Beach please!

Are you saying I love Kris Wu?
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A/N: Long chapter ^^



Raven's POV


"Come on, Raven! Let's go to the beach!" L.joe knocked on my door like there's no tomorrow. I'm sure those guys have sunblock so I'll just get some. I look at myself for the last time before opening my door and ga-gawked at th-these h-hotties.

"Finally you came out of your lounge." L.joe sighed, resting both of his hands at the back of his head wearing his silly grin and of course, his undying signature ray ban shades. I now believe him having those delicious abs. Mmm!

"Where's the other two?" I asked as I shut the door behind me. I only have a towel and a headband for me. I don't even know why but I think headband adds extra appeal to this bikini I'm wearing. Haha

I look at my side and had a slight jump in surprise. L is leaning against the wall and his hands are inserted on his floral shorts' pockets.

"L is have menstrual cramps today, don't mind him." L.joe waved his hand lamelessly, earning a glare from L.

"Bastard." L rolled his eyes and looked at me. Even his bangs is styled up, adding up to his already handsome face-eu! I really didn't expect him to be topless because he's the reserved type of guy. His stare is seriously killing me. Does he have to stare like that?

"I'm sure Kris would go berserk AND tired today." L smirked and shook his head. What was that all about? L.joe calls on Kris name so he can go out now and we can go and have some fun. That freako, I'm sure he's making us wait. Why? Is he preparing his wimp figure into a hunky macho man?! Dream on.


All eyes are on the door in front of mine. L and L.joe's mouth went ajar as well as mine.

"What are you wearing?" I can't believe this! We all looked at Kris who just got out of their room, looking like a complete bum retard! Who's in the right mind to wear black under the glaring sun?! He's wearing a black loose shirt, the top two buttons are also ed and then black shorts.

"What?" Kris looked at his clothes. "What's wrong with this?" He adjusted his towel on his shoulders.

"Are you effin kidding me, Krissy? Were going to a beach! Not in your funeral!" L.joe groaned.

L chuckled, shooking his head gently. "Raven is disappointed not to see you topless. Go and change!" He slightly pushed Kris into the room but the latter was too firm on his spot. He glanced at me and his eyes roamed from my head to toe, checking me out. Ugh. I feel like being .

My face heated up. I cleared my throat and scrunched up my nose in disgust. "I would rather be blind rather than to see Kris shirtless."

L laughed. "Such denial. You should have seen her face when you came out of the room. Her frown is so long that it can reach the floor."

"Eew! No I'm not." I rolled my eyes

Kris grinned in the attention. I glared at L. This ing retard and his talkative mouth. I thought L.joe was just the retarded one, psh! He is even one of them! He's just hiding his true self behind that mask of his. Unbelievable!

"Aish! Let's just stop this. Let's go out, I can't wait for those hotties!" L.joe sang and dragged me out of the hotel were staying at.

After the lobby, bright glaring sun greeted us. Its rays hit my skin and I can feel Summer already. I suddenly had the urge to go back and get my sungglasses but L.joe's tight grip on my wrist is not helping me.

Even if its Sunny, it is breezy so its not that kind of hassle. L.joe literally left me alone to mingle with the group of ladies under the shade of a coconut tree. I turn around and saw Kris and L talking mindlessly and lagging behind us. They're on their own world again. Is L really bipolar? Typical mood swings.

White sand and lots of kids are building up castles on the shoreline. Women are laying down on their own mats for sunbathing. Wow. I can be a lesbo with their ing hot bodies. I admit it, but hey, I won't lose my own self esteem to them. I have the attitude and a perfect body with woman's dream measurement. A lot of people here are tanned. An unusual skin color for me because Korea doesn't have a lot of tanned people.

"You didn't bring your sarong?" Kris asked as he catch up with us, pulling me in the tanning bed with a large umbrella for us cover against the sun's rays.

"I forgot it." Well, I really didn't bought it. Haha what's the use of it anyway?

L chuckled. "I'll leave you two, lovebirds. I'll go have my own fun." He winks and left us alone. Kris is frowning at me. I just crossed my arms.

"You look like a retard with that frown of yours. Will you stop that?" I reached for the sunblock on his hands and applied some on my skin.

"Wait me here." Kris left me all alone. I was about to ask him where will he go but I don't like to sound like.. Whatever. I finished applying lotion on me,ugh! Where's that retard? I can't reach my back and that's the only part I can't apply lotion at! Ugh.

"Whatever. He's such a wimp." I lay down on the tanning bed. Ahh. So relaxing as I closed my eyes.

All of a sudden, I felt someone shadowed over me so I thought it was just Kris so I ignored it. This guy is seriously getting on my nerves for him being so overprotective. That's why were in the beach! Its for us to show off what we have!

"Hi." A very unfamiliar voice

My eyes shot wide when I realized its not Kris. I raised an eyebrow at this foreigner guy in front of me. Probably he's a British because of his accent. "Hello." I replied back with a smile. He's hot, I mean.

"I'm Bo, me and my friends are going to play Beach Volleyball and we lack of players so I thought if you wanted to join?"

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I forgot to insert Chap 43 entitled: KIDNAPPING FOR VACATION.


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taoftsehun #1
maiquie24 #2
Chapter 70: Awwwww. Life is really complicated. Some things are just not meant to be and it might end up in a different way than what we wanted, but it happens for a reason. Nice story. Not the typical they end up together story!
Chapter 70: the ending is so unexpected but its sTILL A VERY GOOOOOOOD ENDING
Chapter 70: Ohmergahd. The ending was perfect. Kudos to you!
peace1212 #5
Chapter 70: woah~~such an awesome plot.....i like it!
fanumins_ #6
Chapter 70: Finish reading at 1:31 am.. I'm quite unhappy because Kris and Raven don't end up together, but seriously I love the ending.. Everyone is succesful and have their own live..
And author-nim, the combination of Kris, L and L.joe in Big 3 is a great choice. *because Kris and L.joe are my biases*
I like the y Raven but she is actually kind and caring especially towards her family members.. I like the romantic scene between Kris and Raven.. I like the talkative and over-protective-brother L.joe and I like the friendship of Big 3..
Conclusion : i like this fanfic a lot !!!!
Chapter 70: Hello, I'm new reader. Actually I just finished reading ur story at 02.27 am. Fiuuuh..
First, I really really love you authornim, how can you pick casts who are my biases? Jaejoong, Kris, L. And I like L. Joe and Doojoon too. Thought that you hv biases as same as mine. Hha
Second, I really love your plot. Many twists made this story amazing!!
Third, honesly I got hard time to find ur fic. And voillla I had alr finished ur story.

p.s: Jaejoong, Kris, and L are the best casts as hot y damn bossy guys. Hhaha.
Chapter 70: Omg love tis story so much *cries*
New reader and i cant stop reading.. unpredictable ending *cries* mixed feeling while im reading this story *cries*
So sad that she didnt end up with kris ;;___;;
author-nim daebak.!!!
Thanks for the great story ♥♥♥
Kris_Paulene #9
Chapter 70: WEll, Although she didn't end up with Kris, atleast she learnt a lot. Tska sa seven years marami siyang napagdaanan na mas lalong nagpatatag sakanya. NC STORY! Sayang tapos nah! Gawa ka pa umma!
Chapter 70: OMG, the ending really shocks me O.O !!
But i like it and also the moral of the story !!
Even though itz not Kris at the end, but now i'm satisfied !! *sobs*
Thx for the great story !!