
Like a Dream

As usual, flashbacks were colored in gray


June 20

“Are you out of your ing mind DAEHYUN!?” Yongguk erupted in both fear and anger when he heard the following words from his friend. He looked straight to his lifeless eyes, all kinds of life were stripped off from it, completely different from the once bursting of energy it once looked like. Utensils moved on top of the steel table, making small cold noise around them.

Daehyun didn’t move a muscle despite the outburst Yongguk did. He just stared at him, with a grim looking smile on his face. His cheekbones pushed up making his eyes slightly crescent, his brows still there giving him a sad looking expression. He crossed his own arms and laughter came out from his pale soft lips. “You don’t have to shout like that hyung.” He covered his ears with his fingers and slowly moved it as if he’s taking something out.

“Don’t ing joke with this Daehyun!” He slammed his clenched fist directly to the metal table, the pain quickly spread inside Yongguk’s hands but he shrugged it away, all his focus was directly pointed to Daehyun now, he doesn’t care what happens to himself anymore, Daehyun’s words were much more painful than that pain in his knuckles.

Daehyun’s smile fell quickly, he uncrossed his own arms and stood up. He walked towards Yongguk and gave the older one’s shoulders a soft tap. “Hyung .. I meant what I said earlier, do this for me … please.” His hand stopped on Yongguk’s hand, he took it and clasped it inside his own warm hands. Yongguk looked at him again before turning away. “Why … why do we have to do this …” “I want to leave something here, a proof of my existence, that’s the only way I can do so that there’s a proof that a man named Jung Daehyun lived.”


[[ Yongguk’s POV ]]

How dare you Jung Daehyun … how could you suggest something so ridiculous like that. My fist clenched once again after hearing his goddamn reason. I so want to punch your freaking face right now Daehyun. I whispered inside my head. I slowly pulled my hand back from his hands and flopped myself down on the chair. “Fine do what you want.” Knowing how stubborn this beautiful creature in front of me is, I gave up.

I saw his lips curl into a small smile, a very weak one. I felt something pierced my heart. My hand went quickly on my chest, clutching the fabric on it. Daehyun retreated back to his seat with a smile on his face, I seriously can’t decipher his mind, right from the time I met him, even though we already spent 2 years together as friends I still can’t understand him.

I still couldn’t believe myself that I just let him do what he wants, especially me going along with his plans and helping him. I stood up from my seat and went towards my bag. I took out my video camera and placed it with the stand on the ground. I positioned it straight to Daehyun and pushed the on button. “1 … 2 … 3 … you’re on.” I mumbled as I shift into a much more comfortable position.

And with that, time started to run, memories started imprinting a very sad image in our minds. I focused in Daehyun more than the camera in front of me, he was smiling, his eyes turned into small glimmering crescents with his cheeks once again formed a very lively bump. Daehyun … I whispered his name inside my head, because I know that after I turned the camera off everything will stop … especially my heart.

[[ End of his POV ]]


June 21

Daehyun was walking around his room, his face scrunched and his hair was messy, a visible evidence that he just woke up from his sleep. A few knocks echoed inside the room, Daehyun quickly turned to the doorway and ran towards it. He took the ends of his opened jack and pulled it closer to his chest hiding his black sleeveless undershirt. “Coming!” He shouted as loud as he can with a smile plastered on his face.

When the cold metal came in contact with his own hands, Daehyun winced a bit before pulling it inwards revealing a very stern looking guy outside. He was dressed in a black shirt with a camouflage pants, and also wearing a bag pack. “You’re finally here.” He grimaced at the sudden cheerfulness from the younger one. “Oh shut up, you woke me up too early you know that!?” He invited himself and went in. Daehyun followed him with a frown after closing the door.

“We already made a deal about me filming every move of my remaining days right?!” He hissed as he followed Yongguk towards the kitchen. The older one stopped from his tracks, he turned around and was about to say something but it seemed like something hit him first because before he can say anything anymore, he quickly turned and walked towards the fridge.

He took a bottle of water there and chugging it down with one blow. He wiped the colorless liquid on his lips before answering the revolting younger one. “Aissh, I know I know … let’s finish this.” He placed the bottle down the table before pulling Daehyun’s hand out of the kitchen into the living room. “We’re not filming here~ let’s go outside.” Daehyun stopped and then pulled him out of the living room towards the door.


The sun directly hit his face, Yongguk scrunched and covered the sun’s rays with his hands. “Aissh why is it so hot today?!” He murmured or cursed while Daehyun just shook his head. He stopped and turned around, walking closer to Daehyun. “I knew it … I just knew that you’re going to curse the sun all day so here.” Daehyun took a black cap and placed it on top of Yongguk’s head. Yongguk swallowed secretly at the small amount of distance between them. “I can do it myself!” He hissed when Daehyun started fixing it on his own. “Arasso~” He sang before laughing and turning away.

Daehyun led the older one towards a cotton candy cart. With Yongguk filming his main artist, Daehyun started buying cotton candies in different colors. A blue, a pink and a green bag filled goodies were now in Daehyun’s disposition. He gave the pink colored cotton candy to Yongguk while he hog on his own the other remaining two. “Stop filming first and let’s chat for a bit.” He strutted towards a vacant bench on the edge of the hill, overlooking the vast range of lake and plains. “Ahh refreshing.”

Yongguk severed the innocent plastic bag and dipped his hands in it, while on the other hand Daehyun untied the knot and started shoving the puffiness of the cotton candies inside his mouth. “So … what are we gonna do after this?” Yongguk asked with his mouth filled sweetness. Daehyun turned, his mouth closed but his cheeks were bulging, a thread of both green and blue cotton candy was poking out from it. “… you shoved the two … cotton candies inside … at the same time?” Yongguk’s eyes widened in disbelief, he knows how a glutton Daehyun can be, but he can’t imagine him being like this. Daehyun smiled before forcing everything down in his throat. “I don’t know, my stamina isn’t that good anymore so maybe I’ll just walk around here till the sun set.” He said before turning back to the lake with a sorrowful glint inside his eyes. The older one didn’t push the topic anymore instead there he stared at the same scenery with the guy beside him.

Yongguk squirmed from his seat and turned to his bag, he took the camera out and pointed it towards Daehyun, filming his side profile. Daehyun noticed it so he turned and pouted. “What are you doing?” He said. “Filming like what you wanted me to do.” Yongguk answered with a very uninterested tone. “I know, but I didn’t say anything about you filming me now right?” Daehyun fought back. Yongguk pushed the stop button first before lowering it, lap level. “I film what I want to film you idiot.” He muttered before sticking his tongue out. He pushed the green button once again and started filming the laughing Daehyun in front of him. With one eye closed, Yongguk talked. “Why are you laughing?” Daehyun smiled and answered, “Nothing.”

Everything became orange-y and red now, the sun started to set and some of the couples started to go home, leaving only Daehyun and Yongguk and some other couples there in the park. “Ahh it’s so beautiful.” Daehyun said with a smile on his face and his arms spread outwards. You’re much beautiful than the sun Daehyun. Yongguk whispered inside his head as he continues to film the perfection in front of him.

After a few minutes of soaking in the sun’s diminishing rays, Daehyun turned with a smile. Yongguk was petrified at the scene, Daehyun was smiling, the sun’s red rays hitting the left side of his cheeks making him exquisitely figure of Daehyun. Wow Yongguk muttered, breathless. “Let’s go home now.” He mumbled before walking away from the camera’s view towards Yongguk’s side. “A-ah..” Was the only word that came out from Yongguk’s words as he walked back to the bench to pack his camera and follow Daehyun.


June 23

Roaring thunders cut the dark sky making large yellow rays in the sky piercing the dark clouds. Daehyun was cuddling himself inside his blanket on his bed, the lights were cut off because a lightning hit the neighbourhoods electricity. When everything calmed down, Daehyun slowly moved the white sheets away and took a glance at the clock beside his table. The clock was blinking ‘3:30’ brightly green. The greenish of it hurt his eyes instantly since it’s really dark around him.

His phone rung, he was about to take it when another drumming sound crossed his sense of hearing. Daehyun quickly holed up inside his blankets again, knees shivering, lips quivering and hands sweating. Then all of a sudden, he heard some disturbing noise outside. He bit his bottom lips harshly when his door swung open. He unconsciously squeaked since he couldn’t see who the man in the doorway is. When the thunder roared again, light passed through his windows and blankets making him watch the silhouette of a man nearing him.

Daehyun pushed his head down on the comforted with his forehead roughly placed on it. “PLEASE DON’T KILL ME!” He suddenly shouted. The nearing man stopped midway with his hand suspended on the air. “I’LL GIVE YOU EVERYTHING BUT PLEASE DON’T TOUCH ME!” He shouted again, he’s being paranoid now since when the rain started to fall heavily he kept on dreaming things about dying and a man coated with nothing but black.

The younger one stiffened when he felt cold wet hands touched his shoulders and back. Tears quickly rolled across his cheeks, but his shivering stopped when the silhouette suddenly hugged him inside the blankets. “Shh Daehyun .. it’s me Yongguk.” A deep voice echoed from the outside of the sheets. Daehyun quickly took the sheets off and saw it was him, he’s friend. Yongguk was soaking wet when Daehyun saw him, his hair is a mess, clothes already drenched with nothing but rain water. “H-hyung..” Yongguk didn’t let him speak anymore, he hugged him tightly and whispered words like, “I’m here.” Or “Sleep now, I’m already here.” Daehyun softly nodded on his chest, “Change first … you’re gonna get sick if you don’t change your clothes.” Daehyun whispered, Yongguk only nodded while rubbing the younger’s back.

Few hours had passed, the storm finally subsided. The clocked blinked ‘6:51’ when Yongguk looked at it, his gaze went back to the sleeping figure of Daehyun, hands connected with each other and maybe hearts too. Yongguk smiled, he was watching Daehyun sleep, all throughout the storm and night. His eyes slowly started to close, feeling a both heavy and tired he placed his head beside Daehyun’s torso, finally drifting to sleep.


June 25

Daehyun was starting to cough blood. The doctor finally issued that he’s beyond recovering. Yongguk almost throw a punch on the doctor’s face if not only Daehyun stopped him. The doctor left his house with a sad expression on his face. Yongguk was as gloomy as the doctor, but Daehyun’s expression was different, he’s smiling, anticipating the things about to unfold before him. “Hyung don’t be sad, I told you, the doctors couldn’t help me anymore.” His words, his tone, his smile everything about it made Yongguk’s heart churn and burn. Daehyun … at least show me your weak side … please, cry inside my chest, cry … ask for my comfort .. seek my love … look at me. Yongguk said to himself as he tries to make a smile with his dead looking face.


June 27

“Yongguk … hyung.” Daehyun mumbled. His body not moving on top of his bed, sheets covering half of his body, lips curled into an awkward smile, skin so pale and body so drained. “I’m here …” Yongguk turned and placed his clasped together hands beside him. The scene itself was painful for Yongguk, if he can only turn away, he wanted to but seeing how the younger one needed his strength, he too himself needs to man up and face the death head on like what Daehyun was doing.

“We finally finished filming right?” Daehyun asked, his voice quivering, shaking, and breaking. Yongguk did nothing but hum a soft ‘yes’ with his lips tightly pursed into a thin line. Daehyun let out a very soft and grim laugh. “Ahh f-finally … i-I can now rest well.” Yongguk’s eyes shot towards his dongsaeng’s face, his face aghast with the younger’s words. “Stop it Daehyun…” “Hyung … we both know well that tomorrow is the last day the doctor gave us.” Yogguk stubbornly shook his head. “Those doctors are nothing but bull Dae … don’t believe them.” Lies … that’s what Yongguk wanted to believe to.

“Hyung … look at me, I’m already skin and bones.” Yongguk lowered his head when he heard his words, he couldn’t feel but to feel bad about him, he always kept on lying about him not dying, while Daehyun who was the one in the grim looking condition faced everything with a proud look and smile. That moment, Yongguk felt that he shouldn’t be here, or that Daehyun was older than him, he pity himself for being a chicken about things like this.

pt on lying about him not dying, while Daehyun who was the one in the grim looking condition faced everything with a proud look and smile. That moment, Yongguk felt that he shouldn’t be here, or that Daehyun was older than him, he pity himself for being a chicken about things like this.


That same unfaithful day, with the night coating the whole neighbourhood in black, Daehyun mustered all his strength to take the bag holding the camera on top of the table. He opened the case and pushed the on button of the video. He pointed it to himself and smiled before saying things on it.

After a few minutes of talking to the camera, he placed it back to the bag and the table. He was about to go back to his bed when Yongguk moved and woke up. He rubbed his eyes and looked at Daehyun. “You’re awake? Do you need something?” Daehyun laughed weakly at how caring his hyung is. “No hyung… I’m sorry that I woke you up, I don’t need anything just sleep and … I want you to be the first one to watch the film arasso?” Yongguk seemed to be confused with his dongsaeng’s words, he was about to ask again when Daehyun slowly covered himself with the sheets. His shoulders deflated.


June 28

“Nnngh…” Yongguk shifted from his side of the bed. He turned and felt something cold, his eyes shot open, his senses became sensitive, his heart quickened, his mind became fuzzy. He turned to Daehyun and saw him sleeping, peacefully. He touched his cheeks and tears fell from his eyes for the first time. “Daehyun … you left without even saying goodbye to your hyung?” His voice broke, endless streams of tears fell from his face, his heart stopped beating metaphorically, his world stopped from revolving, everything became black, everything except Daehyun.

June 29

Yongguk holed inside his room, Himchan and the other’s kept on knocking his apartment’s dorms but still Yongguk didn’t moved. The others were getting worried about him, but time to time, Yongguk sent them messages saying that he’s okay and still alive, he too thought about suicide, but Daehyun’s words kept ringing inside his head, the words he said last June 22.


Flashback June 22

“Yongguk hyung, if your beloved one died what will you do?” He asked him. Yongguk looked at him with a worried expression on his face. “I’ll kill myself too.” He answered. He got nothing back but a blow on the head. “Yah! I’m still your hyung!” Yongguk shouted at Daehyun but the younger one only laughed. “Hyung don’t be an idiot, don’t kill yourself.”


Yongguk’s hands clenched once again, then a thought crossed his mind, he quickly took the bag holding the video camera and played the film of it.

There he witnessed Daehyun’s laughter again, his smiles, his gluttony and especially his living body. For the nth time, Yongguk’s tears rolled as the film was about to end, he was about to close the video recorder knowing the end of it, but he stopped midway when the film continued rolling. There’s footage in it that he couldn’t recall filming himself. There he saw Daehyun, smiling weakly, the film was dated back the night before he died, the night that he caught him still awake, and also the last night he saw him alive.

“Yongguk hyung … If you’re finally watching this, then I guess I’m already dead right?” An awkward laughter came out from the speakers. Yongguk bit his lips as the film continued rolling. “I just wanted to tell you how happy I am that you played along with the foolish idea I suggested.” Yongguk wiped his tears as he continue hearing Daehyun’s coughs. “Pabo.” Yongguk muttered as if Daehyun can hear him. “And I’m sure you’re cursing and saying bad words about me like pabo right?” Daehyun in the video laughed again. “Hyung … I just want to tell you that the last 7 days of my life was the days that I cherished all in my life, because in those 7 days I spent those with the person I love.” Yongguk’s hands stiffened, joints locked and mouth gapped wide open. “Yes hyung … I love you.” Daehyun in the video confessed and after his confession the video stopped and turned all black.

Yongguk slowly closed the screen, he placed the recorder on the floor and placed his head on his knees. “… Daehyun … pabo…. If you told me that you love me from the first place, I should’ve have made those 7 days of yours much more special …” Yongguk’s tears flowed from his eyes down to his cheeks, his memories with Daehyun flashed in front of him, which made him cry more.

Coming from somewhere, a very familiar voice echoed. “Hyung … you don’t have to do that, because me spending those days with you was the best thing I ever had … I love you hyung.” A soft hand caressed Yongguk’s cheeks which made him shot up. He stood from the ground, looking at his ceilings, windows and even the doors, he knew that he heard Daehyun’s voice and felt his touch but where is he? He only saw nothing but empty space inside his room. “Daehyun, i wish this was nothing but a bad dream. … “ Were the last words he mumbled before collapsing in stress and fatigue.


Here lies our beloved Jung Daehyun

June 28 1993 - June 28 2012

May you rest in peace

Yongguk sat on the ground in front of Daehyun's grave, eyes dry and cheeks pale. He clasped his hands together to pray some few words for him. "Daehyun ... it's been a month since you passed away ... but i'm still here wishing everything was just a dream." He raised his head and blinked. "Happy birthday ... and ... " he bit his lips, he can't make himself say the word --





End! ...

i cried when i wrote the last part, but it's just small tears OuO BLAME THE BG SONG

Anyways ... so here i am giving you a bangdae oneshot OuO ... did it satisfy your taste?

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daehyundarklight #1
Chapter 1: i'm speechless... so sad... huhuhu...
Chapter 1: I'm crying so much at the end ;____;
Chapter 1: Sad~ Sad~ Sad~
but its beautiful author-nim ^^
Chapter 1: Oh~ i can totally understand how yongguk was feeling, its really sad having the one we cherish the most inside a grave infront of us... poor bang to have his beloved confessing him when he is dead....
Chapter 1: I'm crying like a baby since the chapter with the day 25. Its Kekoko's fault. She told me about that story, I thought "it must be sad, but I'm not going to cry" but I did know that I would cry and now I just can't stop. It was so sad, so... I don't know what to say anymore. ):
Chapter 1: This is so sad. :( I read it in the middle of the night in complete darkness and I almost cried.
I think I'd act like Daehyun here if I'm going to die. But he should have told Yongguk in person that he loved him so they could spend the last day knowing it.
And you also made a very good poster. :)
ItsLily #7
Chapter 1: Wow, this was so touching and i was going to cry. But i loved the scene where Daehyun turned and red sun rays were hitting his cheek. I can picture how beautiful he was at the time. Yongguk loved Daehyun too but he couldn't say it. It's so sad how he was rewatching the video. And the ending when Yongguk was saying goodbye, i hope it isn't for good. Daehyun is always still with him D: Thanks for this!
Chapter 1: coughcough You cried cough... XD I'm so gonna tell the world that you cried.
OTL I've been reading too many fics that involve in deaths... IDK OTL It's so frickin sad.
And ah... Gee... OTL ._.
'Goodbye' Yongguk isn't gonna forget right?
Moving on is finding a new way to remember, right?
OTL sobsobs.. OTL .__________. sslpkhkjasndoujasokdas
Chapter 1: omg the sadness ;^;
This was just absolutely beautiful and yet so heartbreaking too >_<
Poor Dae and Bang D: Well at least we know tht Dae will always be in Bang's heart >w<