Traveled Through Time

Over Time




“Sehun?! Where are we?!” Hyojin shrieked, dodging the falling arrows from above and sword clashing.

“Oh good! You’re back, why don’t you poof us back with you creepy magical powers, better yet, drop me off in the world of afterlife while we’re at it, I wanna say ‘hi’ to my DEAD father!” Sehun shouted, his voice oozing with sarcasm and terror.

“What are you- Look out!” Hyojin warned him as an angry solider drawn his sword to Sehun and strike.

“Oh dear Lord, please help me! I’m gonna die, I’m gonna die, I’m gonna join my dead daddy as an icky, creepy-” Sehun shut his eyes, waiting for the horrible pain on his stomach, “-Err...Sehun.” Hyojin said, awkwardly.

Sehun slowly opened his eyes to see the where he was stabbed.


The sword was pierced right through him, “Oh my- AHHHHH!! Am I dead?! Dasom!” Sehun blurted.

The solider gave his sword a twist before pulling it back, as his opponent lay down, dead.

Sehun, who was still in shocked, stood firmly to his ground. He could have sworn that his feet were rooted to the earth beneath him. “How did that happened?” Sehun mumbled, frighten.

“We should probably go, now,” Hyojin pulled his hand, and Sehun gasped, “Wow! I passed through that person’s sword like nothing!” Sehun exclaimed.

“Easily amused,” Hyojin muttered under her breath. They both tried to escape the on-going clashing of swords, ignoring the blood of hundreds men and dead body lying around the ground. It took them few turns to finally realized where they were; in the middle of a battle field.

Sehun was both surprised and amazed that they both could walk through every obstacle but still lost and very confuse of why they were sent there at the first place. “Dasom, check this out.” Sehun laid down to where a dead solider was lying. With his new ability, it was as if he was the one who had worn the bulky armour, “Huh? Huh?” He modelled for her, waving his arms around. “We don’t have time for that, get up.” Hyojin pulled him up and started to walk as if the army of soldiers were the ones who were invisible. “What happen back there wasn’t supposed to happen, you bring us here. Now, bring us back” Sehun said while walking next to her.

“What are talking about?” Hyojin stared at him weirdly.

“You said something and then- Whoa!” Suddenly the circle was trapping them again and the strong wind blew just outside the circle, “Not again!”

They began to fade again, this time Sehun was quiet, with his arms crossed and face showed an irritated expression.

“What is going on?!” Hyojin shrieked, “Relax, it won’t hurt you.” Sehun said, with his monotone voice.


“Now where are we?” Hyojin asked.

“Why would we have a girl for a leader, when obviously Wufan can manage the entire kingdom by himself?” said a man with a deep voice,

“I find that very offensive! Just because we are women, that is our excuse of not becoming a leader of a kingdom?!” cried a women in black attire, she had her hands curled to a fist and there was no doubt that that woman was furious.

 “There’s no use, Soo Jin. It’s eleven against four. Now sit.” Wufan said, raised only to stand tall from his spot.

“We are not alone, Wufan. We have army of our own who will support us.” Jae In challenged.

“What exactly are you suggesting here, Jae In?” Wufan planted his hands onto the circular table and leaned forward, “You know that this whole thing started when you first insult us.” Ahri answered for her leader.

“When did we ever hurt your feelings?” Luhan asked softly. Suddenly an arrow was shot right next to Luhan’s head

“Ki Nam won’t miss next time.” Jae In said.

“Dasom, why are they fighting?” Sehun leaned close to her. Hyojin shrugged, “I have a feeling that things are about to get ugly.” Hyojin whispered back.

“Please, stop this. Ki Nam put your bow down, violence is the last thing that we need right now.” Yi Xing pled.

“He’s right, please.” Tao supported his hyung.

“You have greatly insulted us in front of the entire kingdom and the people are now respecting you more than the four of us! They mock us, saying that we are weak, when the truth is we are not!” Jae In threw a few shuriken blades to Wufan’s direction which he expertly dodged. “If war is what you want then so be it! I give you five days to prepare your army and the winner gets to be the new leader, now leave!” Wufan shouted, his echoed, making the 14 other people plus the two uninvited guests cringed in fear.

The whole scene changed in a blink of an eye.

“Sehun, what did we just see?” Hyojin asked, leaning back on the dimly lit hallway.

“I have no idea. But the names, they sounded so familiar. I think I have read them somewhere.”          

“What’s going on? Why does this happen ... to us?!” Hyojin shrieked.

“Relax, Dasom-” Sehun suddenly shifted to his right where he saw shadows of guards patrolling around the palace.

“Hide!” Sehun whispered, slamming his body to the wall, trying to blend in. “They can’t see us, remember?” Hyojin stated out.

Sehun face palmed, “Right...”

“Sehun, look at us? We don’t exist here! We have no shadows and no matter how hard we scream echoes won’t bounce back at us!” Hyojin panicked wailing her arms around, obviously freaked out.

Sehun looked behind him and his sides. She was right, there were no shadows of his nor did Hyojin’s. In a hollow hall, it was very weird not hearing echoes back when they talked.

“This is... not normal.” Sehun said.

“Try, not good. How are we going to get back?” Hyojin leaned back to the wall behind her but she ended up falling backwards and went through the wall

“Oh just great! Another terrific discovery!” Sehun flung his arms around and reached for Hyojin’s hands as an attempt to pull her up but Hyojin protested and instead pulled him through the wall, “Yah! What do you think you’re doing?” Sehun yelled, but Hyojin quickly covered his mouth.

Sehun sighed onto her palm, before taking the hand off of his mouth, “Have you forgotten that they can’t hear us,”

“Yes, but we can hear them, now shush and listen,” Hyojin pointed to the girl with a white veil –no, more of a hood on her head, and lacy mask covering the girl’s face. It only reminded Hyojin of her engagement day, where she has worn almost the same outfit as that particular girl on the balcony.

“What was there to listen to, the girl is just humming?” Sehun asked, confused.

“What else? Listen really carefully, Sehun.” Hyojin whispered.

Sehun concentrated hard enough and finally clicked it; there were faint noises of a person coming up, from the balcony?

What was this?

Some kind of ancient romantic scene?

That was when they realised that the girl was actually trying to hide the sound of the person climbing up with her humming and soft singing, probably to assure her servants outside that she was just casually in her room.

Of course, it was so obvious that their meeting was a secret. Why else would the person climb a woman’s room at night time?

When the sound of the rope grip became clearer, both Sehun and Hyojin leaned forward, trying to get a glimpse of the person.

Hyojin gasped while Sehun was shocked, extremely taken aback.

The man who was climbing to the lady’s chamber was ... Sehun.

The past him.

“He looked like me, wh –why? H –he, err... What?” Sehun mumbled.

Past Sehun got over the railing, while the lady rushed to his embrace, while he was smiling brightly and pecked the crown of her head before whispering: “I missed you.”

It was obvious that the lady was smiling behind the mask, mainly because the sparkles in her eyes were totally obvious.

Every furniture and objects in that room suddenly faded, along with the two couple on the balcony, but they seemed unaware. Sehun and Hyojin looked around, still shocked, but soon calmed when the circle started to enclose around them, once again.




So sorry for the delay! 

Anyways; comment and Subscribe! 


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OT; chapter 2 is up :)


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Chapter 4: Cool.!!!
Update soon XD
Chapter 3: Cool!

Update soon :)
Chapter 3: It get more interesting^^
Update soon~
xherox #4
Update soon
Chapter 2: Nice chapter^^
Update soon~^^
A Woman should be empty headed , silent and foolish ?????? Hell No !!!! No way!!!!!
Chapter 1: she must marry.. n to be a foolish girl..