Chapter 3

The Beholder

His hair dripped wet as he leaned over the clipboard, scribbling in his name on the line. He felt his body reacting to its own tense position and tried to relax some of his muscles, taking deep, slow breaths. After rereading the line he was on for the umpteenth time, he shut his eyes and leaned back in his seat, exhaling deeply. His hands were sweating, although cold water dripped from his hair to his back cooling his body.

Breathe, he reminded himself before opening his eyes to a blur of bright white and black ink. Slowly, he began to read through the paper and fill out what he could once more. His heart raced at the speed of light, but his shoulders remained tense and nearly reached his ears.

He chewed on his lip and ran a hand through his messy mane. His thumb hooked on to his pocket where his phone sat, dangerously close to his last resort. His eyes widened as he turned the page to a whole new sheet and his breath hitched in his throat. Flipping his phone open, he reluctantly clawed at the suddenly-too-small numbers on his phone, trying not to cringe with each deafening beep.


Alright, Jiyong, just as you had rehearsed...


Appa, I need your help...

"Excuse me, Sir?"

I tore my gaze from the small screen and blinked up at the nurse infront of me. She had a towel swung over her shoulder and short, black hair tied into a stubby pony tail, and soft pink scrubs on. Her warm smile showed her sympathy, if her eyes hadn't already given it away.

"Once you're done with that paper work, she is ready to have her visitors." The woman said.

I nodded, eyeing her nameplate. "Thank you, Minzy."

She bowed 90 degrees and eye smiled warmly. "It's nothing," she grinned. "Oh, and here," she said, pulling the towel from her shoulder and a small card from her pocket. Taking it into my hands along with the towel, I smiled at the food card and back up at Minzy.


She held up a hand. "Everything's going to be alright, okay?" Her brought her hand to her chest and the elegant, diamond necklace in the shape of a cross glistened in the light.

Rising to my feed and shoving my phone in my pocket, I bowed with a large smile on my face. "Kamsahamnida."

She bowed in return and took my clipboard, turning on her heel and striding back to her desk, disappearing from sight. I hastily shuffled my way down the hall down the already memorized path to her room. My feet found themselves glued in front of the door and I couldn't find my breath. Images of my first visit flashed before my eyes as I stared at the white door, feeling slightly light headed. I wasn't ready to go in there. I had thought that I was strong enough, but I really wasn't.

Everything is going to be alright, okay?

In a blink, I found myself inside her room, shutting the door behind me, my feet once immobile now guiding me to her bedside. I gazed at her face, and felt my heart swell as that familiar glow showed on her face. She wasn't as pale as she had been the before, her cheeks rosey again and the sparkle in her eye. Once she had looked away from the television screen and to me, her beautiful brown orbs widened with joy and she smiled that smile that melted me everytime. I felt my lips reflexively curl into a smile.

"Aisht," she began -- I nearly collapsed at the sound of her voice, "Oppa, please don't ever talk in third person like that again. It's very unattractive." she teased with a grin.

I chuckled and held my tongue. Please don't ever think you aren't beautiful. I knew already that I would only start an argument if I were to speak.

Bringing her hand into mine and kissing it, I took my seat at her bedside.

"Why? You don't like it when Oppa babies you, baby?"

She scowled, her nose wrinkling in repulse. I only snickered and kissed her forhead gently. I pushed some of her frazzled hair from her face and behind her ears, sat her up, and pulled her long, hazel hair to the side, combing through it with my fingers. Humming, I began to braid it down from her ear. I admired her beautiful hair as she watched me with loving eyes.I could feel the affection in her stare, in her fingertips as she my face, in her small smile that I knew was for me.

I was hopelessly in love with this woman and there was no doubt about it.

"Dara-ah, you're scaring me."


I raised an eyebrow and smiled at his adorable, concerned pout. I took his hands into mine as he looked up to my gaze with sorrow in his eyes. My smile faltered slightly, despite the overwhelming joy I felt for seeing him. No matter what was happening, whenever he was around, everything was better.

"Says the man who just perfectly braided my hair. If it were anyone else, I would be worried."

He smirked at my joke and I grinned back at him, earning a soft chuckle. It sent shivers down my spine to hear it again. He then let out a sigh and took our ring from the table at my bed side. Gently, he slipped it around my finger and I watched as a smile grew onto his face, those eyes I had fallen in love with sparkling like they did that day we had met. They slowly rose from my hand to meet my own gaze, when I felt a wave of warmth and comfort immediately engulf my being. I lost myself in his shining, amber orbs as his fingers swivled the ring around my finger.

"Do you love me?" he whispered, bringing my hand to his lips to kiss the ring. His lips lingered on my skin, making it tingle under his touch. Through his affectionate gesture, I couldn't ignore the tinge of sorrow in his voice. Sometimes, it hurt to know him too well.

"That's a silly question." I frowned.

He stiffled a laugh, the corners of his lips curling upwards slightly. "If it's so silly, why not just answer it?"

"Of course I do, with all of my heart." I pressed, flashing him a smile. Reflexively, he grinned back, but it quickly faltered as his gaze dropped to my hand once more.

"Do you believe that I love you?"

"Jiyong-ah, what are you--?"

"Just... answer the question, please?" He looked up to me with that same, sad smile. "I just want to hear it."

I searched his eyes for any reason, anything to give him away, but all I saw was sorrow and exhaustion... Concern... Stress... Love. Did I cause him all of these things? Was I that much of a pain to love?

"I do... believe that you love me."

"Do you want to leave me?"

The simple thought made my head spin and my heart drop into my stomach. I gasped, yanking my hand away from him and pulling it to my chest.

"No!" I cried. He seemed to relax at my reaction, causing my face to twist in confusion. "Why would you even ask such a thing?"

"Then why are you doing this, Dara-ah?" He sounded as if he was begging, not just asking. His fists balled up the sheet in his hands and immediately I softened my hard, accusing gaze. I just wanted to take his pain away.


"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that. I shouldn't have--"

"It's alright."

He looked almost surprised that I had said that, maybe even a little confused, but very, very cute; the way his eyes blinked too many times and his lips parted slightly made me smile, causing his eyebrows to furrow together.

"Aigo, how could I doubt you love me if you've said such things? I mean, you're here, too, aren't you?" I pulled his hands into my lap and smiled. "Let's not talk about these sad things, okay?"

I watched his expression slowly change into a hopeful, happy look as he nodded his head.

"Just promise me something, arasso?" He pulled his hand from my lap and lifted his pinky. "You'll try to get better and come home?"

I looked at his slender pinky with caution, aware of the kind of promise I was about to make and the expectations he would hold to me. My gaze shifted from him to his hand, my lips pursed with indecision. I didn't think I was strong enough yet. How could I when even the mention of food made me want to upchuck. His perfectly angular features, the slim cut of his chin, his broad, muscular shoulders... I was envious of his perfection, but in love with it all at the same time. With how my head was spinning at even the thought of my so-called "illness", I knew this was only a promise made for breaking. The hopeful look in his eyes was something I could never let down. Besides, if he really loved me, he would come back even if I broke my promise. I rose my hand slowly, smiling at my win-win odds.

"Oh, here you are."

Her voice pierced through the room and my hand dropped before it touched his, head turning towards the door where she stood. With her hands on her hips, lips in a scowl, and umbrella dripping at her side, she made her way to my bedside. Jiyong scrambled to his feet, protectivelky sheilding me from her. She meerely pushed by him and loomed over me, her beading eyes and broken grin pressing me deeper into my bed. The heart monitor squeaked out of rhythm as the blood rushed away from my already pale face.

"Oh, my. You've really let yourself go..." her tongue clicked in disappointment. Her waiting gaze made me cringe. I looked at Jiyong who was looking at me with wide, concerned eyes. His gaze shifted to glare at her protruding spine for a split second, enough time for him to dig his nails into his palms, before he hung his head.

Where was my protector? Where was my knight in shining armour? Where was my Jiyong?

She forcefully cleared , bringing my attention back to her judgmental stare.

I swallowed the nothingness in my dry throat and croacked out a weak greeting, "Hello, Omma."




"Jiyong?" She spat, straightening her spine, not bothering to face me or take her eyes off of Dara. If looks could kill...

"Yes?" I chocked out.

"Can I have a moment with my daughter, please?" Her weathered hand rested on top of hers as she bat her eyelashes, glancing at me from the side. "Alone."

I narrowed my gaze and bit my lips as I looked towards Dara. I couldn't ignore the desperation in her gaze, the nearly audible pleas her eyes screamed for me to stay, the almost real pressure of sitting on the chair and staying there that her expression pressed on me. But her mother would surely do worse if I didn't leave. Besides, what power did I have over her? Besides, the hospital had cameras and nurses galore. I couldn't do anything, and there was no use in making things worse.

Dropped my head in defeat, shot her an apologetic look, to which her chest visually dropped as she let out a sob. I cringed and grabbed my things, quickly shuffling out of the room, the deafening beep of the quickened heart monitor slicing through my ears. I pulled my coat on and shoved my hands into my pockets as I nearly ran down the halls, avoiding doctors and patients with my head down, eyes on the floor.

Upon feeling around in my pockets, I decided to stop at the front desk before I had left.

I forced a smile at the young girl infront of me. "Hello... Jessica." I said, eyeing her name plate. "Can I please speak to Nurse Minzy?"

She smiled back at me and looked down at her clipboard, flipping a few papers over before her smile faltered. Her gaze rose to meet mine once again, filled with confusion. "I'm sorry, we don't have a Minzy on file. Are you sure that's her name?"

My eyes brows connected as I pulled the food card from my pocket and looked at it.

"I... Uhmm, nevermind, I must have gotten their name wrong. I'll just come back next time. Thank you."


A/N: Hooray for another update. (: Kind of shortish, I guess. I'm sorry for making you wait for so long. ^^;

Hereeee's Mommy! ><;; I guess we'll have to wait until next time to see what happens to our Daragon, and Minzy! heheh.

Thanks for reading guys!

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daragonfever09 #1
WHY? SHE'S DYING? OMYG! I CRIED AGAIN because of daragon fic! omo!!! be strong dara!!
Well, I was really looking for a fic like this about DaraGon and anorexia nervosa. I was planning to make one myself if I didn't find one, but it was cool seeing a story about it. May the story end good or sad, I'd follow this one. Take your time updating, ne. Fighting! :)
rizukikun #3
oh my god.. it's so sad.. Ji really loves Dara, and i feel so touched he didn't leave Dara behind becoz her illness TT_____TT<br />
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i love this story, you're really good writer! keep good working~ fighting! ^^
is dara mentally ill??? poor ji... FIGHTING!!
oh my..i love medical realted ics!!! i can understand them too.haha..thank you!! this is interesting!!!! this is ginna be daebak as well! thanks!
Waaah! what happened to Dara?! i want to know! I hope you can update soon D;