Chapter 4

It's Going to be Me

            Joonmyeon and Yifan are not together—kind of not really. If not being together means not seeing each other at the office. If not being together means no shared coffee, no shared kisses, and no Joonmyeon.

            "Just talk to him," Minseok sighs, stirring the hot chocolate in front of him. Yifan learns over the course of their meeting Joonmyeon has been freelancing as a photographer for a while.

            "Why did he leave?" asks Yifan again, and Minseok simply shrugs.

            "I already told you. I knew he was going to retire, but he never told me why. He's a photographer now, so I guess maybe he wasn't satisfied with being the model. Maybe he wanted to be the one taking the pictures."

            "It just doesn't make sense," Yifan grumbles, running a hand through his messy hair and sipping at the bitter cup of black coffee before him. He's been running on fumes ever since new years. Running a team of fussy models by himself wasn't exactly what he was expecting when he took over leadership. "And why didn't he call me?"

            "Maybe he thinks you're angry at him," comments Minseok, standing up from the table as his cell phone begins to vibrate in his pocket. "Sorry, I've got to go. Luhan is calling."

            Yifan waves goodbye to the older boy and then muses over the fickleness of love while drinking his coffee. A week or so after Joonmyeon's departure, Yixing and Luhan had decided to amicably part and go on their own paths. Soon afterwards, Minseok had come into his own and confessed his long term crush on Luhan. It was all very messy and emotional, but Yixing had given his blessing in the end, and now all three of them were as thick as thieves again.

            He thinks that he and Joonmyeon could easily fix themselves as well, if he could only get past his anger and hurt to reach out and find the model again.


            The voice is familiar, and Yifan curses himself. He should have remembered Minseok was a meddler. His hyung always tried to do what he thought was best for EXO as a group even if it meant some personal pain in the process. Of course, this wouldn't cause any pain for Minseok. He's probably already catching up with Luhan.

            "Hi, Suho," Yifan says quietly as Joonmyeon takes the seat across from him.

            "Look," replies Joonmyeon, smiling as he stares down at the table. "Minseok left money to pay for my drink."

            "Green tea frappuccino?"

            "I'm surprised you still remember. I only drank coffee when I was at the office."

            "Because nobody would've taken you seriously while drinking a green tea frappucino," laughs Yifan, and Joonmyeon laughs as well. The tension is lifted for one moment before settling down heavily like a cloud as Joonmyeon's laughter fades.

            "Aren't you going to ask me something?"

            "No." Yifan sits up straighter in his seat and stares at the black coffee in front of him.

            "Well, I have something to ask you. Did you miss me?" Joonmyeon grins impishly even as Yifan tries not to smile. He hides behind his coffee mug, but Joonmyeon looks at him with that twinkling gaze, and Yifan knows he is already screwed.

            "Yes," he answers honestly, putting down his cup of coffee. "I did miss you, and I do miss you now."

            "Aren't you surprisingly honest today?" chuckles Joonmyeon. "Are you sure that there's nothing else that you want to ask me?"

            "No." Instead, Yifan reaches across the table and takes Joonmyeon's hands. He wonders if he's doing the right thing, if Minseok had been doing the right thing when the elder boy had told Yifan what Joonmyeon had been planning. "I know why you left, and I'm sorry."

            "Why are you sorry?" Joonmyeon's eyes are still twinkling now, but Yifan thinks they're twinkling with something other than mischievousness this time. He thinks they're twinkling with fear.

            "I know that you wanted me—no—us…I know that you wanted us to be right," Yifan sighs, and he suddenly can't put the thoughts running through his head into words. "I don't blame you. What we had was not ideal."

            "But it was enough," offers Joonmyeon, but even Yifan sees the weakness in the argument.

            "I never told you back then," Yifan says quietly—almost sadly. "I wanted to lead so badly that I never stopped and told you."

            "Told me what?"

            Yifan can hardly breathe, and he lets go of Joonmyeon's hands but keeps his gaze locked on Joonmyeon's face. "I never told you that I love you."

            "Oh," says Joonmyeon, just a small exhalation of air that makes Yifan wonder if he's done the right thing. He waits even as each second pricks his heart in a way he never realized was possible.

            Joonmyeon exhales again before smiling. "I love you too, Yifan. Of course I love you."

            Yifan leans across the table then and kisses Joonmyeon until both of them are shaky from the lack of air.

            When Joonmyeon finally breaks the silence, it's to slide a photograph across the table.

            "I wanted to tell you when I took this picture," admits Joonmyeon quietly, "but I think I was too scared. I was right too. You didn't forgive me, even when the whole world was watching and waiting for you to."

            Yifan doesn't reply. Instead, he takes the photograph and drags it closer to him on the table. Then, he takes a black Sharpie out of his jacket pocket and scribbles down a question on the photograph. It's insane, it's risky, and it's heartbreakingly true. He hasn't asked four more important words in his lifetime before.

            Joonmyeon takes the photograph and stares at it, a smile twitching at the edges of his lips. "Did you even need to ask?" he jauntily responds.

            Yifan wonders how a diamond ring will look on Joonmyeon's slim fingers.

            Joonmyeon and Yifan are engaged to be married—truly and definitely. Because being married means JoonmyeonandYifan, not just Joonmyeon and Yifan.

            Everyone is surprised, everyone has questions, and most shockingly, everyone is happy.

            They celebrate in their old office with a glass of champagne, and Joonmyeon laughs at how Yifan still kept his desk in pristine order.

            "For you whenever you decide to come back," Yifan replies. "You told me before that even if you leave modeling, you'll come back…sooner or later."

            Joonmyeon kisses him then, and Yifan lets himself forget about the past and the future. Instead, he tries to memorize the present—how Joonmyeon's lips fit against his, how Joonmyeon's fingers fit snugly in his hand, and how Joonmyeon is perfect for him.

            When Yixing sees them backstage at the next modeling show, the graceful model beams. "I can't believe it," he wonders aloud. "I guess some things really do never change."

            Minseok avoids Yifan's gaze, but from the way he happily squeezes Luhan's hand, Yifan knows that Minseok realizes he's done the right thing.

            When Sehun links hands with Yixing, Joonmyeon nudges Yifan's side, and Yifan smiles down at his fiancé.

            "What are you thinking?" he asks.

            Joonmyeon shrugs. "I'm just happy that everything is all right in the end, but then again—" There's a twinkle in his eyes now. "—I always knew it would be me."

            Yifan laughs at how true the words are. "It's going to be me," he says, taking Joonmyeon into his arms even as the activity begins to churn into a frenzy around him. He observes Yixing and Sehun let go of each other to get ready to go on stage and observes Xiumin and Luhan trying to cling to each other even as the makeup artists throw a fit, but he only sees Joonmyeon.

            "It's going to be me," declares Yifan confidently. "It's going to be me who'll you'll talk to when you're sad, when you're happy. It's going to be me who you'll share your dreams with, and it's going to be me walking down the aisle with you next year. I always told you—it's going to be me."

            "You're right," Joonmyeon agrees, leaning up to press a soft kiss to Yifan's lips. "It's going to be you."

            Joonmyeon and Yifan are married in the summer, and Yifan doesn't forget the five words that brought them there.

It's going to be me.

A/N: Changed the title. Reasons should be obvious, but if not, I'll explain quickly! Angel was a tentative title, and I found "It's Going to be Me" a title that relates much more to the story now that it's finished. Thank you for reading! <3 It's really nice when people read my work, but let's not forget the main reason of this story. HAPPY (NOW BELATED) BIRTHDAY EXIE <3333 I hope that you enjoyed this fic as much as I enjoyed writing it. Who knows? Maybe I'll write Krisho again sometime. ;D

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Actually, I lied! It's probably going to be four parts! >:D


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2447 streak #1
Chapter 4: I LOVE THIS!
somewhat rivals, somewhat lovers
i love their dynamics in this fic, how they're each other's comfort during hard times but with this little competition on the side and how their leadership styles differ and Yifan always questions that hihihi

when Jun quit and Yifan was being stubborn not talking to him just coz of pride? i was like, WTF are you doing??? as if their somewhat relationship wasn't strong enough... i mean, they just needed to be official! but anyway, at least everything turned out well in the end... what's mewnt to be will always end up together, just like them!
Chapter 4: Rivals and lovers! Aren't they perfect together?
theant256 #3
Chapter 4: Beautiful story love this ~^^
joinmymisery #4
Chapter 4: This was such a lovely read ♡
Chapter 4: Super good! Really enjoyed reading this so darn cute
eugene_park #6
Chapter 4: uhhh.. I LOVE IT..
my krisho feels.. so beautiful :D
yuu-san #7
Chapter 4: So beautiful. I love this...aahh (T_T) Good job!
Chapter 4: this is so beautiful :)
/cries bc the ending was perfection/