Espresso Macchiato

Caramel Macchiato


“Long time no see...Kai”

I’m pretty sure everyone stopped breathing and stared at me, they didn’t expect that I will converse with Kai, not to mention actually being the one to start the conversation.

He stared at me, looking a bit confused. Probably because I called him ‘Kai’ instead of ‘Jongin.’

“I’m glad to see you, Cherry.”

He replied and I gave him a small smile, now all the attention was on him. Sehun looked the most surprised as he probably knew Kai the best. They sat down and joined our dinner. I noticed Kai kept glancing over to me and Kris. The atmosphere was awkward, but I tried not to mind it. Kris fed me and I saw that Kai looking pissed, I know when he’s pissed just by looking at his facial expression. His lips were in a tight line and he was clenching his fist as if he would punch him at any moment. I don’t get his problem, to be honest. He’s the one who broke up with me; he has no right to be jealous.

I was a bit annoyed but I didn’t show it. Luhan asked the guys to help him carry boxes into the café so he could unpack them in the morning. I wouldn’t be able to carry all of them alone, so they all got up to do it, but Sehun told Kai not to do it because his back is injured.

So I was left in the room alone with my ex-boyfriend… Great.

“I see you’ve moved on” he spoke up; I didn’t expect him to start a conversation with me.

“Ah, yes. I have, why?”

“It’s only been a year, Cherry…” He glared at me.

That was unexpected.

“A year is a long time Kai, what’s with you anyways? You don’t expect me to not be over you after our break up and not seeing you for a year.”

“I thought you said that you loved me.”

Is he being serious right now? Like, what the hell? He’s making me sound as if I was cheating on him or something.

“You did as well”

“I never said I stopped loving you, Cherry.”

“Stop it Kai, we are over, and it was your decision, not mine.”

“Well, maybe I made a mistake.”

‘Well you do realise that it's a bit late now. So stop this, Kai!" I raised my voice, furious. Who does he think he is? Does he expect me to run after him after all this time?

He smirked and bitterly chuckled, "Kai? If I remember correctly, you used to call me by my real name..."

"Well you're different now... So, I'm not going to do it."

My voice attracted our friends who were out of the room and Kris came in looking worried. He knew he shouldn’t have left me with my ex-boyfriend "Cherry... Is everything okay?"

I was about to speak out, but Kai beat me to it "It’s none of your business."

I was surprised by what he said, and he pissed my boyfriend off "she’s my girlfriend now, so it is my business. And I don’t want you upsetting her, you have no right to do that."

The atmosphere was tense, as they glared at each other. "I know her better than you do, and I will get her back."

That’s it. I stepped in between them "no Kai, I don't want to be with you anymore. I’m over you, we were done a year ago, and you were the one who finished this relationship. Now I have someone else, and I’m not planning to leave him just because you're acting as if you own me!"

As I finished talking, Luhan and Sehun came into the room and sensed the mood. ‘We should go, Jongin." Sehun spoke.

"Stay with your boyfriend. I’m leaving" and he left.

I was pissed. We didn’t continue the dinner so we decided to go home. The HunHan couple stayed back to clean up the café, which was Sehun’s idea; much to Luhan’s protests, because Sehun was probably exhausted by his own work. Somehow, Sehun ended up winning the argument and they stayed back.

Kris was walking me back to my apartment "if he comes near you, tell me right away."

"He won’t. He's not that stupid, he should know that I’m over him."

"It didn’t look like it, so I’m worried. I don’t want that bastard trying to steal you away from me."

"He won’t. It’s over between me and him."

He walked me up to my apartment and left. I went in and reached my door, I was dead tired and I wanted to do is sleep. I found my keys and went inside, it was dark and I didn’t bother turning the lights on as I walked through my apartment to my bedroom. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I relaxed, but then remembered that my boyfriend doesn’t have the keys to my apartment and the only person who has my spare key is Jongin.


He just smirked, looking at me.

"Welcome home Cherry~"



Yay update

i blame Karen for me updating slowly 

i should be writing my next chapter but i feel tired and ill.

College is over~ yay

wellill probably have more time to write now

I'm one of those 'i have no friends an di stay at home all the time' so yeah a lot of time

i'm planing to start a fanfic,i'll plan it out this weekends, also i'll try editing myself and send it to karen for a check up and maybe i'll stop bothering her with editing

I ordered a Kris jelly band bracellet a coupl eof weeks ago and i got it today <3  Happy

Also me and Karen are now waiting for our verry special Christmas gifts <3 2013 calendars, she's getting the B.A.P one and i'm getting the EXO global one the table one not the wall one. So verry excited for that.

Untill my next update~

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Karenlyl #1
Karenlyl #2
foreverachild #3
Chapter 10: :P as much as i love you kai, your own fault that cherry's with someone else, why is it that guys don't understand the concept of moving on?
Karenlyl #4
foreverachild #5
Chapter 9: wtf! seriously!? dude she's over you >:| i really don't see how guys think they can just waltz back into their ex's lives and think that the girl will drop everything and come running back to them e.e
foreverachild #6
Chapter 8: she's moved on :)and if kai starts to be all pouty about it, i shot gun the first punch, he has no right to interfere :P
foreverachild #7
Chapter 7: it that kai didn't try like hunhan is, but then i think it was better to break up now, where there's less tension, than later on if they kept their relationship going during kai's debut, still it :/
foreverachild #8
Chapter 6: and hunhan has entered the building ladies and gentlemen :3
Karenlyl #9
foreverachild #10
Chapter 5: hehe, i saw what you did there author nim ;)