You are my caffeine


It was all my fault. I was too foolish to see that you were slowly breaking inside because of me. How stupid was I? To take you as a punching bag, beat you up,apologise and promise that I will not hit you again. It slowly became a cycle. I thought that you would stay by me forever. I was too blinded to see that you were hurting.Everytime you smiled, I thought that you were happy and content to have as your boyfriend.

I did not know that you were hiding your hurt behing your beautiful smile. I smiled in awe while thinking of your smile. You were such a good actress, hiding your hurt behind your fake smile. I remember the first time we met. Butterflies in my stomach as I stood agape there. You were so stunning,like an angel from heaven. Your joyful laughing, it sounded melodic and angelic. You took my heart with your smile and your voice.I talked to you and we clicked together from the first time we met. You were so cheerful and so cute. From best friends to a couple, you and I pledged our love with engagement rings. The day when you said 'I do' was one of the best moments in my life.

But what happened to our wonderful marriage? It became a sad marriage. You hid your hurt behind your smile when I came back from work,feeling frustrated and took out all my frustration on you. I beat you badly and you had to tell lies to cover up the fact that I beat you up badly. I thought that you will stay by my side forever. The day when you left me, my heart was taken away by you and was replaced with a rock heart. Where are you,______? Remember the time when you gazed at me with affection and said 'I love you,Kris'? How are you doing,_____?

I really want you to come back to me. I really regretted abusing you. You were my caffeine,I got addicted to you without realising it. I took you for granted. Now, I really wish you would come back and bring my heart back. Please come back,________. Please. I know I am not worth to be your boyfriend, but please give me one more chance. You are my caffeine. Everytime I push you away and try to forget you,  I would always remember our happy times together. I can't take it anymore,______. Please,I am begging you,please come back.....I love you_____.

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