared at him.


“I’m okay until you come here. Why are you here?” I asked him while blewing raspberry and make a face.


“Am I not allowed to visit the girl who caught my heart? I know you want me.” He said with full of confidence.


Huh! He needs to play a game right? I’ll play with it. Even if I had a crush on him, I have also my pride.


“Of course you can and you’re right! I like you.” I bit my lower lip, seducing him. I’m just only joking even though my feelings for him aren’t.


He laughed then suddenly become serious. He leaned closer to me. Closer and closer until we’re inches apart. He looked at me with those dazzling eyes. My heart starts to beat faster again. I tried to push him because I know he’s only playing but I think I’m very weak to move now.


“Lu-Luhan. Wha-what are you doing?” he smirked. A smirked that would completely make my heart goes wild.


“What do you think I’m doing?” he moves closer again.


“Eunji, you’re hypnotizing me you know. When I first look into your eyes, I thought I found the love I’ve been waiting for. I’m always fantasizing about me holding you in my arms. You make me crazier everyday. You won’t get off my mind. I tried to calm myself but I can. Whenever you’re around I feel so complete.” He confessed.


I was totally shocked. I have a crush on Luhan, yes. But I don’t think he likes me back. I know he’s only making fun at me. He always do that. I managed to laugh.


“You’re messing with me again Luhan.” I nervously smiled.


He just shook his head and smiled weakly. “Can’t you feel the atmosphere? I’m serious in here.” He said, slightly annoyed.


I gulped. My heart started racing like crazy. My hands are sweating and my knees were wobbly. I just closed my eyes and hear his breathing. I tried to open my mouth and said,


“You like me Luhan?” he nodded. “I mean, you’re not kidding? Beca-beca-because I-I like you too.” I stuttered.


His eyes widened. “Wo ai ni Eunji-ah.”


I smiled, “I love you too Luhan.”


And then he kissed me deeply. A kiss that would explain how much we love each other and know that this love is real.


“Say you’ll be mine.” With those words, I now was flying in cloud 9. “I’m yours.” I said then hugged him. He dragged me outside and we went to a fancy restaurant, or so I thought.


After I got out of the car, Luhan blindfolded me. He holds my hand and dragged me smoothly. I smelled the breeze of sea. My ears were listening to the soft sounds of violin. Luhan pulled me on my seat. Then he took off the handkerchief away from my eyes.


“I’ve been planning and waiting for this day to come. I want it to be perfect.” I was speechless. Everything was indeed perfect. We’re not in a fancy restaurant at all, instead we’re in a yacht. That’s why I smelled the cool breeze of the sea.


“luhan, I never thoughtof you being like this.” I joked. “You’re always messing with me.”


“That’s just how I make a move to the girl I love. I thought you noticed my feelings towards you but I guess not.”


“Yah! You didn’t notice me too. I have a crush on you since we first met.” I pouted.


“Then we have mutual feelings since we first met. And it was like a year or two ago”. Luhan chuckled while I blew raspberry on him. I know I sound childish, but hey I am really like this. Luhan must accept me on who I am.


After we eat our dinner, we danced slowly. We’ll cherish this day forever, I know.


We went to Luhan’s house after that. He wanted me to stay with him tonight. We cuddled for an hour. It’s now midnight but still I’m not sleepy. All the happenings today won’t bet out of our minds. I am so happy.


“I love you Eunji.”


“I love you too, Luhan-oppa” He cupped my face and kissed me gently. Gently then deeply then passionately. We have a make-out session and then he carried me to his room.


I woke up as I felt arms wrapped around mine. I slowly faced the guy I love the most. He snored gently. He’s so cute! I kissed his cheeks and that’s when he woke up.


He slowly open his eyes and give me a quick peck on the lips. “Good morning, beautiful. How’s your sleep?” he said while caressing my face.


“Hmmm. It’s not really good. You snore so loudly!” I joked. He just rolled his eyes.


“Eunji, can you move in here? I feel so alone when you’re not at my side.” He said cutely.


“Why? You have your maids here. You’re not alone.” I replied sheepishly. His face saddened. He looked at me.


“Please!” he begged and uses his aegyo.


“Aish! You! Okay! You must be thankful because I love you.”


“Yes!” he exclaimed happily and gives me a kiss again.

“Move here today. I’ll help you pack.”



------One Year Later-----


Luhan’s POV


It’s been one year since I confessed to Eunji. We’re now in the right age and I want to propose on her. I’m sure enough to spend my life with her. I gathered my buds to help me plan in proposing Eunji.


“Hyung! You’re quite sure about marrying her?” Sehun asked me.


“Of course! I love her you know.” I said with no hesitation. They murmured something. Then out of nowhere Baekhyun asked.

“Kris, Luhan hyung is going to be married now and you’re still single.”


Kris just shrugged, “I guess I’m busy for that.” They all nodded. They wanted to ask more but they don’t want to push Kris so ahrd, if they do, they’ll receive a punch.


“Ahem.” I cleared my throat to get their thoughts on my main problem.


“Let’s start plotting now.” Kris said. I sighed in relief.


They all throw ideas and it’s all so good. But I couldn’t do it on the same time. Then an idea suddenly appeared on my mind.


“Hey hyungs, I’ve got an idea,” I shrieked.


I told them about it. They all nodded except for Sehun.


“But hyung, what if Eunji wouldn’t like it? What if she’ll get mad and break your heart?” he said almost close to tears.


“Sehun, she will not get mad because it’s the best action proposal ever.” Kyungsoo defended. I nodded in agrrement.




Eunji’s POV


I waited for Luhan to come home. It’s already midnight but he’s still not here. Then I heard a honked of a car. It’s Luhan. He looks so depressed.


“Hi Oppa.” I said but he didn’t respond. I was hurt a little. But I just considered the fact that he’s tired. We went to bed silently.


In the morning, I felt Luhan was not in my side. I went out to ask the maids but they all said Luhan left early. I felt tears in my eyes. Why he doesn’t told me about his problem?


I want to call him but I hesitated. Then my phone rang. I hurriedly answered it and was shocked. I don’t know who this caller is.


“Hello? Is this Park Eunji?” the voice said.


“Y-yes.W-what do you want?” I answered nervously.


“It’s about your boyfriend. You still want to see him alive don’t you?” My eyes widened. My heart beat so fast that I cannot breath.


“W-what happened to him? What have you done to my Luhan?” I’m crying right now. The voice just laughed.


“Go here and you’ll see.” He told me the address and I balled my fist.


I hurriedly went to the place. It’s so dark. Then I felt someone pulling me. The man covered my eyes and tied my hands. I feel so weak. Then he put me on a chair. I heard many voices murmuring about something.


“Where’s Luhan?” I cried while shouting at them.


The voice chuckled. “I’m so sorry girl. But I don’t think your boyfriend’s still breathing.” He laughed again.


“No!No!That’s not true!” I cried again.


“You want to see Luhan’s cold body?” The voice said.


“y-yes” I stuttered and cried again.


Then slowly, someone pulled the handkerchief off my eyes. To my surprise, I saw balloons and Luhan’s friends. And the man standing in front of me, the man saying that Luhan is dead is no other than, Luhan.


He smiled at me as I burst into tears. He kneeled and open something then said the words,


“Eunji, will you marry me?”


I pushed his chest so hard. I even kicked him. “You bastard! You scared me off to death! I almost got a heart attack” I yelled.


I didn’t stop crying. After thirty minutes of punching, kicking and yelling to Luhan.


He said, “Hey! You haven’t answered my question yet.”


The room was so silent. I hear the heart of Luhan beating so fatsly. They all hold their breath to wait for my answer.


“Yes!” I finally said.


They all sighed in relief and Luhan jumped for joy.





Yey! i have done my first oneshot!
i hope you like it all :)
i would like to thank for helping me brainstorm some ideas.

i would also like to thank to my ever loving supportive co-author on "my angel"

let's all throw confetti at them ! *confetti* *confetti*

if you like it, please subscribe xD

Thank you very much to those who read this!
Saranghanda ^___^



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Chapter 1: Hahahaa its so special and cute kkkkk~~~♡
Theyre just too lovely gaaahhh
I imagine this Eunji is Jung Eunji's A Pink for the whole time I read 'My Angel' until now XD
Its actually Park Eunji, but still I imagine her as Jung Eunji lmao
I cant help it, she is my bias hehehe
Anyway, great oneshot auhtornim ^^
jopm93 #2
Chapter 1: AHAHAHHA... bad way to get a girl to come to the venue for proposal.. but.. anyway... CONGRATZ XD
sjismylife #3
Chapter 1: Ughhhhh!!! The wedding proposal is really unusual and very sweet at the same time.... I love it <3
Chapter 1: owh... thanks for luhan & eunji story. wish you could make it longer though :p
Farys_Sya #5
Chapter 1: Luhannnnnnn,....dgfcfjhgfj
rilakkuma0313 #6
Chapter 1: Oh My Gah....luhan is sooooo sweet
MinhoTae #7
say you'll be mine --> Luhan!!!
Chapter 1: I like it so much
Chapter 1: awwww. i love Luhan's personality . straight forward :)
good job !!