
Chanyeol Oneshot - Unexpected meeting



"Hurry up ____-ah! If we don't leave soon we won't have very much time out in the city!" Jiwon shouted from the livng room where she was waiting for you to finish getting ready so you could finally go out.

Jiwon had already organised this night three weeks in advance. She was sick of seeing you cooped up in your apartment everyday just staring at your laptop blankly, but it wasn't your fault you were like this. About a month ago you're boyfriend of 6 months broke up with you, it wasn't pretty.

Turns out he had been cheating on your for the last five weeks of your relationship. You had always trusted him, you loved him more than anything while you were together. That's probably why you took the breakup so badly. You couldn't stand the thought of being alone after being with him for so long. This is why Jiwon decided to lighten your mood and finally take you out of your apartment for the first time in a month.

"I'm nearly ready!" You said while turning around to see how your dress looked in the mirror. It was a little black dress with sequins towards the bottom hem. It hung from your body perfectly and the shoes you wore complimented it quite nicely as well. Your hair was tied back and your face was jut tinged with makeup to make you look even prettier. You were ready.

As you bounced outside you got your first look at what your bestfriend was wearing. She looked just as perfect. Her petite figure made the dress she was wearing seem to overflow around her but still made her look extremely cute. You owed this night to her.

"Woah, you look great! Thanks again for organising tonight for me." You were slightly embarrased at the thought ou you having to rely on your best friend to take you out but Jiwon didn't mind.

"You're so welcome! And you can't own such a cute dress and not wear it out to one of the biggest nightclubs in Seoul!" Jiwon really had a way with words that made you feel warm and fuzzy as you both picked up your purses and walked out the door.


The taxi you caught took you right up to the door of the nightclub you were set to attend that night. You paid the driver and walked out of the car confidently and beautifully. Everyone who was standing near the entrance looked towards you but once you realised this you quickly ran over and hid behind Jiwon even though she was shorter than you.

"Yah! ____ stand up straight! Don't be shy!" Jiwon said as she pushed you infront of her and towards the doors.

The two bouncers asked for your name and IDs. Of course Jiwon had already made reservations and because of this you were accepted into the nightclub just as quickly as the bouncers handed back your IDs.

The nightclub felt hot inside but not stuffy. It felt more fresh inside than outside you thought. Jiwon led you downstairs to the bar and dance floor. There were little booths lined across one of the walls on the downstairs level. Jiwon dragged you towards on of them and sat you down next to her.

"You wanna order a drink?" Yelled Jiwon over the sound of the club so that you could hear her.

"Sure! Why not! Order me what your getting please!" You yelled back at her.

"In that case I'll be right back." Jiwon said with a wink as she slid out of the booth and glided towards the bar.

You sat in the booth awkwardly for about five minutes, touching your hair, fiddling with your bag and phone, doing anythign that made you look less awkward. You looked over towards the bar where jiwon had not only bought the drinks but had also given yours to a young gentleman that she was talking up. She was giggling at every word and he was just smiling back. 

'We've only been here for like five minutes and she already has a boyfriend' You thought angrily to your self. Just as you were about to swing out of the booth and head in Jiwon's direction to give her a piece of your mind, a lanky young man in a black suit stood right infront of your exit.

"Uh excuse me, I need to get out." You eyed the man angrily, just wanting him to get out of your way.

"Oh I'm sorry but I just saw you sitting here and I thought you looked rather lonely~" He might have meant well but you took his comment to offence.

"Who said I was lonely? Don't just assume things. Especially about people you don't know." You didn't care who he was but he sure was getting on your last nerve.

"Oh I didn't mean it in that way! I was just trying to be kind! Would you like me to order you a drink?" He said with some charm in his voice.

You were about to deny his offer when you looked over and realised Jiwon was being led away onto the dance floor with the man she was just talking with. You realised that since she was off doing her own thing why couldn't you? She was the one who decided to take you out tonight as well.

"Only if it isn't too much trouble~" You responded sweetly.

"What do you want?" He asked, while sitting down beside you as you shuffled to make room for him. Now that he was so much closer your could see his features much better. He was much taller than the average guy and skinnier too. His hair was slightly curled and was a light chestnut colour. He had almond shaped brown eyes that were slightly covered by his hair. Now that you could see how attractive he was, sitting next to him made your heart race.

You quickly snapped out of it and answered his question. 

"Oh I'll have what ever you're going to have." You smiled back at him.

"Great! I hope you like soju" He winked while beckoning a waitress towards the two of you and ordered your drinks.

"Thank you for the drink, it's very sweet of you. My name's ____ by the way ."

"Good to meet you ____, I'm Chanyeol." His smile radiated right through you and you got lost in his eyes for a whole second.

You continued to talk until your drinks came. You continued to talk until your favourite song came on and you went to dance. You continued to talk while dancing. You continued to talk until your head started to spin and your eyes went black for a split second. You stumbled forward and Chanyeol caught you.

"Are you okay?" His voice sounded distorted to you.

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm going to go outside to get some fresh air," You said smiling to show him that you were okay "I'll be right back."

You ran to the door as fast as your heels would let you and pushed the door open to let yourself outside. As soon as the fresh air hit your lungs you started to regain your vision and hearing.

'Ugh what was that!' You thought as you held your head and leaned up against the wall where you stayed for about five minutes, the fresh air was just too good to leave. You thought you would head back inside because Chanyeol or Jiwon might be wondering where you strayed off to. As you pushed your self off the wall two men walked towards you. They were built up and were even taller than Chanyeol.

"Hey look at this little mouse!" The taller of the two directed at you "What are you doing out here in the cold little mouse?"

You ignored them and continued towards the door back into the club. You were nearly inside when one of them grasped your arm and pulled you back into the street. 

"YAH! LET GO OF ME!" You struggled against his strong grip.

The other grabbed your face and made you face him.

"No one can save you now, who would dare stand up to us?" He asked as his filthy breath entered your air space "No one! Especially to save YOU"

His words stung but you were stronger than this. You jumped up and tried to kick the taller man but he caught your left just before you could hit him. 

"You thought you could really defeat us that easily? Silly mouse" He snorted as he raised his hand about to bring it back down to slap your face. He brought it down forcefully and it would have hurt if someone hadn't have caught it before it made contact with your face.

You looked up and saw Chanyeol holding the goon's arm back. The thug looked like he was taken by suprise and stumbled back. Chanyeol took this opportunity to punch him in the face and push him backwards. The man's partner let go of your and stepped towards Chanyeol. Chanyeol quickly punched him in the nose and the side of the face. The man fell backwards from the sudden impact. Chanyeol was fast, and strong. You looked towards him to thank him but your eyes went fuzzy and black. Your feet gave way underneath you and your hearing cut out.


You woke up in your bed to the noises of Jiwon and someone else chatting in the kitchen. You swung out of bed to realise that you were wearing your pyjamas and the dress from last night was hanging on the back of the chair in your room. You shuffled towards the kitchen to where Jiwon was standing. She ran towards you and put her arm around you.

"Are you okay to stand? I was so worried about you!" She said in her motherly protective way.

"I'm fine! how did you get me home?" You were still a little delirious from last night.

"It wasn't me! It was Chanyeol, he saved you from those thugs on the street and found me then brought you home!" She said smiling in Chanyeol direction "How did you find this guy? He is cute and heroic!" She whispered in your ear.

"How are you holding up? I came over to see how you were doing." His smile warmed you up and some how made your throbbing head feel better.

"I'm good, Thank you so much for last night! If it wasn't for you i don't know where I'd be right now!"

"Oh don't worry it was nothing, I'm just glad I got to spend last night with you _____-ah!" 

Your heart skipped a beat and he walked over to give you a hug.

"Don't scare me like that again" He whispered in your ear.


Authors note: Woah that was really sappy wasn't it? Half way through I was really starting to wonder where I was going with this story o.o but in my opinion it didn't turn out too badly did it?

Admin Butter~




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