Chapter 1

Vacation with the Idiots

You had agreed to meet the boys at a small cafe shop by near your apartment. You were thrilled to be seeing all of them again, and finally get to hang out. While stuffing a bunch of shorts, tank tops, and t-shirts inside your bag, you began to wonder how each of them were. You were more than aware of how Youngjae, Daehyun, and Jongup were, but you were very curious about how the others were. Did they get taller? Did they get fatter? Were they eating well? Were they pulling pranks without you? Did they get hotter?

That last question lingered on your mind as you heard a small vibration in your pocket. You had received a text from Daehyun:


-Hey, are you ready yet? Everyone's waiting for you.


-Yeah, on my way.

You stuffed the phong back in your pocket as your scrambled to get everything inside the small bag you had. It would be a week of vacation with them and you wanted to be prepared, those boys were always doing things unexpectedly.

Quickly locking the door to your apartment, you flew down the stairs nearly falling down a flight of them and sprinted to the nearby cafe. As you slowed your pace and was ready to walk coolly into the cafe, you noticed your heart rate start to speed up a bit. Why was it doing this? Ugh, it didn't matter. They're probably a bunch of dorks like they always were. As you opened the door to the cafe, you were bombarded with hugs from a guy with jet black hair. You weren't able to see his face since it was nuzzled up against your neck. You were assuming this was Himchan because of the amount of skinship he was giving you. You dropped your bag and kicked him in the shin, and as he grabbed his leg in pain, you smiled triumphantly.

"Aish, still as violent as ever huh, Hyemi-ah? And y too." He looked up at you with the smirk he always had and your jaw dropped open. You kicked him again. His face contorted in pain and you stuck your tongue out at him.

"That's what you get for being a ert Himchan," and smiled deviously at him.

"How many times do I have to tell you to call me oppa, huh? Call me oppa. Please?" You looked at him and scoffed.

"As if Himchan." And as you turned your head, you saw a tall silhouette standing not too far away from you. He smiled at you with a big smile. You couldn't mistake that gummy smile anywhere, it was Yongguk.

"Do I get a hug too?" he said as he pouted. You laughed at him and punched him in the arm as you tried to jump up and put your arms around his neck and legs around his waist. Whoa, he had grown much taller. As he was swinging you around, you heard a loud voice. You quickly let go of him and tried to figure out who the voice belonged to. You hadn't noticed that Yongguk's face saddened a little when you released him.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" You turned around to see a tall boy with blonde hair bouncing towards you with two smoothies in his hand. He set the drinks down and towered over you. Geez, everyone was getting taller, were you the only shortie in here? You smiled at him.

"Hey Zelo." He gave you a giant hug and whined.

"I missed you so much noona. Why didn't you call me? It's been so long since I've seen you!" You quickly took a step back and looked at him weirdly.

"I just called you yesterday telling you that I was excited to see you. Did you fall on that skateboard or something?" You laughed as he pouted.

"ACTUALLY noona, i'm really good at this skateboard now. Here, look." You watched in amazement as he did a bunch of tricks on his skateboard. You had to admit, he was good. You clapped and gave him a thumbs up. He smiled and gave you one of the two smoothies he had. "Here noona, I bought this for you."

You looked at him surprised as you took a sip out of it. "How did you remember that I liked strawberry? This is my favorite!" He shrugged his shoulders and rubbed his neck smiling shyly. Walking over to Daehyun and Youngjae, you saw that they were being unusually quiet. They were just talking to each other. "How come you guys aren't joining in the conversation? You're just sitting over here like a bunch of party poopers." Daehyun turned his head to you and smiled softly.

"We wanted to let you have time and talk to the others a bit before we go." Smiling at him greatfully, you patted him on the back and said,

"Thanks buddy. Oh, where's Jongup?"

"He's in the bathroom. Has a stomach ache or something," said Youngjae. You nodded your head understandingly and sat down waiting for him. As Jongup finally came out, he saw you and smiled his adorable eye smile.

"Sorry I took so long.." You laughed at him. "It's okay guppie." As you stood up you said loudly, "Let's go guys, I don't wanna waste a single minute."

As you all got into the van, you were squished in between Himchan and Daehyun while Jongup and Zelo sat in the back and Youngjae sat in the front while Yongguk drove. When you all settled into the van, you put on your earphones and closed your eyes to listen to you music. After about five minutes and the car still hasen't started, you opened your eyes to find six pairs of eyes staring at you. You gave them a weird look. "What?" Youngjae scoffed at you.

"What do you mean what? Where do you wanna go? Our whole vacation is based on where you wanna go." Your mouth dropped open incredulously.

"Really? Where I wanna go?!" You smiled widely as you screamed and point forward. " TO THE AMUSEMENT PARK!" Everyone laughed and shook their head. You were still the immature girl they knew since elementary school. As the car began to go forward, you looked at all the smiling faces around you. This is going to be fun.

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