ghost for 31days

ghost for 31days

One month , 31 days ....

that is all I have left before I go . But the thing is nobody knows ...


I was sitting infront of the window  just sitting there , staring at what happend outside . It was snowing for the first time this year , the snow kept falling . It was covering the world into white blanked of of cold snow .  As I looked to the people that were outside that are about to freez to dead , I had this sad yet warm feeling....

I just somehow could feel it all . the cold snow ... it is  like ice tears from the sky , thesad sky . yet it looked so beautiful when all the ice tears are on the ground and make this white snowy blanket . But when I  see how this tears can bring people togheter this warm feeling is there . I saw couples cuddeling outside as the walked over the streets . Yet it keeps remebering me about her I must see her again ! 

As I sighed I was wondering when I will meet her again . I must meet her before I have to leave ...

I jumped up as I saw a girl falling down   ... Could it be her ?


Beeeeep beeeeep beeeeep .....

"Oh dear got I overslept again !!!! Noooo nooo this is not gooood not today !!!!!"   As I rushed into the bathroom I was about to freak out . "Aish, why am I always late ? I swear that alarm must be broken !" I looked into the mirror and I didn't had time to was my hear but whyyyy was I so lazy to not wash it yesterday .... I should had washed it !!! " Oke let us be calm eeeeeeeeh oke a hat , That is it !!!" I rushed back to my room to find a hat, dear god I found one quickly  . Ate some bread and I was ready to go. 

"Moooooooooooom I'm leaving for schooool !!!!!  "  i yelled before I closed the door .

" Oke hunny !,see you toninght . have fun at school ! " 


And great this day could not get any better it was snowing ... ugh  did the world want me to be even more late ? I ran as fast as I can to get to school but I could have known it was a bad idea ....cause a second later my face was saying hello to the ground . As I smacked down into the snow I was ready to give up ! the world so didn't want me to get to school .... 

" A-are you oke ???" 

A voice ? as I turned around and rubbed the snow away from my eyes I saw a face smining  at me . He had kind eyes but I felt like I saw those eyes somewhere before .. 

" you know you shouldn't run in the snow " he sad with a gentel smile on his face .

" I - I know I'm sorry "  I said 

" Don't be sorry you know it is a nice way to start making snow angels "

" Whaaaaat ??"  

" hey , I'm just joking " he said as he gently whiped the snow from my hair .

he reached out his hand to help me up  . I don't know why but I just sat there staring at him....

" You going to stand up or what ? " he said 

Oh dear god I totallyt forgot I was still sitting on the cold snow with my but . How stupid could I be !? I reached for his hand to help me up . He was really sweet but somehow I felt like I knew him....

" Don't you have to be at school ? " he asked me with wondering eyes 

" How did you know ?" 

" weeeeell you are wearing a school uniform "

" Oh right ! Wait a second SCHOOOOOOL I need to get to school ASAP !!!! " I started to freak out I already have been late so much ! the teacher will kill me !!!

" wooooooh eassy ! " 

" But I.."

" Well what about I bring you there on my scooter "

I didn't knew what to say , I mean I didn't know him and I just met him and i don't know should I go with him ????? So much questions ! Some how I kinda  felt like I could trust him . But why is that ...

"Weeeeeell should I dropp you af at your school or not ?"

" Are you sure it is no trouble for you ?" I asked shy

" Noo ofcourse not , and the longer you wait the later you will be at school"

God damn it he was right !

" Oke fine , thank you for doing this " I said as I bowd to him

"oh it is no problem " he said as he started his scooter 


A few minuuts later I was at school I thanked the boy for bringing me and rushed inside . the whole day I could not stop yhinking about that boy . Why did I felt like I could trust him ? waaaaaait a second Now that I think about it I didn't told him the name of my school ! How did he knew I am going to this school ????

No way !? could he be a stalker or something ??????


oke this is my first time ever to write , If you guys like it this far please let me know ^-^



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