An Understanding

All Along


"So, ever since then, we never hung around each other or spoke to each other like before." You told the boys who were listening to your story. Zelo blinked a few times and shook his head, trying to comprehend what you had just told him. 
"But, why did even need to do that? It's not like he couldn't still talk to you or anything." He said confused. Ilhoon sat back in his chair silently with his arms crossed. You shrugged, not understanding why Jongup changed the way he did as well. 
"I don't know. But I did beat him like I said I would." You tried to say positively, but no one bought it. 
"Aish, my hyung. He was a weird guy." Zelo scratched his head. You laughed and fixed your adorable dongsaeng's hair. You saw at the back of his head were blue streaks. You lifted his hair up and eyed it disapprovingly. 
"What is with this weird hair pattern?" You asked Zelo. He chuckled and shooed your hand away. 
"It was for the album concept." You made an "O" shape with your mouth and smiled cutely. 
"It suits you." You said as you ran your fingers through his hair. 
After the session, you walked Zelo out of the library as his ride drove up the driveway. You saw his mom wave at you from the car. You smiled excitedly and ran over to her to greet her as she parked the car. 
"Annyeonghaesaeyo Mrs. Choi!" You bowed to her. She smiled and got out of the car, embracing you. 
"Kyura! I haven't seen you in ages. How have you been?" She asked enthusiastically. The two of you caught up a bit, leaving the two boys to watch you awkwardly. Mrs. Choi giggled when she saw Zelo knocking on the window impatiently. 
"Let's go omma." He whined as he rolled the window down. She sighed at her son then turned back to you. 
"Come over soon, arasso? Jun Hong was so sad when you moved out of the neighborhood and is just ecstatic that he attends the same school as you now," She explained. 
"Mom!" Zelo complained. 
"Ya know Kyura, I think he had or even still has a crush on you-"
"Omma!" Zelo yelled, his face totally flushed by his mom's comment. Mrs. Choi covered innocently after embarrassing her son. You walked over to Zelo and kissed his cheek lightly. He looked at you shocked and in a daze. 
"Forgive your mom arasso?" You instructed him as you waved your finger in his face. He smiled and nodded obediently, sighing back in his seat. 
You waved at the car as it drove away and out of the library parking lot. You turned around to see Ilhoon standing patiently with his hands in his pockets and shoulders up. He walked up to you slowly and wrapped his arms around your waist. 
"I'm kind of jealous," he said. You raised your eyebrow playfully and tugged on the back of his shirt. 
"Oh?" You sang. Ilhoon narrowed his eyes at you. He navigated his hands from your waist down to your hands and swayed them in his. 
"Now I understand how you felt when I rejected," he turned his head away and paused at the word. "When I didn't accept you back then during the soirée." He finished. You eyed him confused. He faced you again.
"Does Jinyoung hyung know about all of this?" He suddenly brought Jinyoung up in the conversation. 
"No. Didn't really come up." You answered. He nodded, pleased and looked up trying to hold in his smile. You looked under his chin trying to see his face. Ilhoon looked down and giggled a bit to himself.
"What is so funny?" You asked. He became serious for a moment. 
"It's just, this is the only thing I could hold against him now," you were couldn't understand what Ilhoon was talking about and shook your head at him. 
"Kyura," he started and drew shapes on your hands as they swung intertwined in his. 
"I realized that I don't know too much about you." He looked into your eyes with such sincerity, it pulled on your heartstrings. 
"Jongup and Zelo: they're a part of you I've never known. And what you've been through with them is something I never will know." You laughed at how he was talking. 
"Why don't we change that then?" You suggested and released his grip from your left hand. You started walking down the road on the way to your house. Ilhoon smiled down at you and you up to him. He kissed your hand gently. 


hi hi hi! Arc is finally done and I have missed my Ilhoonie ^_^ 

A big thanks to all my new subscribers, readers, and commentators! Hugs to all of you :)

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Chapter 10: Curse you, Sunhee! TAEMIN IS MINE KEKEKEKEKE.
jongupjjang #2
Chapter 42: ohmygosh! ilhoon oppa~~ why you have to be so sweet? you make me fell in love at you even more. gosh.

author-nim i cant wait for the next one so please update soon. :D *hyper* *clapsclaps* <3 <3 <3
Chapter 42: KYAAA~! It was so romantic and cute! :3 Ilhoon, you're so adorable! Kyura you're awesome! Great story nyangseob! I can't wait for your next one!
*claps at you and All Along*
kyeinkyeinkhin #4
Chapter 42: Oh my god, it's done already! That was so awesome and it was super cute! *cries* I'll wait for your next story!
Jamiesxz #5
Chapter 17: LMAO the gif at the bottom, I kept trying to drink my watermelon juice but couldn't. It's too funny
Chapter 42: awwwww T-T i want moree moreeeeee
more fluff and Ilhoon~
Thank you author-nim for this lovely story~
What?! You're already done?! Must get back to reading this story soon!
Chapter 41: Aw,how adorable! Ilhoon-oppa, you are so sweet! :) Second to last chapter? Well, Kyura and Ilhoon are already dating-and that was pretty much the main purpose of the story-so ending it makes sense :) Great chapter! Can't wait for the finale~! :D
Chapter 40: Aw, cute. Ilhoon always makes some kind of appearance xD
Damn Kyura...Being friends with BTOB, B1A4, and B.A.P.? Lucky...
Chapter 39: You're right...I think Ilsoon is the biggest ____ in the world xD
LOL rivalry coming on?
Great chapter! UPDATE SOON!!!