Praline Mocha

Caramel Macchiato


The auditions were tomorrow and I haven’t been in contact with my boyfriend for a week, the only way that I know he’s alive is through Luhan. I don’t get how Luhan and Sehun have time to meet up, but Jongin can’t even text me. I decided not to get pissed over it since I know it’s his dream.

I lay in my bed alone, staring at the ceiling. It’s late, I can’t sleep and I have no idea why. I stare at my phone as if it would magically make Jongin call me. Amazingly, it vibrated and I took my phone and sat up, it was a text from Jongin.

‘Come to the audition with me, you can wait there for me and then we’ll go for lunch’

Not even an ‘I’m sorry’ or ‘I love you’… He’s probably just tired.


The audition day came, I met up with Luhan and we went to the building. Jongin and Sehun were there looking their best, Jongin was wearing a leather vest with spikes on the shoulders and a pair of skin tight jeans; I proudly stared at my very hot boyfriend. To match, Sehun wore a leather jacket and Luhan jumped on Sehun when he saw him; I just smiled at Jongin who hugged me “haven’t seen you in a while.”

I smiled “I’m happy that you even noticed”

“Of course I did, it feels weird when you’re not around.”

We went inside the building, there were a ton of teenagers there, some were sitting, some were standing, and some even were on the floor. Everyone was of different ages; some were with their families, friends or significant other. I could see people dancing and singing. It really was amazing.


Oh hell no...

Yoona ran up to Jongin, jumping onto him to give him a hug. How could I forget? The is in this company as well, she got accepted into it when she found out that Jongin was planning to audition here, and how did she get accepted? Well, money of course… And she probably threw her body in as well. I rolled my eyes and pushed her away from him “know your place ” I hissed at her.

Yoona made an innocent, offended face, but Jongin knew how she really is “go away Yoona, I haven’t seen my girlfriend in ages and I don’t really want anyone to get in between us.”

Yoona was shocked since it was the first time he was rude to her, but he seemed a bit moody today. She left and he hugged my waist “I missed you.”

I smiled “I missed you too”

I looked to the side to see a very pissed Luhan and then saw a girl hugging Sehun. Oh god…

Luhan literally pulled her off him by her hair.

The girl started to fix her hair once he let go of her “who the… Luhan oppa?!”  She stared at him, her eyes wide.

Sehun smirked, hugging Luhan. “Baby, don’t get jealous. She’s a no one.”

The girl was Krystal, a friend of Yoona. She was after Sehun for a while now, and they once dated, for a week, then he broke up with her. But she couldn’t accept it and kept telling everyone that they were still together, which was not true. I guess she still hasn’t heard yet that her precious Sehunie is gay and has a boyfriend. You can’t blame him though, who wouldn’t resist Luhan.

Luhan glared at Krystal “don’t you ever touch my boyfriend again.”

Her eyes grew large as she stared at them. “B-boyfriend?! Is that the truth Sehun?! What about us?!”

He rolled his eyes “there is no us, we were over a year ago. So get over it because Luhan is my boyfriend.”

Luhan wrapped his arms around Sehuns neck proudly.

Krystal stormed off, I think I saw her crying but I didn’t care.

We went to the registration table for Jongin and Sehun to pick their numbers up, after we went into the waiting area, we waited for about an hour before it was their turn.

Me and Luhan sat there, holding each other and waited. In about 10 minutes, Jongin and Sehun came out, looking sad. We froze, thinking about how will would cheer them up and how this was not the most important thing in their lives and they can try again, but then they smirked and said “We passed”

We jumped up into the air and then jumped onto them. We went out to celebrate; we got a bunch of food and then went to Luhan’s apartment, which was huge. I knew he was rich!

Sehun knows him less than we do but he looked like he owned the place, he went into the kitchen then he was lying on the couch. Luhan didn’t seem to mind, I wonder how close they are… On the other hand, I don’t think I want to know.


We were celebrating the whole night, no one bothered going to work the next morning, and I found myself sleeping with Jongin in Luhan’s bath tub.

“Wake up, Jongin. It’s morning.”

“Ngghhh five more minutes”

“We are in Luhan’s bathroom!”

He opened his eyes, surprised. “Oh wow, well this is the first”

We both got out of there and headed out of the bathroom, we found both Luhan and Sehun in Lulu’s bedroom and we didn’t bother waking them up so we just went home. We spent all day together, and everything was back to normal.

Jongin and Sehun signed with the company and became official trainees. Jongin still worked, but part time instead of full time, since he had training in the evening after lunch. For three months, everything was fine until the company announced that they will start preparing for their debut. Sehun and Jongin were put together with a group of five other people whom I didn’t know: Kyungsoo, Suho, Baekhyun and Chanyeol. They even gave Jongin a stage name, Kai.  I laughed and about it, nicknaming him ‘Kaiffeine.’

After the announcement of them debuting in a couple of months, they started training even harder, and I never saw him. It was the same for the HunHan couple, but Luhan seemed to be taking it all better than me. The thing that bothered me the most is that the was sticking around my boyfriend in the company, I’ve seen her tweet about him, even though she didn’t use his name, I knew she was talking about him, calling him ‘sweetheart’ and all that crap.

I trusted Jongin so I tried to ignore my worries, we met up a couple of times but he was way too tired.

We were like this for two months and then it all broke down for me.

We met up in the park not far from where I live, I was smiling as I sat down next to him but he didn’t look all that happy.

“You should really rest instead of meeting up with me, and we can meet up when you get a day off.”

“They won’t give me a day off. Anyways, it doesn’t matter… I won’t be staying for long.”

I smiled at him “that’s fine as long as I get to see you.”

“You won’t get to see me anymore.”

“Huh?” I didn’t understand what he meant, so I looked at him, confused.

He sighed. “Cherry… I... Let’s break up.”

I froze. “Pardon?”

“I can’t take it anymore… I can’t continue this, we hardly see each other, and then when I debut, I’d have to keep our relationship hidden and we’ve grown apart, so let’s just end it.”

I stared at him in shock. “So that’s it? You’re just breaking it off like it was nothing?”

“No! Of course our relationship means a lot to me. But you have to understand…”

“Is Sehun breaking up with Luhan?”

“No, he loves him way too much…”

“Oh I see. Well bye then, Jongin. Good luck on your debut.”

“No, Cherry! That’s not what I meant! I do love you”

“But it’s not enough to continue our relationship?”  I was standing, my back facing him as tears rolled down my cheeks, “I understand” I laughed, bitterly. “Now I know what they meant when they said that it all comes out when a couple faces hard times, and instead of overcoming them, you just gave up”

He didn’t say anything for a while, he was listening to me sobbing lightly, I only cried once in front of him, and that was when my parents called after a while because I missed them a lot.  He promised that he will never leave my side and will never let me cry. I laughed at the memory because here I am, crying, because of him leaving me.

“I’m sorry Cherry, but this is for the best…”

I just left, I couldn’t handle it.

I never saw him after the break up. I took a day off, I was in my bed crying, and then I pulled myself together, and put all the pictures and couple stuff into a box and hid it in the closet.

I left the bracelet he gave me on my wrist because, besides being a boyfriend, he was a very precious friend to me. If it wasn’t for him, I probably would have ran back to my parents, he helped me a lot and I was very thankful to him.

When I came back to work, Luhan was already aware of the news and he hugged me tight, saying that if I wanted more time off he would give it to me. I declined because I didn’t want my personal life to affect anyone else. Tao came to cheer me up and when Sehun came late to pick up Luhan, he also tried to cheer me up by hugging me.

They stopped mentioning his name when I was around, which made me feel more comfortable and helped me to move on.

After a month, I was back to my old self.

I was making coffee when Luhan came up to me “in a month, my cousin will come back from Canada he will be working here with you.”

I nodded, smiling at him.

And exactly as he said, in a month when I came to work, next to Luhan was a very tall handsome blonde guy.

I bowed, greeting him.

“Ah, Cherry you’re here! This is my cousin I told you about!”

“Hello I’m Kris.”




Did i update twice in one day? lmao

Here's the first main conflict, the breakup.

I made my editor,Karen, cry while she was editing the breakup part. Lmao

i google the chapters name D: i've got the Starbuck's website open lmao

Lau i labbbb chuu for editing my fanfics~

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Karenlyl #1
Karenlyl #2
foreverachild #3
Chapter 10: :P as much as i love you kai, your own fault that cherry's with someone else, why is it that guys don't understand the concept of moving on?
Karenlyl #4
foreverachild #5
Chapter 9: wtf! seriously!? dude she's over you >:| i really don't see how guys think they can just waltz back into their ex's lives and think that the girl will drop everything and come running back to them e.e
foreverachild #6
Chapter 8: she's moved on :)and if kai starts to be all pouty about it, i shot gun the first punch, he has no right to interfere :P
foreverachild #7
Chapter 7: it that kai didn't try like hunhan is, but then i think it was better to break up now, where there's less tension, than later on if they kept their relationship going during kai's debut, still it :/
foreverachild #8
Chapter 6: and hunhan has entered the building ladies and gentlemen :3
Karenlyl #9
foreverachild #10
Chapter 5: hehe, i saw what you did there author nim ;)