The Heartbreak Song

The Heartbreak Song

"Waah!" Kiseop and Hoon surprised Dongho on their  way home.

"Yah! Hyungs, don't frighten me like that!"

"So, our brave maknae can be frightened after all." Kiseop said, bursting into laughter. "Hahaha! You should have seen the look on your face."

The two hyungs continued teasing their maknae on the way.

"Kiseop! Kiseop!" Hoon called out Kiseop and pointed to their right. He remembered that they need to stop by the library. "Our teacher gave us tons of work to do. Bye Dongho!"

They waved Dongho goodbye and went their own way.

Minutes later, Dongho got caught by rain and stopped in front of a coffee shop for shelter. He saw a girl wearing the same uniform as he is. He immediately fell in love with her in just the first sight. 

Dongho offered her his sweater. "Here!" he smiled and blushed.

"Thanks. I'm Ko Joo-yeon, third year class 3-1."

"Shin Dongho, third year class 3-3." He felt his face turn red again. "Do you want to go inside? My treat!"

She laughed. "That would be great. Thanks!"

They sat near the coffee shop's misty glass window. They talked about everything under the sun (even it's raining). Dongho felt closer to her. He drew a heart on the misty glass.

"What's that?" Joo-yeon asked.

Dongho imeediately erased it. "Um.. um. Nothing. It's nothing!"

As the days passed, the two became closer. Dongho would always visit Joo-yeon to play the piano. Eventually, they confessed their true feelings to each other.

One morning, Dongho called Joo-yeon. He was very happy to hear her sweet voice. Now on his nerves, Eli stood up. "I can't take it anymore. If you won't stop Dongho, then I would."

"Eli, take it easy!" Kevin tried to stop him but he couldn't.

He went over to Dongho and confronted him. "Dongho, stop this already! Stop imagining silly things. I know you miss her but get a hold of yourself."

"Just leave me alone!" During that time, Dongho realized that Joo-yeon is already dead. He realized that he is just imagining things. The cafe, the two of them playing the piano, the phone call. He kept imagining things to hide the pain. He kept on smiling even though it really hurts him. Although he knows Joo-yeon wants him to live on with his life and be happy for her, he still couldn't take it.

"Dongho, we'll always be there for you." AJ tapped his shoulder. 

"Let's play baseball later. I'll beat you this time." Soohyun added to lighten the atmoshpere.

All of them laughed and comforted him.

"Oh! Hyung, you will never beat me!"

Later that day, they visited Joo-yeon's grave.

"It's been a month since she died. It's like I just met her yesterday." Dongho started to cry and remembered Joo-yeon holding his hand. He took his cellphone out and read a text message sent a month ago.

I'll always love you, Shin Dongho! - Ko Joo-yeon

At 3:30 in the morning, Dongho dreamt of Joo-yeon, as he always does. They played the piano in the woods together. This time Joo-yeon bid him goodbye. Smiling. And telling him that she'll always love and miss him!

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starryme #1
@DreamHighLove101: thank you. i love the song, too! they should make more songs like this.
starryme #2
thanks for reading and subscribing! i hope you liked it.. even thought it's sad.
Omo that's so sad~ :'(