
All Along


You sat at your desk studying and taking notes off the Internet for your AP class, very bored. 

"Ughhhh...." You groaned. You sprawled back in your chair and stared all around your room with your kpop posters staring you in the face. You eye smiled to all of them giddily, as if they could see you. Then, your stomach growled. You shot up from your seat. 
"Well I can't study on an empty stomach!" You exclaimed using your hunger as an excuse to get out of studying. 
You walked down the hall rubbing your tummy. You saw your two brothers yelling at the laptop screens as they played their online games. You rolled your eyes in annoyance and proceeded to the pantry. Your eyes scanned the shelves up and down looking for something desirable. Then, you spotted the last package of ramen. You picked it up and started to boil your water in a pot. 
*tweet tweet* Everyone in the room looked around wondering where the sound came from. 
"Noona, I think it's your phone." Jonghun told you. You walked out of the kitchen and to your room to check if it was your phone that rang. 
"Hi jagiya~" the preview of the text from your smartphone read. You smiled happily at the text and unlocked your phone to reply. 
"Hi there ^.^" 
"Call me please? So I can hear your voice ;)" You scoffed at how cheesy your boyfriend sounded, but did as the text instructed. 
"Hi," Ilhoon said as he picked up the phone. 
"Hey," You giggled. 
"What's so funny?"
"Oh nothing. So why did you contact me?" You heard him gasp playfully in the background.
"Wae? I can't just talk to my girlfriend?" You scoffed at his childishness.
"Of course you can but whatever." You stuck out your tongue unconsciously even though he couldn't see you.
"What are you doing, hm?" He asked. 
"I'm making myself some ramen." You told him as you made your way back to the kitchen. 
"Mmm...share with me?" He sang.
"Then come over and get some," you replied. 
"Jinjja?!" He exclaimed. You can just see his boyish cute smile through the phone. 
"Haha no. It's mine." You . 
"Wow, what a selfish girl.." He grumbled. You giggled as a response. 
"Let's go out and eat instead." He suddenly suggested. You raised an eyebrow in confusion then looked at the clock. 11:30 a.m.
"I don't know. I'll ask." You told Ilhoon. 
"Mhm." You multitasked and texted your mom asking if your could go. 
"Out with who?" You bit your lip nervously. You told your mom you had a boyfriend but didn't exactly mention that it was Ilhoon. 
"My boyfriend." You texted. She replied immediately.
"Don't be out long and stay close to home." You beamed at her approval, then another text arrived. 
"I want to meet this boy when you come back." You clicked your tongue.  for Ilhoon
"Okay :)" you replied. You returned to your call with your boyfriend. 
"Okay I'm back."
"Welcome back~"
"Hehe so I can go out today," you started. 
"Yay!" Ilhoon cheered on the opposite line. 
"Just come over at my house in...30 minutes. I'll be ready by then." 
"Sounds good. I'll hang up now. See you~" he cooed. 
"Bye." You rolled your eyes with a huge grin on your face as you hung up.
You stood in front of your mirror unsatisfied. You felt your outfit looked kind of off even though it matched well. "Hm..." You walked out of your room and asked your brothers.
"Does this look okay?" Their eyes left the screen for a split second for a quick glance.
"It's fine." They responded simultaneously. You scowled knowing they didn't even really look. Right then, the doorbell rang.
You swung the door open and saw Ilhoon smiling with his hands in his pockets. You smiled back and welcomed him in. 
"Are you ready to go?" 
"Hold on a second," you said as you walked toward your room to grab your purse. 
When you came back, you saw Ilhoon observing Minwoo's computer screen. 
"What game is this?" He asked. 
"League of Legends." Minwoo answered as his fingers frantically tapped the keyboard.
"Looks pretty cool," you heard Ilhoon say. Your eyes widened in panic and you hurried towards him. 
"It is!" Jonghun exclaimed, excited at your boyfriend's amusement. 
"I should try-" "NOPE!" You interrupted before he would get absorbed in the game as well. 
"Bye guys! Tell mom I'll be down the street!" You yelled as you closed the for shut.
You took Ilhoon's hand and dragged him away from the house. "Haha what's up?" He chuckled at your impatience. 
"Nothing." You slowed your pace as you walked further. Ilhoon came up next to you and swung your hands together as you made your way to the cafe.
"How do you know this place?" Ilhoon asked as he looked around what appeared to be a couple cafe. 
"B1A4 took me here for our one month anniversary." You told him. Ilhoon nodded with his mouth in an "O" shape as he remembered that day. The waitress came and took your orders and left with the menus. 
The two of you were asking each other random questions as you awaited your orders. 
"This is practically our first date," Ilhoon said. 
"What?" You looked at him with confusion. "Our first date was at the arcade," you reminded him. He laughed.
"I know. But this 'date' should be the one where I get to know about you more." He stated. You pursed your lips and nodded in understanding. 
The waitress came with your     
frappuccino and Nutella crepe with two forks. You inhaled the scent of the warm food, causing your mouth to practically water. Ilhoon handed you a fork and the both of you dug in.
"Mmm.." Ilhoon chuckled at how cutely you ate the pastry. 
"I'm guessing you like chocolate?" You nodded happily with the fork still in your mouth and a smile on your face. Ilhoon, at the opposite side of the table, tried to eat his pieces cooly and slowly instead of like a normal person.
"What are you doing?" You laughed.
"I'm trying to eat it prettily." He said. You scoffed. "That's dumb." You stabbed a piece of the crepe and held it in front of Ilhoon's mouth. He opened it widely for you to put the food in and closed his mouth on your fork. 
"Yah! That's mine!" You complained as you tried to wiggle the fork out of his mouth. He smiled at the entertainment you were bringing him, not releasing the fork. You gave up and stole his instead, finishing the rest of the food with it. 
"Ha!" You yelled triumphantly. Ilhoon shook his head with a smile plastered on his face. 
"Let me ask you something," he started. You jerked your head for him to ask away as you took a sip of your drink. 
"Me or Yoseob?" He asked seriously.
"Hm?" You titled your head to the side a bit, not understanding his question. 
"If Yoseob came into this cafe right now and asked you out, what would you do?"
"I'd say no, because I have a boyfriend," you answered matter-of-factly at his silly question. 
"What if I wasn't your boyfriend?"
"I'd say yeah." You answered. His eyes widened in shock as he fell back in his seat. He was completely dumbfounded. 
"Wow Nam Kyura," You didn't understand why he was so taken aback. So you sat in silence as you sipped your drink. Suddenly, Ilhoon got up from his chair and walked out of the cafe. You stood up and followed him out, unable to comprehend the situation
"Oppa? Are you mad at me?" You called after him. He didn't turn around and kept walking in the opposite direction of your house from the cafe. You sighed, a bit frustrated because you didn't feel you did anything wrong. You walked back into the cafe because you didn't pay the bill yet. You payed it quickly to make sure Ilhoon didn't walk to far off. 
You went back outside and saw he had disappeared. You bit your lip nervously as you looked around for him, but he was already gone. 
"Wow.." You sighed then left to your house by yourself.
You unlocked the door to your house and went toward your room. 
"Hi Kyura." Your mom greeted you. 
"Hi." You said bitterly.
"Did you have fun?" She asked acting completely clueless of your mood.
"Sure." You ended the conversation as you disappeared into the hallway.
You opened the door to your room and looked up with wide eyes.
"Ilhoon-ah.." You let out. He was sitting on your bed staring at you expressionless. He stood up slowly but you ran over and attached yourself to him in an embrace. 
"What? What's wrong?" He asked.
You buried your head in his chest.
"You left me.." You mumbled. He stood still as your hugged him, not saying a word. 
"I'm sorry. I don't like Yoseob better than you. I promise." You said in his shirt. He chuckled a bit but you didn't waver. 
"I know. I know." He soothed you by rubbing your back as he wrapped his arms around you. 
"Good." You said angrily in his shirt still. 
"Okay Kyura. You can stop now." He laughed realizing you've been hugging him for quite a while.
"No." You said stubbornly. He tried pushing you off of him but you were latched on like a little kid on a parent. 
"Don't make me tackle you on the bed." He threatened. You looked up at him with big eyes, making his heart melt.
"Don't look at me like that Kyura.." He sighed as he placed a soft kiss on your lips. You smiled and let go, satisfied.

hehe hi everyone :) I'm laughing because I wrote this chapter in class after my final.

wish me luck on for the next few days! Hopefully I could still find time to update in between my studies :P


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Chapter 10: Curse you, Sunhee! TAEMIN IS MINE KEKEKEKEKE.
jongupjjang #2
Chapter 42: ohmygosh! ilhoon oppa~~ why you have to be so sweet? you make me fell in love at you even more. gosh.

author-nim i cant wait for the next one so please update soon. :D *hyper* *clapsclaps* <3 <3 <3
Chapter 42: KYAAA~! It was so romantic and cute! :3 Ilhoon, you're so adorable! Kyura you're awesome! Great story nyangseob! I can't wait for your next one!
*claps at you and All Along*
kyeinkyeinkhin #4
Chapter 42: Oh my god, it's done already! That was so awesome and it was super cute! *cries* I'll wait for your next story!
Jamiesxz #5
Chapter 17: LMAO the gif at the bottom, I kept trying to drink my watermelon juice but couldn't. It's too funny
Chapter 42: awwwww T-T i want moree moreeeeee
more fluff and Ilhoon~
Thank you author-nim for this lovely story~
What?! You're already done?! Must get back to reading this story soon!
Chapter 41: Aw,how adorable! Ilhoon-oppa, you are so sweet! :) Second to last chapter? Well, Kyura and Ilhoon are already dating-and that was pretty much the main purpose of the story-so ending it makes sense :) Great chapter! Can't wait for the finale~! :D
Chapter 40: Aw, cute. Ilhoon always makes some kind of appearance xD
Damn Kyura...Being friends with BTOB, B1A4, and B.A.P.? Lucky...
Chapter 39: You're right...I think Ilsoon is the biggest ____ in the world xD
LOL rivalry coming on?
Great chapter! UPDATE SOON!!!