The Friendly Giant

Out Of Place


After a short time searching, Minhyun found JR in the bathroom. He observed the older and noticed that JR’s eyes were red and puffy as if the boy had been trying to force back tears. His cheeks had a rose tint and his fringe was dripping because of the water he’d thrown upwards from the tap's water stream.


Jonghyun was unaware of the giant’s presence as he looked into the mirror and cursed at his being so childish as to just walk out of the practise room in the way that he did. With his hands on the rim of the sink, he dropped to his knees and with his head down, let everything go. Incoherent mumbles and hiccups left his lips as he tried to regain any hope of being happy when he felt a hand touch his shoulder. He gasped lightly before lifting his head to see a visually calm Minhyun.

“Are you here to scold me too?” He asked with a hiccup to which Minhyun reacted with a quick shake of his head.

“Of course not… That’s a horrible thing to do to someone who needs that crud the least right now.” Minhyun slipped his arms around JR’s shoulders and held him tight. “The other members were out of line and I’m sorry on their behalf… Don’t take it to heart, okay?”


The rapper slid into hugging Minhyun back before burying his face into the younger’s shirt.

“I’m sorry…” he started, his voice muffled. “I’m sorry I’m not good enough.” Minhyun’s heart broke at the sentence that wobbled out of JR’s mouth. He hugged the broken boy tighter before releasing his grip and cupping JR’s face, tilting his head back so he was facing him.


JR’s face reddened slightly; he was seeing a beautiful person inside and out so close up. His long eyes and plump lips made him irresistible. The boy’s brown locks were neat and well-done. He looked like a prince – tall, handsome, kind… Even if you were a guy you’d want to be his princess.


Before Minhyun could speak like he had intended to, his lips were met with the rapper’s. He was taken aback and had to use one of his hands to keep himself from falling backwards. Whilst JR’s eyes were shut, his were wide open, absorbing shock from what his mouth was currently experiencing. His mind tried to register whether it felt good or bad, right or wrong. The warm sensation in his mouth that was Jonghyun’s tongue quickly left. JR stared at the younger, gobsmacked by what he just did. Minhyun had equal breathlessness and shock but his eyes then softened. It felt good, Minhyun thought. Right? Not so much. He leaned over the top of JR and forced his tongue into the other’s mouth, eager to explore. His tongue wrapped around JR’s. Slight moans of pure pleasure left both members’ lips. They had forgotten they were in a public bathroom and that it wasn’t the most romantic place on earth but it didn’t stop them. No, they were lost in each other’s worlds… Or mouths. Probably both.


After successfully exchanging each other’s tastes and flavours, they slowly left the vigorous make out. Realising it was getting late, Minhyun stood up, before helping JR up too. He felt calm. There was no awkwardness, no weird feelings. He saw in JR’s eyes that the feeling was mutual. With his hand, he gestured for them to go back to the practise room and at first, Jonghyun was unsurprisingly hesitant to return to that place but the friendly giant’s soft welcoming eyes persuaded him to move on.


When they finally reached the practice room, they noticed the other three practicing hard. Baekho saw the two enter and stopped dancing to greet Minhyun.

“Doesn’t Jonghyun-hyung get a greeting?”Minhyun asked, staring down on the leader. “He’s a member of NU’EST too.”

“He’s not, really,” was Baekho’s reply. “He’s barely been with us a day and has already screwed up a lot.”

“He’s new! Cut him some slack!”

“He had been training beforehand, right? He should know not to get in the way of professionals like us.”

“Professionals? How are you a professional when you turn away new talent with your nose stuck up in the air?”

Baekho sighed. “You’re right,” He faced JR. “Jonghyun… I’m sorry.” He reached out to put his hand on his shoulder but Minhyun noticed a sudden panic in JR’s eyes and batted the stray hand away quickly.

“Don’t lie to us!!”

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Wxnieyy_19 #1
Chapter 4: Author-nim please co tinued update with your story T_T i really love itt
Chapter 4: Why'd you stop updating Author-nim? I'm a new reader and I really like the story. So pretty pretty please update soon? "Buing Buibing?"
Ninja101 #3
Chapter 4: pls update this~~ poor JR :/ cant wait to find out wat happens next!
Chapter 4: gah baekho you meanie. This is so good omg.
MishaRen #5
Chapter 4: Please update again! Must know the rest! My poor J.R :c
Chapter 3: ugh gdi minki! could you not ruin everything >:c
sigh its a shame he cut the ty scene short too lmao~
Chapter 3: I like this a lot! I like how you made JR fragile and really that's kind to a lower degree how he's like in real life ~
Update soon! :)
MishaRen #8
Chapter 3: Yay! You updated >:D Ren -gives stare stare- -backs away slowly-
Chapter 1: Omg they're all bishes D: okay not Min but STILL. Poor JR;;;; they better be nice to him!