The Roommate

Love x 6


The meeting with the 10 other acceptees was interesting, most people, excluding my new roommate, seems funny and the guys, especially Ethan, looks cute.  Anyways, I am starting to get nervous this roommate, she doesn't neccessarily looke nice and this might turn out quite awkward.  Just when I started unpacking by stuffs, I received a text from Hazel...

Hazel: hey, hows ur roommate, she doesnt look, um, nice?

Kat: she's not here yet, but yea, u noticed that too...this might be awks, wbu, hows urs?

Hazel: oh, tracy? she is really nice, i think u guys will like her too! i wonder hows nat's roommate?

Kat: idk, i sure hope mine doesnt look at scary as she seems :S... i mean i dont think she can be that scary...besides why should i be afraid

And just as I was about to send that text, my roommate came I quickly finished the text...

Kat: ..................gtg, roommate just came in, tell u dets later.

I looked at her, she isn't the type that actually looks scary, short, petite, but she has that aura that makes you feel uncomfortable.  I introduced myself, hiding my nervousness as hard as I can and said: Hi-i! I'm Katya Yip, you can call me Kat!

She looked back up at me and said: Hello, I'm Nikki.  

And the awkwardness begins...I was thinking whether I should say something.  Hazel and Kat are so lucky, I bet their roommates aren't as scary or awkward like this.  They are probably sharing secrets or taking selfies right now...out of nowhere, I got a reply from Hazel:

Hazel: hope it goes well! anyways, tracy and i are going to the caf @ 1 to see whats good to eat, nat says she'll come with her roommate aswel, u in?

Kat: suree, but idk if i'll bring my roommate w. me...

Hazel: great! see u there! xoxo, Hazel 

Just when I looked at the text, Nikki asked: So what are you studying?

And I said: Psychology, what about you?

Nikki: Cool, Anthropology, you're planning to become a psychologist?

I though to myself, maybe this wouldn't be so hard afterall, and replied: Yea, I guess so...

Nikki looked at me weirdly and said: What do you mean?

She seems caring, and I said: Oh well, I wanted to become a dancer, but my mom doesn't want me to dance so...

Nikki, looked down and said: Well, I think you should just follow your dreams and take dancing instead.

Wow, I would've never believe those words came out of the girl I though was devil 5 minutes ago, maybe she is going to be a great roommate, afterall!  I told her: I'll think about it... hey, my friends and I are heading to the caf later, want to join?

Nikki just replied: Really? Sure, thanks!


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ThebabyELF #1
Chapter 5: Love the new update, author-nim, keep writing, neh? ^^
ThebabyELF #2
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^