New Experience

New Beginning

Third Person's POV

"We're here" Jiyong smiled to her, and he took her hand as they walked out of the car. They got off at a busy ice cream parlor. Both of them walked in with Jiyong covering his hair and face with a hat. They went inside a door behind the cashier and Jiyong took off his disguise.

"Wow" she mumbled as she looked around the room.

"I didn't know ice cream parlors have these private rooms" she chuckled

"Come on, they have the best chocolate sundae ever" both of them sat down at the sofa. Jiyong ordered a chocolate sundae for both of them.

"I haven't been to an ice cream parlor for ages"

"Who took you last time?"

"My brother. He's working in the US now" she smiled to him

'Damn it, Kwon Jiyong. Put yourself together, for god's sake.' he thought to himself. Her smile was different, he knew it. She melted him away with her smile.

"Hmm... How about your parents, _____ ah? Where are they?"

"Ah.... I don't really want to talk about it... I'll tell you, but not now" she leaned to the sofa as she sighed

"Alright, sorry"

"No, it's okay. Oh, here it is" she said as she straightened her sitting position.

"Here, _____ ah open up" Jiyong chuckled as he spooned a spoonful of chocolate sundae to her. She opened and gladly accepted it.

"So how is it, mistress?"

"Fantastic." she blinked in surprise

"See, I told you" he smirked as he ate a spoon of sundae. In no seconds, their sundae bowl was empty.

"Hey _____ ah"


"Nice meeting with you" Jiyong smiled and offered his hand. _____ took his hand and smiled.

"Shall we go then?" Jiyong offered his hand. _____ took his hand and both of them walked to his car.


-later that night-

Jiyong opened the door with _____ behind him. Both of them were laughing, with shopping bags on their hands.

"Jiyong ah, I didn't know you like shopping" she chuckled

"Comeback's soon, some shopping must be done, right?" he smirked.

"Oh? Where are you guys from?" asked Seungri as he saw his hyung entering the room.

"Shopping" Jiyong answered shortly. Seungri just nodded and sat at the sofa.

"_____ ah just stay for the night." he said to her.

"Yeah, just stay here" added Seungri.

"I don't know....Maybe next time, Jiyong ah" she smiled.

"_____ ah?" called Seunghyun as he walked out of the bathroom, drying his hair with a towel.

"Ah, Hi, Seunghyun-ssi... Sorry to bother you" she weakly smiled.

"No, no, not at all. Are you staying here?" he asked as he approached them.

"No, I've got something to do tonight. Sorry guys"

"Just stay. It's going to rain soon. Besides, Daesung has his shooting today so his bed will be empty. Youngbae's gonna be late, too" Jiyong smiled to her.

"Come on, a night wouldn't hurt" Seungri added. She stayed quiet for a while, before she hesitantly nodded. Both Jiyong and Seunghyun shyly smiled, but Seungri was beaming in joy.

"Come on, I'll show you the room" he smiled

"Maknae, you're sleeping in our room tonight." Jiyong said as he stood up and walked to the bathroom.

"HYUNG!" Seungri exclaimed in complaint.

"She's a woman, give her some privacy." Seunghyun stated. Seungri just nodded and pouted. He walked to a room and she followed him.

"This is my room and Daesung hyung's. You can use it" he smiled.

"Thanks a lot Seungri" she smiled to him.

"Aigoo how pretty... No wonder my hyungs are falling for you" he snickered. _____ choked.

"Excuse me? What did you say?" Seungri laughed and shook his head,

"Nothing. Oh yeah, if you want to take a shower, wait until Jiyong hyung's done, okay?" he gave her a thumb up and he walked out of the room.

'He's weird.' she thought to herself as she sat on Daesung's bed. Suddenly a lightning struck, she covered her ears and eyes in surprise.

"This is going to be a long night." She mumbled to herself.


-Bigbang's dorm: 2 AM KST-

_____ sat up as another lightning struck. She slowly got up and walked out of the room. It was very dark outside as all the lights were off, except a reading lamp near the sofa. She walked to the kitchen and took some water in a glass. Suddenly a lightning struck. _____ screamed and she dropped the glass by reflex, it broke to pieces as it hit the hard floor. She fell to her knees and covered her eyes and ears. Her body started to tremble.

"God..." she mumbled. She held the sleeping pills tighter in her palms.

"Oh my god, what happened? Are you okay?" she turned to him. Choi Seunghyun was standing there, his eyes widened in surprise. He immediately kneeled down and held her back.

"Are you okay? Yah, your knees are bleeding." He slowly touched her knees.

"Can you stand up?" _____ slowly stood up with his help. Seunghyun helped her sit in the sofa.

"What happened?" He gently asked.

"I was taking a glass of water and... I dropped it. Sorry." She sighed.

"I heard you screamed... Are you okay? You look pale." Seunghyun sighed. His face looked really worried that she felt bad about it.

"I'm fine" she tried faking a smile. Suddenly another lightning struck. _____ closed her eyes. She tried hard not to tremble in front of him.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He hesitated, "Hm? What's that you're holding?" He said as he opened her hand. He was surprised when he saw pills on her hands.

"Are you sick or--" he was cut off by a lightning. _____ couldn't hold it anymore. She hugged him by reflex.

"What--" Seunghyun gaped in shock. He wanted to push her away until he realized that she was trembling. Seunghyun slowly wrapped his hands around her. His heart was beating faster than usual. He always felt this weird feeling when he's with her. It took her a few minutes before she realized what she was doing. She quickly pulled herself off him.

"I'm sorry! I'm really really sorry, I--"

"_____ ah, are you, by any chance, afraid of the lightning?" She hesitated before she slowly nodded.

"I can't sleep, that's why I wanted to drink some sleeping pills...." She sighed and she ran her hand through her bangs, but then she looked at him.

"Why are you still awake at this time?" Seunghyun smiled at her question. He didn't know why, but he felt like he should open up to her.

"I'm nervous about tomorrow's filming so I decided to calm myself" he smirked as he pointed to a wine bottle in the table.

"Wait here, I'll go get a first aid kit" he smiled to her as he stood up. Suddenly she held his arm.

"Don't go-- take me with you. I'll do it by myself." She faked a smile.

"I'll be back real quick" she stared at him before she nodded. Seunghyun quickly ran to the kitchen and took a first aid box. He ran back to her, but he accidentally slipped and fell to her. Both parties screamed in surprise. Seunghyun was on top of her, _____ was leaning to the sofa.

"SORRY! I'm-- sorry." He said, calming himself. _____ just chuckled and nodded at him. Seunghyun gently cleaned her wound but she held his wrist.

"I'm okay, I can do it by myself." she took a bandage from his hand and covered her wound.

"What's wrong? I can do it better than you" he smirked. _____ laughed,

"I think I'm revealing too much of my weaknesses to you, Seunghyun-ssi"

"Enough with the formalities already." He said as he packed the kit back to its box.

"Fine. Seunghyun ah."

"Yah, I told you to call me oppa." he smiled in amusement.

"Please don't tell anyone about this." She suddenly said. Seunghyun lifted his head and smiled,


"I owe you one." she smiled

"Yah, just go back to sleep." he chuckled, "I'll clean the mess"

"No. I'll do it" she tried standing up, and winced in pain as she did so.

"Aish, you're so stubborn, aren't you?" He stood up and took a broom.

"You have no idea" she smirked and took the broom off his hand.

"Yah, you said you were going to sleep" he laughed as he watched her cleaning the broken pieces.

"Thanks to you, I'm fully awake now" she said, finished cleaning in a blink of an eye. He smiled,

"Thanks for helping out." He paused, "Go back to sleep" he said as he took out a wine bottle and sat in the sofa.

"And leave you drinking alone?" she sat on the sofa next to him. Seunghyun smiled. He didn't expect her to be like this.

"I'm quite a strong drinker, though?"

"I'm still stronger than you. Bring it on." she smirked.


-the next day-

"Yah, just cook some food, maknae" Jiyong grunted as both of them walked out of their room.

"I wonder where's Seunghyun hyung--" both of them gaped in shock as they tried to process what they saw in the sofa. Two empty bottles of wine were on the carpet, and there's a half-filled one in the table. _____ was lying on the sofa, and Seunghyun was lying in the carpet.

"Hyung. This--" Jiyong placed his hand on Seungri's mouth.

"Shut up maknae. Just shut up." Jiyong cautiously approached them.

"_____ ah." He gently shook her shoulder. She whined and went back to sleep. Jiyong sighed.

"Hyung. Hyung wake up." Jiyong violently shook his shoulder.

"What?" He whined, half-asleep

"It's morning already. Hyung!" Seunghyun unwillingly sat up and ruffled his hair. Jiyong just shook his head. He looked at _____ and smiled. She looked so peaceful in her sleep. Jiyong stood up. He walked to the dining table and saw Youngbae's already there.

"So what's for breakfast?"


I'm back guys! And sorry for the short update...

I think I can't update that often in 2013, because I will have my final exams this year:"")

Stay tune and wish me luck! ^^

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mikkyminnie #1
Chapter 10: Author nim... Will you be continuing this... I really enjoyed reading this story... Please continue and update soon...
Chapter 10: this is good !! please update soon authornim ><
elvarne #3
Chapter 10: Yay an update!! :D
i love how they argue like that, they're so cute LOL
and TOP is still concern about her, awww so sweet ;)
Chapter 10: Yay for an update ^^ so excited to read more!!! I'm really enjoying this story!!!!
Chapter 10: Awww thanks for updating....i can already tell that my heart will break because there is love between GD, TOP and her....
Chapter 9: I can't wait for the next chapter ^^ This is a great fanfiction
elvarne #7
Chapter 9: Wooghh, what's gonna happen next? :) waiting for ur update :) and what's with that jessica girl wanting to talk to her anyway? -_-"
NeeCeeDee #8
Chapter 9: I'm really liking this story! I'm very intrigued! Update soon please! :D
NeeCeeDee #9
Chapter 9: I'm really liking this story! I'm very intrigued! Update soon please! :D