

"Hyung!" I shout to Seunghyun from the doorway, who continues to practice the last few dance steps in front of the mirror. "We've been practicing for three hours straight since our last break. I need water so badly! You want we to grab something from the refrigerator for you too?"

He looks up from his constantly moving feet and looks at me in the mirror with a grin on his face. "Yes, please! Can I have a bottle--ani, wait. Can I have two bottles of water? Thanks, Dae!"

I smile at him and say, "Omo! Looking good, Hyung. Our VIPs won't believe it's you when they see you on stage next week."

"Yah!" Seunghyun shouts at me with an accusing glare. "I am a good dancer! I just choose not to show off my skills for the safety of our VIPs."

He turns around and begins to walk to towards me as he counts off his fingers. "They already have Youngbae, who doesn't understand the function of a shirt. They have Seungri being a punk, as per usual. They have their Kwon Leadah, who can do no wrong."

Now Seunghyun is standing right in front of me as he leans against the wall. I notice him still breathing hard from the dancing. "And what about us, Hyung?"

He his head to the side with a smirk on his face and says, "What about us?"

"What do the VIPs get from us?" I ask with a laugh.

He leans closer to me so I can feel the heat coming off his body and whispers, "If you have to ask that then I'm clearly not doing a good enough job."

I scrunch my eyes in confusion. "Hyung, what are you talking about?" I start to laugh as I turn and walk out of the practice room. "I'll be back soon with our waters," I shout over my shoulder.

I chuckle to myself as I think, I'm such a bad dongsaeng. Hyung is clearly going crazy from dehydration and I just stand there staring at his body. 

I shake my head. Well, not his body, but rather his dancing.

I make my way down the hall and just as I'm about to enter the kitchenette I hear my name being said and stop short of the entrance. I recognize the voice of some of the YG dancers.

"Hmm so what about TOP and Daesung?"

"Ani, ani! There is definitely nothing there," another dancer replies.

I hear laughter from several people and someone else says, "Omo! Are you serious? You don't see what's right in front of your eyes?"

"He's right, Noona. They are pretty obvious."

"Ani! I don't see it at all! They are friends. Just friends. There is no way they could be together and not any of the VIPs have mentioned anything! And we all know that VIPs know everything!"

"Yah! Have you never heard of ToDae? How did you get into YG and not hear of ToDae?"

"Hmph! I'm telling you there is no romantic relationship between Choi Seunghyun and Kang Daesung."

"You're just jealous it's not you that TOP gives so much of his attention to." This comment received more laughter.

"Noona, they are always laughing together and touching each other and whispering to each other and near each other. You can deny it all you want, Noona, but you have to admit that they don't act like that with the other members."

I heard someone scoff and say, "Neh, I think Noona may be right. And I would bet money that they are not sleeping together."

"Oh, I will so take that bet! I say 75,000 won that they are totally a couple."

I was done listening to this. I tried to calm my breathing and soften the set of my shoulders. I put a smile on my face and walked into the kitchen. Immediately, all the men and women in the room quieted down and looked at the dust on the wall.

I counted around seven people in the tiny kitchen. Omo! How many people talk about us like this?

I grabbed four waters from the refridgerator. When I turned to face the group of gossipers I planted a big smile on my face and casually walked out of the room.

The second I was back in the hallway, the smile slipped from my face and I let out the breath I had been holding. Aigoo, aigoo.

Well, of course Seunghyun Hyung and I are close. We're best friends! But a relationship? ? Hmm, well I guess if I consider it from a VIP's point of view...ani!

But the more I thought of what I had just heard in the kitchen, I guess I could understand why they would think that about me and Hyung. The way we understand one another and gravitate towards each other and the way we are always touchy-feely.

But that doesn't mean anything more than that. Seunghyun Hyung is my best friend. Just a friend, yes?

Why couldn't I answer that right away?

It's not that I didn't find Seunghyun attractive. I would be absolutely crazy and blind not to. And it's not that he didn't have a wonderful personality or was unbelievably talented. And his eyes. His wonderfully deep and provoking eyes that I would sometimes find myself getting lost in when he would get very close.

Well, perhaps there was a bit more to my feelings than I had previously realized. 

I had to shake my head of these thoughts as I once again approached the dance room. Omo! What to say?

I stepped in and saw Seunghyun once again focused on practicing the dance moves in front of the mirror, unknowingly a few steps off. And I couldn't stop the smile that spread across my face. My hardworking Hyung.

I crossed the room and handed Hyung his waters. 

"What happened? Did you get lost coming back?" Seunghyun laughed at me.

"Hmm not exactly. I was distracted by some interesting conversation I heard in the kitchen. Apparently, we are private lovers."

Seunghyun choked on his water, coughing as he looked at me. I saw several emotions flicker across his face, none of which I could name. He finally responded with, "Well, well. I wish I was awake for that."

I laughed as I hit his shoulder. "Hyung! Yes, I heard some of the dancers betting money on whether or not we are sleeping together!" I silently thanked my experience on What's Up? for helping me to control my emotions as I said that last part. I needed some time to myself to think about how I felt about all this before I would confide in Seunghyun. He was the only person I would go to for that kind of talk and I absolutely could not ruin our relationship by talking now, impulsively,  when I haven't even had time to process.

Instead, I smirked and said, "You know, there was a Noona who most adamantly refused to believe that we were together."

Seunghyun snickered, just like I knew he would. In a casual voice he asked, "And how did they plan on finding out the truth?" His eyes got wide and he looked at me. "Omo! Do you think they hid cameras everywhere?"

I laughed as I replied, "Them, no. But I could definitely believe a VIP snuck in and did that."

Suddenly Seunghyun got a wicked look in his eye and leaned in close to me and whispered, "Do you think they followed you back?" I had to control my body from following his when he leaned away again.

On the pretense of flicking my bangs to the side, I managed to catch a glimpse over Hyung's shoulder of most of the gossipy dancers near the entrance to the practice room, again staring at what I could only assume was more dust on the walls.

My quiet chuckle confirmed it for Seunghyun. "I figured they might," he said.

Without warning, I found myself staring up into Seunghyun's too-close eyes. I felt my heart skip a beat. I dropped my water bottles into my bag that was laying nearby and Seunghyun followed suit.

As I looked back up at Senghyun's face I could almost swear I saw a look of anxiousness cross his face. He his lips and I tried very hard not to notice that. "You know," Seunghyun said as he stepped even closer to me. "I would really be sad if that Noona won the bet. I bet she's the one that's always trying to get me to take her to dinner." 

This was news to me. And I was surprised by the shot of ire I felt spread through my body because of her bold actions.

Slowly, Seunghyun reached his hand out and I felt my heartrate speed up as I gently took his hand in my own.

Maybe the others are on to something. Something I didn't ever see.

But what if they were wrong? What if this game we were about to play ruined everything? I should stop this now. That would be the logical thing to do.

Just then Seunghyun gave my hand a gentle squeeze and a soft sound escaped my mouth. I saw his eyes trail down my face to my mouth and a shy smile form on his mouth.

To hell with logic, I thought.

"Well, then," I said. "We should really give them something to talk about." And I closed the small distance between us and pressed my lips to his. I felt him freeze under my touch and then felt a smile form on his lips as I continued to kiss him.

He brought his hand up to my hip and pulled me closer, making me melt into the kiss as I felt the warmth of his body on mine. His other hand he brought to the back of my neck and I let out the smallest of moans.

When we finally parted for air, I softly said, "Hyung."

His hands were still on me and neither one of us knew exactly what all this meant because just then we heard someone clear their throat. We quickly spread apart and turned around towards the doorway.

Jiyong was standing there and I felt unease spread from my head to my toes as I looked back at our leader.

"If you two are done, would you mind finishing your dance practice?" he asked in his authoritaive voice that hardly ever came out since our pre-debut days.

I blushed as we both said, "Neh, Jiyong."

I was sure that in my post-kiss haze my eyes had to be deceiving me when I thought I saw a slight smile on Jiyong's face as he turned away.

"Caught," Hyung murmured and I couldn't help but laugh into my hand. I laughed a little more when I saw a female dancer handing over money to the others standing with her.

I turned to see Seunghyun tapping a finger against the back of his hand. "Looks like Noona just lost 75,000 won," I said.

He laughed and said, "Awesome!" Then he turned to put his water down and continued to dance.

Was all that really just for laughs? Did he not feel what I felt just now? I instantly felt quite disappointed and tried to hide it from my voice when I said, "Well, I guess I'll see you back at the dorm, Hyung." I bent down to grab my bag and headed for the door. Just as I was about to leave the practice room, I heard my name.


I looked back to see Seunghyun facing me and I could see it then: the dark look to his eyes were just what I felt like throughout my body. He gave me a small smile and asked, "Do you have any other events on your schedule for tonight?"

I smiled and looked back at him long enough to make a worried look appear on his handsome face. "I do now," I finally said.

I could hear him laugh behind me as I left the practice room.




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daesung2689 #1
cuteeeeee XD
daesung2689 #2
cuteeeeee XD
lion_city_girl #3
Chapter 1: If i was that noona i wont bet.. such a waste of money..
Chapter 1: aah indeed a good story. I hope u have more coming ;)
Chapter 1: Omo!! I freaking love this. I wish it weren't over >.< you are amazing x)
Chapter 1: Ohhh , I love this fanfic x3
Really interessting and cute at the end <3 I wish it was longer, but its really good :D
Chapter 1: cute X3
Chapter 1: ♫there may be something there that wasn't there before♫
Chapter 1: Omo! Omo! Good story! I bet with myself too that they are couple XDD
Will you write Todae fic again? *blink*blink*blink*