

Hi Everyone!

Bet you didn't see this coming, did you?! :D

I decided to add on one more chapter because Zico wouldn't leave me alone ^^

Hope you like it!






*Why hasn’t this idiot texted me back yet?* You frowned and tapped your phone against your chin.

It was a breezy, autumn, Saturday afternoon. You were leisurely making your way over to Zico’s house. It was a tradition that you and Zico had. Every Saturday was dedicated to hanging out and just having a good time.

Your vans made small taps against the sidewalk. You pulled on the strap of your bag and blew your bangs out of the way. A small corner convenient store caught your eye. *Maybe I should bring some snacks.* You pursed your lips into a firm line and entered the store.

“Thank you ahjumma!” You waved to the elderly lady and exited the store with a plastic bag in your hand. You opened the bag and looked at the little fruit yogurts. *Jiho’s going to love these.* You smiled at the thought of seeing him.

Suddenly, the smile slipped off your lips. Realization hit you. You and Zico had kissed the night before! It had totally slipped your mind. *Is that why he hasn’t texted me? What if he doesn’t want to see me?* You stopped walking.

You looked in the direction of your house and then turned the other way towards Zico’s. *Should I just go home?* Your house was thirty minutes away.  Zico’s house was less than ten minutes away. “Ottokae?” You pouted.  You chose the latter and headed towards Zico’s.



Your eyes went wide. *Why did you do that?!* You shot your index finger a glare. You were beginning to regret coming to Zico’s house. Nervous butterflies fluttered in your tummy. You squealed and grabbed onto your hair in desperation.

The door opened, revealing a sophisticated-like woman in her early forties. “Jihyun?”

You stopped spinning in circles and straightened up. You waved and smiled. “Annyeong Mrs. Woo.”

Mrs. Woo laughed. She stepped aside and waved you in. “Hi Jihyun. Come on in.”

“Thank you~” You walked in and slipped your white shoes off.

“Jiho is upstairs in his room. Poor thing got sick late last night.” She frowned.

Your eyes widened. “Sick?” You began to worry.

Mrs. Woo nodded. “He was throwing up and he had a high fever. But he’s getting better. You can go check up on him.”

You handed Mrs. Woo the yogurts and headed upstairs. You came to the last door on the left and softly knocked on the wooden door. No reply came. *He’s probably sleeping.* Slowly, you opened the door and quietly shut it behind you.

Zico lay in bed, left arm behind his head, hair tousled into a perfect mess, lips parted slightly and blankets strewn about. Your heart rate began to quicken at the sight of his handsome face. *He’s so handsome it’s ridiculous.*

 As carefully as possible, you grabbed the blanket and properly fixed it over him. His eyebrow twitched and he moved his head to the side. You panicked, thinking he would wake up and lightly pressed your index finger against the center of his forehead. He immediately relaxed.

The corners of your lips twitched up into a small smile. You gently brushed stray hairs out of his face. A bubble of happiness formed in your chest that made you want to scream loudly. You got off the bed and walked over to his bedroom window.

You fanned your hot face and chewed on your bottom lip. You closed the window, preventing the chilly autumn air from coming in. You turned around and tilted your head to the side, your gaze on Zico’s peaceful sleeping figure. You looked around his room. His desk and drawers caught your attention. *This room needs a little bit of cleaning.* You slid your cardigan off and began folding his clean laundry.


*Phew. Done.* You closed the closet and wiped the imaginary sweat off your brow.

The door to Zico’s bedroom opened and Mrs. Woo stepped inside, purse in her hands. “Wow. It’s clean in here.” Her eyes landed on you and she smiled. “Thank you Jihyun, you’re a doll.”

You smiled. “It’s nothing.”

“I’m going out for a little while. Feel free to stay as long as you please. If you need anything just give me a call.” She winked.

You walked over to her and shook your head. “I think I’ll be fine. I’ll stay just in case Jiho-ah needs anything.”

Mrs. Woo turned and headed down the stairs. “Araso. I’m going.”

You waved. “Bye~ Thank you omonim.” You went back to dusting Zico’s desk and reorganizing little things. You were so engrossed in what you were doing; you didn’t notice Zico beginning to wake up.

Zico’s eyes fluttered opened. Groggily, he looked around. *How long have I been asleep for?* The sun was still up. He rubbed his sleepy eyes as he scanned his surroundings. That’s when he noticed a pair of slender, sun-kissed legs by his desk. His eyes traveled upwards and he realized it was you. His eyes went wide. *What is Jihyun doing here?*

You pulled your hair up into a bun. *Why is she wearing a tank top in this weather?!* Zico glanced at your legs again and groaned loudly, slapping his hands over his eyes and throwing himself back onto the bed.

You spun around and walked over to Zico. “You woke up. How are you feeling?” You bent down and pressed a hand against his warm forehead. “You’re not too hot.” You moved your hand down to his neck and pressed the back of your hand against it.

Zico’s eyes shot opened, big mistake. The first thing his eyes saw was your cleavage hovering over him. He swallowed hard and tried to look away. “Aish.” He pushed your hands away and covered himself with his blankets. He fanned his burning face. *You’re such a ert Woo Jiho.* He mentally scolded himself.

You blinked at Zico’s weird behavior. “Jiho-ah, are you okay?” You tried pulling the blanket off him but he wouldn’t budge. You ended up landing on the hardwood floor with an, “Oof!” You frowned and sat up. “YAH!”

Zico sat up on his bed and slowly peeled the blanket off his face. His eyes landed on you and then they shifted towards the door. “Where’d my mom go?” He questioned.

You crossed your arms with an unhappy expression. “She went out. She said she’d be back later.” You stood up. “Do you need something? Should I call her?” You pulled your phone out and brought her contact up.

“No!” Zico snatched the phone out of your hand.

You gave him a weird look. “Why are you being so weird?” Zico opened his mouth to respond but you waved it away. “Never mind, you’re always weird.” You shot him a smile.

Zico felt his heart thump faster in his chest. His eyes were focused on your lips as you talked. *I wonder what she thought about last night’s kiss. Did she hate it? I should find out.*

“Yah, Jiho-ah.” A shiver ran down his spine. *God, I love it when she says my name.* “Did you hear what I just said?” You put your hands on your hips and gave him a look.

Zico shook his head. “Aigoo.” You threw your hands up in the air and walked out of his room. Zico sat there, confused. *What did she just say? Gah, I should have been listening!* He was about to get up and go after you when you walked back in.

You tossed him a fruit yogurt. “I brought these for you.”

He caught it and softened. “Strawberry.” He whispered.

“Your favorite.” You smiled.

Zico looked up and met eyes with you. “Thank you~” A smiled tugged his lips upwards. He patted the spot on the bed next to him. “Come.”

You willingly walked over and plopped down next to him. Zico grabbed the remote and turned his TV on. He opened his yogurt and took a sip. *Mmm. Yummy~* He smiled.

You looked at him enjoying his yogurt and chuckled. “Is it good?” You asked.

“Yeah.” He looked at you. He couldn’t look away from your brown eyes.

His eyes were so mesmerizing. The smile slipped off your lips as you stared back. You eyes searched his warm eyes. You had the urge to run your fingers through his hair. “How are you feeling?” You whispered.

Zico set his finished yogurt aside and leaned towards you. Your eyes rounded. *What is he doing?* He inched closer and closer until you were eventually pressed up against the headboard of his bed. Zico’s nose was touching yours. “I’m feeling much better.” He said softly.

His lips were three centimeters away. *Are we going to kiss again?* You felt all giddy at the thought of his lips capturing yours.

*I want to kiss her so badly but what if she doesn’t want me to?* Zico chose to ignore his head and went with his heart. He began to lean in even closer. Just when his lips were about to touch yours a loud tune went off.

Startled, you jumped and put a hand over your chest. Zico let out a breath of frustration and cursed whoever ruined the mood into oblivion.

“It’s yours.” Zico handed you your phone.

You flinched and took it. “Sorry.” You guiltily said. It was a text message from Mrs. Woo.

How is everything? Did Zico wake up yet? There’s some porridge in the fridge.

“It’s your mom.” You said as you replied to her:

He woke up a while ago. Everything is fine. Thank you omonim~

“What’d she say?” Zico asked, leaning back against the wall.

You set your phone down next to you and looked at him. “She wanted to know how you were doing.”

“Tell her I’m just peachy.” He mumbled, silently hating his mother for ruining his chance of kissing you again.

You laughed at his childish behavior. “I did. She said there’s some porridge in the fridge. Come on so we can heat it up.” You tapped his knee. You stood up and headed towards the door.

“I’ll be right down. Let me just change.” Zico rubbed the back of head.

“Araso.” You nodded and walked downstairs.

Zico sat on the edge of his bed and dragged his hands down his face. He groaned and roughly ran his fingers through his hair. He went into his bathroom and washed his face with luke-warm water. He threw his ‘sick’ clothes off and changed.

Zico made his way downstairs and headed towards the kitchen. You were facing the stove. Zico’s eyes traveled up and down your legs. His eyes lingered over the curve of your bottom. *Gah, Woo Jiho, you’re just…ugh.* Zico rubbed his eyes.

You turned around and noticed Zico standing there, pinching the bridge of his nose. Even in sweats and a long-sleeve he still looked model worthy. “You okay there?” You said, amused.

Zico snapped his head towards you. “Huh? Oh yeah?” He walked over to the stove and peered into the pot. “How come you’re only heating up a little bit of porridge?”

You looked up at him. “It’s pumpkin porridge.”

Zico thought it was adorable how you scrunched your nose up. He knew how much you didn’t like pumpkin ever since you were young.

“It’s okay though. I ordered some pizza.” You went to stir the porridge. “You can go sit down and watch TV. You don’t have to watch me stir.” You laughed.

With a smile on his face, Zico headed into the living room and turned the TV on. SNL was on. He beamed and settled comfortably on the couch.

Fifteen minutes later, you walked into the living room with a steaming bowl of porridge. “Here you go.” You set it on the coffee table and walked into the kitchen again.

Zico leaned forwards and stirred the porridge while blowing cool air into it. You came back out and placed a mug of cinnamon tea with honey on the table next to Zico’s bowl. “Thank you.” Zico looked up at you.

You nodded and sat down next to him. There was a comfortable silence in the air as the two of you watched the program.

Ding dong!

You got up and headed over to the door. “Catch!”

 You whipped around and caught Zico’s wallet. You looked at it and then at him. “It’s okay. I have money.” You said.

“Use my wallet.” Zico gave you a hard look.

You made a face. “Okay sheesh.” You opened the door and greeted the pizza delivery guy. You pulled out a twenty from Zico’s wallet and handed it to the guy. You thanked him and shut the door with your foot.

A little paper fell out of Zico’s wallet. You put the pizza on the counter and picked up the paper. You realized it was a picture…of you. You were smiling at the camera while wearing one of Zico’s sweaters. The sun hit you at just the right angle and your hair was flowing in the breeze. You remembered that summer. You went with Zico’s family on vacation to Jeju. You smiled at the memory and walked over to Zico.

He looked up and noticed the picture in your hand. His eyes went wide. *Crap. How did she find that?* He swallowed hard and tried to think of an excuse.

“Why do you have this picture of me in your wallet?” You sat down next to him.

Zico rubbed the back of his neck and looked into your eyes. “It’s one of my favorite pictures of you.” He whispered.

You softened. You put the picture back into his wallet and handed it to him. You pulled out your own wallet and held it out to Zico. He gave you a questioning look and took the wallet from your hands. “Open it.” You encouraged.

Zico opened your wallet and looked at you. “Why is this in here?” He pointed at the picture of himself, safely tucked in a small protective sleeve. It was the picture from the day before in the photo booth. He chuckled and pressed his finger against his puckered lips in the picture.

You rested your right arm against the back of the sofa and leaned your head against your palm. “It’s one of my favorite pictures of you.” You copied his words.

Zico looked at you. He closed your wallet and set it on the table. He scooted closer to you and grabbed your hand. He intertwined his fingers with yours and pulled you towards him. You landed on his lap, your knees on either side of him.

Zico caressed your cheek and the back of your head. He leaned you closer to him as he did the same. Your noses were touching. You inhaled his warm, musky scent and felt butterflies in your tummy. You bit your bottom lips and played with your fingers.

Gently, Zico took your chin in between his thumb and index finger. He lifted your chin up and made you look into his eyes. They were so soft and warm. His hot breath hit your lips. He closed his eyes and pressed his lips against yours.

You immediately closed your eyes and wrapped your arms around his neck. You kissed him back. Your mind swirled and the butterflies in your stomach exploded. Elated, you kissed him back and tightened your hold on him.

Zico grew ecstatic at the fact that you were kissing him back. *Our second kiss.* He felt his heart thump violently in his ribcage. Zico held onto your waist and gave you a little squeeze. He placed a small peck on your lips, another one on your nose and another one between the space of your chin and your bottom lip.

You opened your eyes to find that Zico was already staring at you. His forehead rested against yours. His pink lips were stretched into a smile. You chewed on your bottom lip and shyly smiled at him.

*Aigoo~* Zico grabbed you and pinned you down onto the sofa. He climbed on top of you and stared down at you. You wondered what he was going to do next. He released your wrists and walked his fingers over your flat stomach. Suddenly, he began tickling you.

“NOOO! AHHHH!” Laughingly, you wildly thrashed and squirmed about. “Stop! PLEASE!” Unintentionally, you kicked your legs and Zico went down.

Zico crashed onto the ground and rolled over, groaning. You gasped and sat up. You looked at Zico, worried. You noticed he was holding onto his private area. Your eyes widened and you covered your mouth. *Oops.* “Gwenchana?” Your voice trembled.

Zico rolled onto his back and let out a painful groan. He breathed and opened his eyes. “Damn it woman! How are we supposed to have kids now?!”

Your eyes went as wide as saucers. “WHAT?!” You yelped.

“You heard me.” Zico muttered as he crawled onto the couch.

You looked at him and punched his nicely toned arm. “What was that for?!” Zico looked at you in bewilderment.

“You’re a ert!” You huffed and crossed your arms. You scooted away from him. “Stay away.”

“Psh.” Zico yanked you towards him. You lightly crashed into his side. Zico wrapped his arm around your shoulders and sighed in content.  

You looked up at him. You looked at each of his facial features. They were all perfect as if sculpted by God himself.  You spotted the little mole underneath his right eye and gently ran your finger over it.

Zico looked down at you. “Are you admiring my handsomeness?” He teased.

“Yeah.” You whispered. Zico smiled softly and rubbed his nose against yours. “Jiho-ah.” You called out.

“Yes?” He opened his eyes.

You searched his eyes. “Why did you kiss me last night? And right now?”

A small laugh escaped his lips. He smoothed the back of your head. “Because I’m an idiot in love with his best friend who can’t control himself.”

*In love? With me?* Your heart raced. Zico pulled you closer and breathed against your temple, “I’m in love with you Kim Jihyun.”

You pulled Zico’s face towards you, looked into his eyes and smiled. “Then I must be an idiot too.” You said. Zico grinned and pressed his lips against yours once more.

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xxxJaeRin92 #1
Chapter 2: Omo, this is soooo cute. I need to get back my manliness. Wait, i'm a girl HAHAHA. Thanks for writing this authornim!
Chapter 2: Sunbae~ not only are you nice and funny, you are an amazing writter too! i read all of your EXO fics but decided to read the rest too and i'm not regretting it! Sunbae, fighting!
shineemarysol #3
Chapter 2: Thank you for reading and commenting! ^^
zatieywookie #4
Chapter 2: OMGGGGG!!!! i really love this !!!!!!!! *killed with with his sweetness* !!! LOL
Chapter 2: Omg! Don't stop! Make a squel... pretty please? Your story just sooo fluffy.. awesome.. ♥
Meowmu #6
Cute! Zico was so sweet. I love the development of this story! Please write more in the near future
Chapter 2: Wow love thus story!! Nice story writing!!
Chapter 1: This was soooo awesome!! I love your writing style!! It was very sweet. This was one of the best Zico fanfics that I have read!
cn_charlie #9
Chapter 1: so sweet... i really loved your oneshot. it was different than others but it was amazingly great!!! write something like this again! ;-)
Chapter 1: I love this! SOO CUTE!! <3