imperfect perfection

If We Pass Each Other By

Once it breaks,

it's like a mirror that's cracked and broken into pieces.

It's almost impossible to fix it,

but it can, and it will be fixed.

Those broken pieces will fit back together one day,

no matter by your own hand or someone else's or by time's hands.

And- And it'll be beautiful.

The most beautiful, most precious thing ever.

The cracks, the scars, the scratches are what makes it beautiful,

those scars and cracks

are of what you've been through

and how you've become whole again.


An excerpt from my first music shuffle challenge thingie. I really like what I wrote in one of the drabbles so i took this out. it's also on my profile quotes section.

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Chapter 3: Wow, I really like imperfect perfection. Speaks loudly, it has a lot of story behind it.