Sweet ^^

Perfect Lie


Author POV

Minzy drive dara home and its perfect because she  can visit and take care of bom

“where home” dara stated opening the door and reveling bom watching T.V at the living room looked pale and weak

“dara~ munchie~~~~” bom used her aegyo because she saw her girlfriend minzy

“bommie you looked pale what happen” minzy run towards bom, she ask bom and you can say that she s’ very worried because of boms condition

“its not sever minzy-ah its just flu” bom try to smile to make things okay

“yeah, don’t worry she will not die yet” dara nagging minzy

“aish~ DARA unnie don’t joke about bom s’ condition” minzy faked sad

Dara just smile seeing minzy very worried about her sister,  bom and minzy start to date since elementary and been on since 2 years ago fate really wants them,

“so what happen to you guys?” bom ask minzy and dara

‘you know cl my cousin?” minzy start to talk

“not yet but I heard that name!” bom roll her eyes

“yes!! She s’ my cousin and dara s’ a.k.a girlfriend!!” minzy said that made bom widen her eyes

“Really since when!!” bom curiously ask

“since this morning!!” minzy smiled to bom, bom smirk and turn her gaze to busy dara

“dara-yah you already have a girlfriend kya~” bom giggle at her place even if she s’ not feeling well at all

“shut up” dara harshly said   its not like dara don’t want cl to be  her girlfriend its just she don’t want to hear bom teasing her all day none stop

That girl named cl used to be my Boss is now my girlfriend everything happen so fast, at first i just went  to the company just for interview, and saw a beautiful girl wearing formal attire and blonde girl and dad and minzy aish~ its making my head hurts but I admit she s’ so hot dara thought

“dara~” dara turn her eyes to the cute couple

“what!!” dara blurt out

“I been calling you I think 5 times but your not responding you spacing out?” bom whine

“really?!” dara amusedly said

“are you a deaf or something what are you thinking huh?!” bom ask in curiosity

“I think Cl unnie” minzy tease dara again that made the petite girl blush

“minjji ah stop teasing her look at her she s’ blushing!!” bom join minzy teasing dara

Two versus one that s’ not fair dara thought…, dara just looked down in embarrassment and admit her defeat

“you want me too call her” minzy suggest and acting dialing her cousins number

“don’t~~~” dara shout loudly

“kya~ to loud my eardrum it hurts” bom cover her ears

“don’t over react bomicorn” dara stuck out her tongue

“what did you say” bom said while grinning

“I said BOMIECORN” dara start to tease this time its her time revenge

“dara unnie don’t call her like that its unpleasant to hear” minzy protect dara but dara don’t give a

“just don’t call her if you don’t I will stop!!” dara had a light bulb on her head its light is on another bright idea

“okay…okay just don’t call munchie Bomicorn again” minzy gladly smile to me so I smile back

“you too stop calling me like that” bom faked angry and cross hands on her chest

“what? What calling? What that?!” dara ask bom

“Duh! Bomicorn” bom blurt out and glare to dara

“hate you dara-yah” bom stand up and start to chase dara

“don’t move bommie your sick let her there s’ always a next time” minzy try to make her calm bom just pout and make faced to dara

Everybody know that dara and bom sometimes hate each other because of some odd reasons but everybody knew too that they love each other they are very protective when it comes to their family, bom always taking care dara because she s’ 2 years older than dara , dara understand bom whenever they tease and mock each other they both not taking it seriously and they knew its love…

“ I have to go!” minzy stand up and peek a kiss to bom fluffy cheeks

“ im so sad that your leaving early” bom pout cutely to minzy

“ thank you for the bouquet and chocolates but I preffer if you add it corn” bom giggle

“don’t worry I will buy you more and dozen of corn next time, but for now dad is waiting for me I have to go bye munchie always remember I love you” bom stand up and gave minzy ah hug

“ahhhhhhh~ I will definitely have a diabetes because of your sweetness” dara giggle

“don’t mind her she s’ just jealous because her so called girlfriend is not here” bom mock and gave minzy a one passionate kiss French kiss

“you two GET A ROOM~” dara shout and quickly cover her eyes “god hate me~ im too young for this” dara smirk

“too young your already old minzy is younger than you so don’t complain” bom throw pillow to dara

Next day

“dara wake up…wake up” bom impatiently waking dara up but dara keep ignoring bom

“hmmmm what do you want?!” dara murmur

“dad and cl are going to meet at the Blackjack coffee shop and dad wants  to meet you to so wake up and go bath now N.O.W” bom fastly explain  

“what!!!!!!!” dara quickly stand up and run to the bath room but after a minute go out again

“ottoke!! Ottoke!!!” dara nervous and panic about the situation

“dara what are you doing go get bath faster!!” bom command and dara just follow bom orders after 10 minutes of taking bath finally dara get out and revealing her fresh faced

“oh~ what should I wear?” dara ask bom

“I have this wear this!!” bom handing a clothes

“you sure!!!” dara shockedly ask  bom and chuckle at that moment

“do you think im not sure!!! Just wear this trust me!!” bom smile widely

“okay!!” dara reply in defeat again and grab those clothes and start to change



I don’t know what to wear so I just grab this clothes from bom because she suggest this clothes and I trust her but Dafuq!!!

Why those people staring at me gosh I cant help to blush I saw her Cl so I walked and dash to her

“cl?” I almost whisper but I think she heard it

“you’re here so!!!.....................” cl turn aroud to faced me but what happen to her? Why is she like that?


Oh I heard her name so I think she s’ already here Mr.Park or should I saw uncle call me I wonder where he gets my number but never mind, he text me to meet with him in blackjack coffee shop I been there they serve good quality meals

“cl?!” that s’ her voice that music to my ear

“you’re here so!!!!!................” I was about to tell more but Jaw drop + widen eyes = stunned


She s’ so beautiful


But im happy seeing her white and milky but tiny legs she s’ so skinny


“ohh what?!” I snap out and came back to reality

“close your mouth?!” she shyly said aish what am I doing

“wha..what?” I quickly close my mouth I didn’t realize im zoning out because of her iness

 “sorry about my father so should we go?” she said and fixed my self god if you only see my face im smiling like an idiot here!!! I was hypnotize because of her beauty

“yeah lets go?” I walked first and she s’ at my back

At first we walked simply but when I notice some of my employees eyeing sandara s’ Le…legs,…they staring to those precious legs of my girl…..i twitch my faced and make may mood change

I grab her hands now where walking holding hands I don’t care what they say I im deeply in love with this girl and she s’ my girlfriend right


Gosh I can hear my heartbeat its running so fast but my blood is boiling if they wont stop staring to her legs I wont think twice they will just shocked because my fist landed to there face… those ert guys

“don’t stare” I stop and I hide dara at my back

“what are you doing?!” she shyly ask me I didn’t looked at her because im busy looking to those ert guys eyeing your legs understand…

“I said don’t stare” I commanded them I said that abit loud, I intensity looked to those ert employees  they looked scared because of my stare

“cl!!!” she worriedly say my name

“looked those ert are looking to your precious legs next time don’t wear short shorts because guys cant stop eyeing you, your only mine ?!” I coldly said to her and continue walking


Gosh what did I just say? O.o

Dara POV

What did she say “precious legs of mine, and whaaaaa….what im only hers!!” O.o whats the meaning of that!! And wait she s’ protecting me from those ert employess of hers =^.^= *giggles* + *blush*= so sweet of hers :”>>



late update but ^^ im so happy i already solve my problems at school ^^ kekeke but i still have to rest so *hiatus On*  so i think i will update next day after tomorrow ^^ so enjoy this one kya~ feels :">>  so rry for late update unnie-ah hehehe.^^ and thank you to those who comment ,subscribe and specially to those who upvote my story i appreciate you :) thank you again i will make this story interesting for you guys so Fighting!!!



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che21lo15 #1
Update pls
che21lo15 #2
Chapter 1: Pls update soon.
Chapter 1: WTF?! TOO MANY ERRORS! I should fix this story --__--
Chapter 5: Pleaseeeee updatee soon :)) :d
Chapter 5: merry Christmas my little genie ^^
finally you updated... ^^
Chapter 5: hahaha I love this fic. Update more :D merry christmas!!!!!! LOL
m6hm21 #7
Chapter 4: Feaking cute ><

Update please
Chapter 4: ohh my... my genie why on hiatus? hmm.. you still owe me one haha.. you better update soon ^^
jonghyunie143 #9
m6hm21 #10
Chapter 3: please update soon It's interesting ><