-Chapter 8-

Shadows of Infinity

-Chapter 8-

"I don't think we are going to be able to pull this off!" Woohyun said with an arrogant tone in his voice.

"We have done this many times before Woohyun. Stop..." Sungyeol started but was cut off by Sungjong. That Brat!

"Stop being a downer.  You know how to rain on my fun." Sungjong said as he grabbed onto Myungsoo's arm, "Hyung you're going to be my ." Sungjong was already dressed as a girl.  He smirked, "Trust me I will be able to get the information that is needed, and Myungsoo hyung is the best at infiltrating.  I think we make a good couple."

"..." Myungsoo did not say anything.

"L is mine!" Sungyeol whined.

"Yahh be quite" Sunggyu said in a powerful voice. "You all have your jobs to do so get in position."  These kids were really irritating him lately.  They were always arguing and he was getting sick of it.  Sunggyu knew that the arguing started when Woohyun joined their team, but doesn't that always happen when they get a new member. It normally takes time to get used too. Arguments are likely to happen, but there is a lack of trust when it comes to Woohyun.

Sunggyu pinched the bridge of his nose.  His head was killing him even after meditating.  Sunggyu took a deep breath and looked at the boys, "GO!"

Dongwoo watched the boys leave.  He did not go to his position yet.  He knew Sunggyu would be mad that he did not listen to him, but Dongwoo wanted to talk to Sunggyu.  He knew something was up with Sunggyu. "Gyuzizi..."

"Why aren't you going to your position?" Sunggyu asked looking at his second in command.  Dongwoo never really goes against him that often.  He knew the kid wanted something.

"Because you are distracted." Dongwoo answered, "And you only pinch the bridge of your nose when your head is hurting you. I thought you went to meditate?" 

"You know me to well sometimes Dongwoo, it's scary." Sunggyu said. "Meditation did not fix the pain this time.  The pain is coming back more often now.  I cannot explain it."

"That is because we are like brothers.  Didn't this happen the last time a royal died? " Dongwoo grinned. "Are you sure you do not want to sit this mission out?"

"I will be fine Dongwoo and I do not want to think this has to do with anyone in the royal family." Sunggyu said, placing a hand on the younger man's shoulder, "We have a mission to complete. Let's go." Sunggyu said putting his mask on and jumping up into a tree.  He looked into the enemy kingdoms grounds and watched as Myungsoo and Sungjong entered.  They were going to act as a happy couple who've been invited for tea.  They needed to get the scroll and get out.  


"Do you know me?" Miyoung asked as she took a few steps back.  She had a bad feeling in her stomach.  This man seemed familiar to her, but she knew she needed to keep her distance from him.  He was really dangerous.

"We meet before, but it was long ago. When you were just a child." The man smirked.  "You are such a beauty. I bet you have all the men chasing you!"  

"Do you need something from me?" Miyoung asked was she placed a hand on the small knife that was hidden under her clothing. 

The man smirked and was by her side in an instance.  He reached into her clothing and pulled out the knife, "You really think you could outsmart me Princess Miyoung."  The man caressed her cheek and smirked, "Such a naive girl."

"I am sick of people calling me naive." Miyoung said as she grabbed onto his wrist and twisted the man's arm back.  Miyoung pushed him away. She took a deep breath and studied his movements.  Miyoung knew that the man allowed her to do that or did he?

"I see that you still remember a few things about the art of being a ninja." The man smirked and looked at her.

"What are you talking about?" Miyoung asked taking a step forward towards the man. 

"You will find out in due time Princess." The man smirked and placed the knife back into Miyoung's hand. "Until we meet again." The man leaned forward and pressed his lips against Miyoung's cheek. "Sweet Dreams Princess." The man said as he hit the presser point in Miyoung's neck. 

Miyoung fell to the floor.  The man disappeared moments later, leaving a crumbled piece of paper in Miyoung's hand.


"That was quick." Hoya said as they started to make their way back to their kingdom.  "We should pair L and Jonggie up together more often. They work so well together."

"I would like that!" Sungjong said in a girly voice, "L is so handsome and kind. He will make a great husband."  Sungjong was lost in his character again. It was going to take him time to turn back to himself.  It normally took a week, but it depended on the mission, and how long he was dressed as a girl.

"L...kind...in what century." Sungyeol raised an eyebrow.

"How long are we going to have to deal with Sungjong like this?" Woohyun asked. "Can't we just knock some manliness into him?"

"I would not say that about him Woohyun. Haven't you learned from the last time you insulted Jonggie?" Hoya asked with a smirk.  He remembered Sungjong giving Woohyun a black eye.  That was the best day of his life...well one of the best days.

"You baby and spoil him too much. The kid will never learn if you continue to do crap like that." Woohyun crossed his arms. "Where are Sunggyu and Dongwoo?"

"They are scouting ahead." Myungsoo answered with his arms crossed and eyes closed.  He wanted to punch Woohyun, but he controlled his temper.  He did not want to draw attention to them.  Myungsoo flinched when Sungjong grabbed onto his arm.  He looked at the younger man in the wig.   Sungjong was wearing a female hanbok. He pulled off the look well.  Myungsoo reached over and fixed the bangs of the wig.  He could not help, but be kind to Sungjong.

Sungyeol puffed out his cheeks as he watched the scene in front of him.  He was jealous of Sungjong and L's friendship.  They were close and L was nice to Sungjong all the time.  L was never really nice to him.  Only on rare occasions he was nice. and that was when Myungsoo is out.  Sungyeol misses that derp.

Hoya let out a sigh and put an arm around Sungyeol, "Hey cheer up Yeollie.  I will treat you to Soju tonight."

"Really!" Sungyeol's eyes lit up.

"Yep, but I am only treating you." Hoya said before Woohyun was able to open his mouth.  Woohyun never paid the tab when they went out.  He always disappeared when it was time to pay.  

Woohyun mumbled something under his breath with his arms crossed and started to move further ahead than the rest of the boys.  He knew that Sunggyu and Dongwoo were not scouting ahead.  Something was up.  Those two were always secretive about things.


Sunggyu came to a stop when he saw Miyoung's horse who was wandering around.  The horse stopped when he saw Sunggyu.  The horse made his way over to Sunggyu and rubbed his head against Sunggyu. Sunggyu chuckled to himself.  Miyoung's horse was always like this around him.

"Dongwoo..." Sunggyu said as he took the reins of the horse and handed it to Dongwoo. "I told you something wasn't right."

"I had the same feeling, but I did not want to say anything to you. Our mission had to be taken care of first." Dongwoo said as he looked at Miyoung's horse, "Why would the princess go into the woods alone."

"Because she is bothered by something." Sunggyu said as he closed his eyes and tried to sense where she was.

"Are you bothered by the same thing that Miyoung noona is bothered by?" Dongwoo asked.

"Shhh." Sunggyu said, "I'm concentrating."  He opened his eyes and started to run east.  Dongwoo followed him with Miyoung's horse, but Miyoung's horse would not move.

"Come on..." Dongwoo said with his cheeks puffed out.  "Gyu hyung is going to Miyoung. Don't you want to go to Miyoung noona?" Dongwoo asked the horse who started to move quickly, causing Dongwoo having to run quickly.

Sunggyu arrived and saw Miyoung was laying on the forest floor.  He hurried over to her and pulled off his mask, "Miyoung." He shook her slightly, "YAHH MIYOUNG."

an - Hey everyone! I know this update is on the later side and I am sorry. I tried to update it, but my idea's were not flowing. Plus I was busy for three weeks. I hope you understand and I will do my best to update faster. I made a new poster. Do you like it?  I have a few questions for you and please answer them...

1. Who do you want to be the guy who knows Miyoung and about her past?

2. Do you want Tasty to appear?

3. Do you want Eric Nam to appear more ofthen as the Guy Miyoung's father wants her to marry?

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Thank you!
Shadows of Infinite = My update should be coming soon. It accidently got deleated so I have to reweite it T^T


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Chapter 33: kyaaaa~ I love this story so much the genre and everything >.< the character is very suitable, just like it so much >.<
naznew #2
Chapter 32: kya...i like this ending...
i can't stop smile...^_________^
i like how henry defeated..
sungjong lost control..

chukhae for finished this awesome story...
kamsahamnida *bow*
naznew #3
Chapter 29: kya~they kissed...
omo..who that man?
naznew #4
Chapter 28: Gomawo update..
I like this chapter..
Sunggyu and minyoung so stuborn..
Please update again..
Chapter 27: Hope that the voices weren't the stupid evil guys. I like Woohyun like this.