* Blood Love * ( Chapter 5: The Good girl and Evil boy )



Monday morning and Akira is at school, the students are waiting for their class and for their teacher.


“Ohayou gozaimasu. ( Good Morning ) their teacher greeted. And behind their teacher is a new face for the whole class. But for Akira that guy is familiar.


“ Minna san, korewa Cho KyuHyun desu ( Everybody, This is Cho KyuHyun )   he will be your new classmate for this school year.”


“Nanda??  ( What?? ) “ reacted by Akira.


“Naze Akira??  ( Why Akira? ) you know him??” Asked by Yuriko.


“Ahh. Iie.. I don’t know him..” Akira saw KyuHyun looking at her.


“Ohayou, Boku wa KyuHyun desu yoroshiku.. ( Good morning, I’m Cho KyuHyun, nice to meet you all ) “ He bowed.


“ KyuHyun chan, you can sit beside Hiroshima san..” said the teacher.


KyuHyun sit next to Akira. Akira is not looking at him, but some of their classmates approached him and introduced their selves. The whole class Akira is focuses why KyuHyun it looks very easy on him. In break time and lunch KyuHyun didn’t eat even though his classmates asked him to join them. He didn’t talked to them.


“Akira chan, isn’t that KyuHyun is so weird??”


“Why Yuriko? You want to talk to him??”


They are at the library doing their assignments.


“Maybe he really don’t want to talk to us..” Akira replied.


“ But you know, he’s smart.. he answered all our math question before easily..” Yuriko said, looks like she’s interested in Kyu.


“Yeah, I also noticed that..”


The two girls had no idea about KyuHyun, and how he answered all the question easily.. Imagine KyuHyun is living for many decades, repeating high school as always. Its just his hobby.


Back at their room for the last period of class.


“ Class, I’ll be announcing that our schools anniversary celebration is being held this month, I want all of you to cooperate and think about the idea on what will be our class theme. Any suggestions??”


The class turned out to be noisy, shouting about their ideas and suggestions.

“Sensei!! How about we conduct a maids cafe, we all know that cafe is been used as always but our café will different, cause Akira will be one of the maids and she will wear maids dress!” said by his guy classmate.


“Nanda???! Iie da! Iie da! Iie da! ( What?? No, No, No! )” Akira reacted.


“Why?? That’s a nice idea Hiroshima san, you are a graduating student now, maybe its time to give your classmates a little favor.” Even their teacher wants to see her wearing girls clothes.


“Come on Akira you can do it. We know you can…” Yuriko is encouraging her.


“Guys you know its now my type. So please stop it..” Akira said.


“Why not??” Said Kyu, for the very first time he talked to her.


Akira looked at him. “ Its complicated.”


“Complicated? How complicated??” KyuHyun is teasing her.


“KyuHyun sama.. stop this..” she whispered.


The crowed cheered, they want her to dress as one of the maids in the café.


“All right! All right!  Just shut up all of you!” finally Akira said yes.


“Yosh! I’ll be in charge of Akira chan’s dress.” Yuriko said. “ I really want to see you wear that dress.” She seems happy.


After class, Akira was about to go home, she was looking for Yuriko but she can’t see her, she tried to go to the roof top and there she saw her, but.. something’s happening. She got shocked to see it.


The whole school except for her best friend Yuriko even Henry didn’t know that her sister had a relationship with the schools Taekwondo Ace, its been a year since they had a relationship, They meet after class or outside the school boundaries, Akira fall for that guy cause he is kind and good to her. She love him and she really do, but what will she get?? Nothing from that guy, whose being two timer. Having a relationship with her and to her best friend.


“What will happen now??” Yuriko asked. “ I know Akira chan will be angry if she knew about our relationship.”


“Don’t worry about that, besides Akira is just a normal girl compared to you, a tomboy hoping that someone will love her.”


“Hey don’t be so mean to her, I’m still her best friend.. I mean so called best friend..” they both laugh.


Akira felt that she was betrayed, for many years she treated Yuriko just like her real sister and friend, sharing her secrets to her, and that girl is just playing around with her. And the guy that she love for a year is also playing with her feelings. She felt her knees are going to collapse. She go down and decide to wait in the gate.


She didn’t saw Yuriko but she saw the guy, preparing to leave.


“Akira chan, we agreed to see each other outside the school right? Why are you here??”


“ Do you want to say something to me??” Akira is looking at her seriously.


“About what??”


“Are you cheating on me?? Just tell it to me..”


“Are you accusing me??” the guy raised her voice. “ Not now I’m tired okay..” he passed through her.


But Akira hold her arms tightly. “ Just tell me.”


“Oi!” the guy take back her hands and then he slapped Akira right on her cheek. “ Okay! I cheated but I won’t tell you her name! okay we’re off.” Then he left her.


“ Huh…” Akira jokingly laugh, thinking that who will love a girl like her. She got played 2 times that’s why she decided to act like a tomboy, but she didn’t learned a lesson. She went home down and depressed.


When she arrived Ryeowook is very excited to open the door, he prepared a special snack for Akira, but when he opened the door he saw her swollen eyes and the wound near her lips.


“ Akira shi!” Ryeowook shouted.


Akira got surprised for Ryeowooks reaction. “ Ryeowook sama, what is it? Did I do something wrong this morning??” she asked nervously.


Ryeowook cupped her chin. “ Who did this to you??” Ryeowook who is acting like a kid is now acting like a matured man, asking her about the wound.


“Ryeowook sama?” then she covered her face. Stopping her tears from falling. “ It was nothing.. its just.”


“Don’t say that you tripped on something.” KiBum said.


“Its okay if you want to cry…” HeeChul is at her back.


“Dr. Kim…” she hugged him and she cried out loud. She’s very hurt about what happened.


“It’s okay.. stop crying..” HeeCHul caressed her back.


“What a nonsense scene..” KyuHyun said as he went to his room.


“ I will kill that.. the person who make Akira shi cry..” said the angry Ryeowook.


“Shhhhhhiii.. Ryeowook ah, stop that..” YeSung cling into Ryewooks arms. Since Ryeowook tasted her blood, its natural to him to be angry when Akira got hurt. Once vampires tasted the blood of a human, and the human is still alive it means that the human is his or her possession, the vamp will do anything for the human who carries his or her favorite food.


“Ryeowookie..” LeeTeuk came.  “You are not like them remember what I told you.. I trained you to be different.” LeeTeuk reminded him about their difference in other vamp clans.


“We won’t ask you to tell it to us.. but just stop crying okay. If Henry saw you he will worried.” HeeChul said.


“ And..” YeSung pats her head. “ Don’t let our Little RyeWook here be upset again, this Little Ryewook likes you so much..” then he did a peace sign using his fingers.


“Okay.. “ she smile a bit . “I’ll go to my room now..” she went to her room, she saw KyuHyun.


“Its not worth it to cry like that…” he said and then he entered his room.


“KyuHyun sama..” he sighed.


The preparations for the school anniversary celebration is finished, the groups maid café is also finished. The school is open for everybody, the other students prepared a performance for the program, and the others are having their booths, some classes are having hunted house, booths and others.


“Everybody is busy nee chan..” Henry is at their class room checking out her sisters situation. “Nee chan, that dress really suits you. Yuriko nee chan, thanks for making it for my sister.”


“No problem Henry..” Yuriko smiled.


Its been 4 days since Akira knew everything, she doesn’t change. She treated Yuriko as her best friend, and she’s not angry at her. Still she’s the Akira that likes to hang around with her.


“Hey, we have costumers…” their classmates shouted.


“ Okay..” Akira assembled the table.


“Nee-“ Henry stopped, as EunHyuk showed him the quiet sign. The group wanted to surprise Akira.


“Akira shi…!” Ryeowook holds on to her shoulders.


“Ryeowook sama?? Oh.. minna san..” she bowed. “ What are you doing here??”


“ HeeChul hyung asked us to go here, he said we will enjoy this kinds of Events..” explained by ShinDong.


“ Is LeeTeuk sama with you??” Henry asked.


“Yup, he’s with HeeChul hyung..” said DongHae. “ You look beautiful in your dress.. I suggest that Akira will wear that in the house.” He wink.


“No, DongHae sama..” she smile shyly.


“Ahem..” Yuriko cut the conversation.


“Oh yeah.. Minna san, this is my best friend Yuriko..” she still introduces her as her best friend.


“Nice to meet you all.” Yuriko bowed.


RyeoWook looked at her differently.


“ Wookie, so lets order..???” EunHyuk destructed him.


“Yeah, what do you want?? Choco? Or Vanilla?” Added by Yesung.


“Yeah, you better order…” KyuHyun came.


“Aigoo, our KyuHyun here is so gorgeous wearing that café uniform.” SungMin pats KyuHyun’s hair.


“Hyung, stop doing that..” he pushed away SungMin’s hands.


“Strawberry milkshake??” Akira offered to them.


The Lee Brothers nod.


“Nee chan, I’ll be going now, I also need to help my classmates.” Henry said. “And don’t forget to watch my performance later.”


“ Is that the piece that you keep practicing??” DongHae asked.


“yup..” Henry bowed and then he leaves.


At the so called Kitchen of the room, Yuriko asked Akira. “ Akira, who are they?? They all look handsome.”


“Yeah.. they are HeeChul sama’s friends..”


Yuriko look at her. “ Gosh, you are living with those handsome guys.. you see them everyday??”


“yeah..” and then she go back to the table.


Everybody is looking at the table where Ryeowook and the others seated, they are looking over this handsome guys on the class, compared to them they are more hotter than their guy classmates. Specially the Lee Brothers’ fashion.


“Here is it..” Akira brought the shakes. “ Whew, everybody is looking at all of you.”


“Owh… look the Taekwondo star is here..” one of her classmate said.


“Hello.” Yuriko greeted.


Akira just look at them, she tried to put a smile on her face, a fake smile. But KyuHyun do something.


“Akira…” he called her and the whip cream near her lips. “ You forgot to remove the whip cream on your lips.” Then KyuHyun smiled. “ Next time be careful in doing things.”


Akira was stunned and she can’t move, she blushed just like strawberries.


“KyuHyun ah!” Ryeowook shouted just like a child. “ Gwenchana Akira shi?? ( Are you okay Akira?? )” Ryeowook hold on to Akira’s cheeks.


“Ahh.. E??” stuttered mode. “ Yeah.. I... I’m okay..”


He classmates are looking at Her specially Yuriko and that guy.


“KyuHyun ah…, I’m jealous. “ SUngMin said.


“ RyeoWook ah, you always worried for Akira shi, but how about me??” YeSUng put his face near RyeoWooks.


“Oh my…. This guys are doing things that’s not acceptable..” she said.


“How about we do it to you..?” EUnHyuk put his face near to her.


“Yeah..” DOngHae hold on to her arms.


“ Ahh Iie!” she step backward. And then she step on KyuHyun’s feet. “ Ah, Mianhae KyuHyun sama.” She bowed.


The Evil Magnae is planning very evil in that day. “ You want to be punished??” he hold on to her left cheeks.


“KyuHyun ah..” LeeEtuk came, along with KiBum, KangIn and Hangeng.


“ LeeTeuk sama..” she bowed.


“Don’t start a fuss okay..” said Teuk.


“ LeeTeuk sama, do you want something to drink??” she’s asking LeeTeuk but KyuHyun whispered something to her. Which made her drop the tray that she’s holding. Then KyuHyun left the room.


“Are you okay??” SHinDOng asked her.


“Yep, I’m fine…” she went to the kitchen.


The group stayed there for about two hours, chatting, the students can’t understand what they are saying cause it’s in Korean language. While Akira is doing her work, still she can’t focus cause of what KyuHyun said.


KyuHyun said to her…..


” you really smell sweet, I wanted to taste you… but for sure time will come that you will be mine..”


“ Akira shi, we will be strolling around the campus, its our first time here so we ask HeeChul hyung to give us a tour.” Said KangIn.


“Owh.. is Siwon sama with you???” she asked shyly.


“yup he is with HeeChul…” LeeTeuk said.


“Ahhm can you give this to him??” handing the coffee latte.


“ for sure Swion will be happy about this…” HanGeng said as he received the paper bag with the latte inside.


Hours had past Akira ate her lunch with Yuriko as always. And then they go back to the maids café, KyuHyun is not there. Akira wondered where’s the evil Kid.


“Akira chan.. it’s already 4pm. Its about Henry’s performance at the auditorium.” Yuriko said.


“Oh yeah I almost forgot about that..” she changed her clothes, back to her uniform. “ Are you going with me??” she asked Yuriko.


“I’ll follow you, I’ll just finished this..” said Yuriko.


“Okay…” Akira go to the auditorium. She know the reason why Yuriko is not coming.


Many people are in the Auditorium, the others are the school alumni and their families, classical music performance is the highlight of the celebration. She’s looking for Henry. She saw him on the stage, standing.


“ Henry shi is just standing.. he’s going to perform right??” Asked By KiBUm.


“There’s a problem… “ Ryeowook said. “ There’s no pianist…”


“ Henry??” Akira said.


“Akira nee! Akira nee! “ the guy is shouting.


“Shiki kun.. douano? ( What happened Shiki?) “ ShiKi is henry’s best friend.


“The pianist.. he’s not here..” Shiki is panting.


“Who’s the pianist??” Akira asked.


“ The ace of the Taekwondo team.” Shiki said.


“Kusou!!! Kono otoko totemo baka desu! ( ! That guy is so idiot!!! ) “ she walk towards the stairs of the stage.


“Akira nee what are you doing??” Shiki is stopping her.


“Henry is my brother I won’t allow this to happen.” She went to the stage and Henry saw her, she sit at the piano chair. “ Henry…”


“Nee chan…”


The contact between them is there, after three nods form Akira they started to play the instruments.


“Wow, that music.. its very beautiful…” said SUngMin.


The way Akira landed her fingers at the piano keys and the music that I created makes the people feel comfortable, and Henry’s violin performance makes the people happy.


“She played the piano very well…” comment by Siwon.


While at the evil magnae’s place, he’s at the hunted house having his lunch… speaking of lunch, he’s currently ENJOYING HIS BLOOD WINE, he’s there for a reason. He knew that Yuriko and the Taekwondo guy will go there. The hunted and spooky place that the 1st year students prepare. While the couple are there, they saw KyuHyun.


“KyuHyun kun… what are you doing here??” Yuriko asked.


“Or should I asked you about that?? You are playing tricks on your best friend, how can you call her your best friend…” He said in a sarcastic tone of voice.


“You don’t care about that! You are just a new transferee to this school..” the guy said.


“And so… I’m telling you this, this day will be the last days of your lives..” Said the Evil Kyu.


“Why? Are you going to kill us??” Said the guy he didn’t take it too serious.


“What if I say yes.. You hurt Akira.. I’m the only one capable of hurting that Kid. And now its too late for the two of you.” KyuHyun disappeared from the dark.


It gives the two human a goosebumps on what KyuHyun did.  


“KyuHyun kun, this is not a good joke.” Said Yuriko.


Suddenly the guy beside her disappeared also, and then she heard a very loud shout. She’s trembling in fear try to run outside the room but KyuHyun grip her arms tightly.


“Lets see, what’s the taste of a human like you..” Kyu was about to bite Yuriko.


Yuriko was stunned seeing KyuHyun. “ You..yo..you..uo.. you are a vampire??” she’s really scared.


“You are lucky, you see the real me before you died..”


A loud scream was heard from the entire room, but from the outside the students didn’t care that’s’ why it is called horror house.


After the performance, Henry bowed to the audience and in the back stage. He hugged his sister. “ Nee chan, I thought I can never do it.. senpai leave me behind..”


“Don’t worry, that guy will never hurt you again.. he can’t do this to you. I’m so proud of you Henry.” She hugged him back.


The performance and the celebration was about to finished Akira, Henry, HeeChul and KyuHyun is at the gate with the other members, LeeTeuk and the others are going home.


“We enjoyed your school celebration..” Ryeowook said.


“ Akira chan, The Coffee latte is delicious. arigatou.” Siwon said.


“KyuHyun ah , I hope you didn’t do anything reckless..” LeeTeuk said.


KyuHyun just nod. And then they go back to their respective rooms. On their way, Akira saw the students on the 1st year room. “Excuse me, what happening here??”


All of the students looked so shock and they can’t even speak, the school staffs are also there. Some students are crying specially her classmates.


“Oi, what happened??” She asked again.


“Blood…” HeeChul said and then he squeeze through to see the situation. He got shocked and surprise to see Yuriko and the guy hanging on the ceiling of the classroom, with their blood flowing down from their wounded bodies.


Akira saw it, and she felt like scared of what happened. “ Yuriko… Yuriko!! Yuriko!” she wanted to go near but HeeCHul stopped her.


“It’s dangerous Akira shi..”


“But that’s Yuriko.. she’s my best friend.. who, who, who did this to them??” she’s shouting and crying. She felt her knees weakened.


HeeChul looked at KyuHyun..


KyuHyun gave him his evil smile.


“Nee chan..” Henry hugged her.


Even though Akira is hurt about what happened to her, she still loves Yuriko like her sister and nothings change from the way she thinks about her. The only thing is she’s not that affected by the death of that guy who played their feelings. She feel sorry for Yuriko’s parents. The school celebration starts with a happy program, but it ends with a very sad and unexpected happening.


                                                              End Of Chapter 5




What will happen now?? Her so called best friend and the guy who played her feeling are dead,

not knowing who killed them…. As for Kyu will he get punished???

( No hard feelings for the Kyu bias out there.. don’t take it seriously about Kyu’s killing scenes this is just a fic okay.. ^^ .


Comments are very loved.. ^^

~ MiHyukie ~

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myunghee_0780 #1
waaaaahh!!pease update very soon <br />
i cant wait of transformation of akira and the reaction of the boys..<br />
please update soon..
waaaaaaaH~!!! mahal ko... next update jebal!!! I can't wait.... akira's exciting transformation~!!! Go GO GO!!! *i really get excited with you ffs* hahahaha.... X'DD
jxinlai #3
pleaseeeee update!
myunghee_0780 #4
oh please update soon..
ahh <br />
yee a update<br />
hehe <br />
Cant wait for the next update
jxinlai #6
thanks for the update :D
jxinlai #7
when are you gonna update? :(