One theory suggests a galactic alignment which would create chaos on Earth because of the gravitational effect between the Sun and the Black hole called Sagittarius A, which is located at the center of our galaxy.

Another theory involves a 'polar shift', which means a reversal of the north and south magnetic poles. Scientists believe that the Earth is overdue for a geomagnetic reversal. You better watch out for the earthquakes and the thunder that scientist said would come today and brought a big disaster to our history.

Let’s countdown to the time where our world would come to is end. 12th of December 2012, 12:12 a.m



Chanyeol and Baekhyun who watch the news snorted as Baekhyun curled into his boyfriend closer.

“Idiot, they believe that? Anyone will believe that bull?” Chanyeol laughter sent vibrations to Baekhyun’s body, Baekhyun laugh along with his boyfriend but the laugh stopped as Baekhyun clutched into Chanyeol’s hems and pressed their lips together suddenly.

“I love you” Baekhyun whispered against Chanyeol’s  lips; he felt so solid, hopeless, and the tears  were hanging on Baekhyun’s eyes.

Chanyeol pinch Baekhyun’s nose as he grinned. “What’s that? You believe that too? That this is will be the end of our world?” Baekhyun shrughed, Chanyeol hugs him and brought him closer and laughs on Baekhyun’s neck. “Oh come on Baeeeek! You don’t think that way too right?” Chanyeol holds Baekhyun in the shoulder while looking into those small eyes of Baekhyun and smiled. “Don’t believe them, trust me. The day will continue and so with the world. Our history won’t end like this”

Baekhyun was about to open his lips to argue but he saw how his boyfriend tried to convince him, Baekhyun faintly smiled as he hugs his boyfriend tight. “I trust you Channie. Uh.. I want an ice cream, a big one” He muttered on Chanyeol’s neck.

Chanyeol laughs as he loosened their hug and pats Baekhyun in the cheeks. “I’ll go down to buy some at convenient store. Wait here for me to watch dvds kay?”

Baekhyun nods as he smiled and waves his boyfriend who disappeared to the door.

Baekhyun hopes, that the news was wrong, and Chanyeol was the one who is right.




But Chanyeol was wrong.

Chanyeol was about to pick which flavor would suits their watching-together-times with Baekhyun today as he felt a small earthquake and heard people scream in panic.

“OMG! IT’S TRUE WE WILL BE DEAD MEAT IN LESS THAN AN HOUR AGAIN!!” Chanyeol heard the cashier screaming and went away to go out of the store leaving Chanyeol stunned in the moment with 3 box of Baekhyun’s fave flavor ice cream in his arms.

“What?” Chanyeol frowned, he walked to the cashier and saw that all the people in the store already left and he was the one who still holding on the ice cream with clueless expression on his face.

“GOD IS ALREADY COME! LET’S WELCOME OUR ENDS WITH PRAY TOGETHER!!” There’s crowds of people running out from the church and make Chanyeol stopped to sneer at them.

“Are you kidding me?” Chanyeol didn’t believe in God, he never been since he was left alone by his parents to the orphanage and met Baekhyun there. Chanyeol didn’t believe in anyone, but Baekhyun. And so with the letter, Baekhyun trusted Chanyeol the most as he was the holy saint. Chanyeol’s words were the bible for Baekhyun. If Chanyeol said it won’t be the end of the world, it won’t. But what’s on Chanyeol’s eyes right now was showing him that he might be wrong.

That God might exist and likes to play a cruel joke to Chanyeol’s life.

“Oh my, it’s just 11 in the morning but the sky is already dark like it’s night” Chanyeol startled, his minds proceed slowly as he remembers about someone who would panic at such situation like this. “Baekhyun!! OH !! I LEFT HIM ALL ALONE AT APARTMENT!!” Chanyeol threw away the ice cream to the ground and running out for his life to his shared apartment with Baekhyun as fast as his long legs could be.

Everyone seems panic and get on their cars and was in attempt to runaway, but not with Chanyeol. He was the one who is not going out from the house but going home to the place where his heart belong to.

“! THE LIFT IS BROKEN!!” Chanyeol cursed when he saw the lift opened and it’s seems the electricity in all the town was down so there’s no way to reach his 11th floor apartment accept by running the ing stairs.

“!!” Chanyeol hissed when the quakes come again, he is holding himself against the wall and the stairs as the quakes stopped, he tried to climb up the stairs again. With his left energy he kicked the door of his apartment and started looking for Baekhyun.

“BAEKHYUN!!!” Chanyeol screamed out loud, he couldn’t see any sign of the other presence in the living room or the kitchen. “Bedroom!” He rushed to their bedroom and sighed in relief when he saw a tent in the blanket and opened it. Chanyeol almost forget when the last time he said “Thank God you’re alive”

“Channie…” Baekhyun looks trembling; he raised his head and extended his hands to reach out for Chanyeol.

Chanyeol catched him and wrapped Baekhyun around his arms and his long legs, he kissed Baekhyun’s temples as he whispered. “I’m sorry; I forget to buy you the ice cream that you want”

Baekhyun sobs, he nodded his head as he raised his head from Chanyeol’s chest to meet his lover’s face. “It’s okay.. all I want is you.. it’s okay if you’re here Chanyeol-ah”

Chanyeol takes Baekhyun’s pretty fingers and kissed the tips of his fingers one by one. “I’m here.. I’m here for you Baekhyunnie.. I’ll always be here, don’t be afraid. I’ll always protect you”

Baekhyun cried, he biting his lips. “I’m scared.. They.. They’re right about that one.. We.. world.. will end today…” He was all choked up in tears. “Less than an hour again, I’ll be losing you…” He hugs Chanyeol again, trailing kisses on the taller’s neck and cheeks. “I don’t want to.. I hate it!! We do not have enough time together! We’ve been living together for 2 years in this apartment and now the world would end just like this??! HELL NO!!”

Chanyeol pats Baekhyun’s back, whispering countless ‘It’s okay’ to the smaller ears with his low and insecure voice. Chanyeol doubted that they’d be okay. For the first time in his life, he felt scared he was trembling to death but he must hang on for Baekhyun. If he panics, it’d be chaos. What about Baekhyun? Who will convince him to calm his nerve if Chanyeol himself couldn’t calm his?

“I don’t want this to be our end.. We don’t have enough time.. We haven’t even celebrated our 12.000th days together as lover, we haven’t  get married yet.. We… We still didn’t do everything that we has writing on our to do lists. I don’t want this to be the end” Baekhyun kept mumbling  and crying in the same time, he looked so pathetic and it hurts Chanyeol’s heart because he couldn’t wash Baekhyun’s fear away with words anymore.

Chanyeol grabbed Baekhyun’s neck and brought him closer to smack their lips together.

“Chanyeol..” Baekhyun called out when their lips parted, cheeks burning in deep shade of red.

Chanyeol smiled and kissed baekhyun all over again. “It’s okay, this is not the end..” He caressed his thumbs on Baekhyun’s red cheeks. “It’s okay Baekhyunnie.. It’s okay”

Baekhyun has finally shut his mouth but Chanyeol still could feel that Baekhyun was trembling on chanyeol’s arms. Baekhyun lied his head on Chanyeol’s chest as they cuddled in their bed, watching the lights from thunder struck on the dark sky from the large windows from their bedroom like watching TV together.

There were no words, no whispers, no cries, no pleads. There was just the sound of the faintly thunder from outside mixed together with the loud tic-toc sound from their classic watch in the wall.

[12:09 a.m]

Baekhyun took a deep breath as he curled more close when he felt a little quakes come again. He didn’t want to listen to all those scared screams in the outside and glued his ears to Chanyeol’s chest and listened to the loud heartbeat from the one he loves.

Baekhyun hopes that it sounds because of love, not because Chanyeol was scared as he was, but because Baekhyun. Baekhyun closed his eyes when the quakes came again but it’s greater this time until the hanging watch fell to the floor and make a loud bam sound in the room.

“Chanyeol..” Baekhyun opened his lips, didn’t opened his eyes.

“Hmm?” Chanyeol hummed placeing a kiss on Baekhyun’s head.

 “I’m scared...”

Chanyeol wanted to say, that he felt the same. That he was scared they would part for the first time. Chanyeol was afraid to admit that he was scared to death to see the entire world that he built together with Baekhyun was falling down right in front of his eyes.

But Chanyeol swallowed all his fears and hugs baekhyun even tighter as he countdown to the end of the world.

“Don’t be. It might be the end of this world…” he kissed baekhyun’s mole on his upper lips. “But for us, it’s just the beginning of our other story. We’d meet in new place, have a new adventure”

Baekhyun was searching for chanyeol’s eyes.  Looking for the eyes that would always comfort him,

And there it was, still the same, looks as warm and loveable as the way it always was. Chanyeol’s eyes always have this affection for Baekhyun. Baekhyun locked their eyes together as he smiled to his lover.

“You’re right, You’re always right Channie..”

Baekhyun felt stupid, how could he not trust Chanyeol for a moment and thought that it would be the end of their story? Of their love? Why Baekhyun didn’t trust Chanyeol when he said it’s not the end? Baekhyun nodded, he remember all the times that he always felt insecure but Chanyeol always was there for landing him his broad way shoulder to make him feel safe.

Baekhyun remember how he was so undeserving, and yet Chanyeol were so relentless. Baekhyun always pushed, Chanyeol would pull. Baekhyun always wept, Chanyeol would always be there to embrace. While Baekhyun was bled, Chanyeol always repaired him.

When Baekhyun has stopped.

Chanyeol would smile and give Baekhyun his big warm hands and said “Let’s go”

Baekhyun remember it all, how he was a disaster- the worst of its kind. And yet, Chanyeol still had the audacity to let him now that…

“You’re beautiful Baekhyun-ah..”

 Chanyeol give him a smile while placed a chaste kiss. “You’re too beautiful to have those ugly tears on your flawless face. So could you smile for me?”

Baekhyun give up and forget about the world, forget about how it would end with a few minutes again and how the people out there screaming out for help, he forget everything but the guy who lied behind him wrapped his long arms around him, the only person that he would die for; Chanyeol.

“If the world really ends this time, I am so thankful I got to be with you even though we never had enough time” Baekhyun whispered as he circled his arms around Chanyeol’s neck and initiate the kiss. Baekhyun didn’t let go of Chanyeol’s heavenly lips and kept nibbling to it like his life depend of every touch from those sweet lips. He kissed and trailed the hot cavern of Chanyeol’s mouth as the tears flowing down his cheeks.  Their cheeks.

Chanyeol’s minds brought him back all of his memories that he shared with his love, Baekhyun.

Chanyeol remember the first time he came to the orphanage and no one was brave enough to greet him because he was way too tall for a 12 year old boy, but there’s a boy with small frame that a head smaller than Chanyeol come and grab him in the hands.

He gave him a warmhearted welcoming smile that Chanyeol never got from anyone before, the boy asked him. “You look so nice, would you be my mine?”

Chanyeol remember how foolish Baekhyun was for thinking of him as a new puppet and just play with him all the days and they became inseparable. They grew up together and meet each other’s lack everyday but still Chanyeol always fell for Baekhyun all over again every day.

Chanyeol remember the day when they graduated from high school and how groggy he was to confess to the older boy who waited for him in the gate of their high school with trophy and a loosened up graduation dress. Chanyeol remember how cute Baekhyun looked with that loosened up dress and how much he wanted to hug him tight with all his strength so no one could make fun of him.

Chanyeol remember what Baekhyun gave to him as the answer when he asked the latter to be his boyfriend.

“Wasn’t I already yours since a long time ago? Idiot, you’re mine. And I’m yours. Why are you asking for me to be your boyfriend again?”

Chanyeol remember it all.. Their shyly first kiss was under an umbrella when there was no rain but sunlight above them. How clumsy Baekhyun was when he got his first job as a waitress at the café near and how Chanyeol always was waiting outside the café to pick up the latter at night. How they convinced the orphanage that they could live by their self and thank the owner for make them met in such a place and gave her a new wheelchair with their first salary.

Chanyeol remember when the first night he made love to Baekhyun at their new apartment.

Chanyeol remember every beautiful noise that came from Baekhyun lips as he was begging for more.

Chanyeol remember every day he loves Baekhyun, but since Chanyeol remember it all from the first time they met until now, Chanyeol thought that he was already loved Baekhyun from their first encounter.

They’ve been through the hard times together, sharing laughter and tears. It’s already 12th years but Chanyeol still thought that he didn’t have enough time with Baekhyun.

He wanted more; even a zillion years wouldn’t get enough if he would spend it with Baekhyun.

If I had less than a minute to live

I would kiss you, again and again as if the world was ending and you’re the only thing left to love

I hope that when the time really comes to an end that you’ll be here, so I can hold you like a jar full of butterflies and kiss you like the rain kisses the lonely.

“Chanyeol! The ceiling!!” Baekhyun yelped as the ceiling brakes and makes the dust get in to the room and make them coughed together. “Chanyeol…” Baekhyun frowned.

“Trust me, it’s just the new beginning” Chanyeol tightened his hands on Baekhyun’s neck, Baekhyun nodded and pulled the taller back to the kiss as the quakes going harder and harder until the town was crushed into ashes and the thunders blow up all the live things and brought them all to the flash of light and blind them all so what they could see just light and light only.

While the other screaming’s as the background, Chanyeol whispered a promise on every kiss that he planted on Baekhyun’s lips.

“We will met again, in our new adventure, don’t be scared of losing me because you’ll never.”

If we met again, I swear I’d love you all over again.

If we loved again, I swear I’d love you right

The forgotten watch on the room showing what time it was when all the world crushing down and melted together.

[12 : 12 a.m]



12.12.2012 12:12 a.m

They said it would be the end.

For me, for him, for us, this is just a beginning to our next adventure.









it's a beautiful day since it's 12.12.12 lol

i just want to post this fics today so it's suited the fics

and thanks to my beloved beta reader dio0407



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carelessLISPer #1
Chapter 1: OMG~!!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh~!!! I'm bawling my eyes out...It's so sad...but fluffy and sweet~!!! But why?????
LallaBacon #2
Chapter 1: Annyeong ^^ I'm new here. . And I just read this fict now after I readed Split Of Part. . You're fanfics are really awesome!!!!! d>.<b I like this to much!!! Hehe. . Please do more for this ;) Thanks :D

p.s : hey! Can we be a good friends??
Chapter 1: I cried!!!
allkpop09 #6
Chapter 1: I hate you for writing this and making cry at 1am T^T

It was so beautiful ;A;
Chapter 1: ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;
cals2exo #8
Chapter 1: I really love your fic. Baekyeol's love is so touching :")
Would you mind if I translate this fic into Vietnamese? I'll give full credit. Thank you!!
Chapter 1: Omg.. So touching TTATT
aaaaaaaaahhhh!!! I'm crying, I'm crying!!!! baekyeol...!! TTATT so touching...!!