A Change In The Wind

Eyes of Perception


After her brief encounter with Sooyoung, Kwon Yuri silently walks to the main gates of the school. By this time, most of the students are gone and eagerly heading home or staying in a classroom for club activities. Yuri on the other hand has no time for such trivial matters; she has more important things to do. As she leaves the main school building, Yuri spots a tall young man wearing a black leather jacket, dark blue jeans, and sunglasses leaning against one of the brick pillars connecting to the gate. The young man looks at Yuri through his shades.


“Is she here?” he asks as Yuri approaches him.


“She’s here,” Yuri replies. Then in a soft whisper she says, “Sooyoung is really here…”


“But judging from your voice, it seems like she doesn’t remember you,” he says with a hint of sympathy in his tone.


“Not at all,” Yuri says with a shake of the head. She grips her backpack straps tightly as she holds back her emotions. “It looks like she remembers nothing.”


The young man glances around anxiously. “Let’s talk about this back at the motel. It’s not safe for us, or rather you, to be out in the open like this.”


Yuri nods, well aware of the situation. They briskly head into the main street with all the people, shops, maintain a distance between each other in order not to attract any unwanted attention. After all, Yuri is a student at the moment and her companion does not look anything like a positive influence in the eyes of society. Before long they find their building and take the elevator up to the fourth floor and enter their room. Yuri drops her school bag next to the couch and sits down, exhausted.


Her friend takes off his sunglasses, walks to the mini fridge, and grabs a bottled green tea drink. “Here, I got us some drinks and food while you were at school.” He throws one and her which she catches effortlessly.


Yuri thanks him and opens the green tea. She lets out a content sigh after several gulps. “How long do we have here until we have to be on the move again?”


“Hard to say. We managed to elude his men and I haven’t seen them around since we got here.”


“He’ll know we’re here eventually though…”


“I’ll guess we’ll have about ten days. Maybe two weeks if we’re lucky. Until then, you have to convince Sooyoung to come with us.”


Yuri lets out a frustrated sigh and runs a hand through her silky raven hair. “That is going to be difficult considering it seems like she has amnesia. Telling her everything in a blunt manner will just scare her away so I guess all I can do is drop hints or make her curious to know more.”


“Do you think it will work?”


“It has to. Otherwise, she’ll be in danger,” Yuri mutters darkly. “Seunghyun knows she’s still alive and if his men find her first, she’ll die. I spent the last five years trying to find Sooyoung and now that I have found her, I’m not going to let her die!”


The young man nods solemnly. “It still surprises me you kept faith for so long. What made you think she was still alive?”


“I just felt it. I could feel her,” Yuri replies. “Kind of like a sixth sense.”


“Do you think it has to do with the fact both of you have the eyes?”


Yuri shrugs. “Perhaps. Speaking of the eyes, I wonder if she’s aware her ability.”


“If she is and others see her eyes, word might spread to unwanted ears. And then for sure we’d have to be on the move with Sooyoung whether she likes it or not,” he says with a grim expression. Yuri silently agrees and fervently hopes it does not come down to that. “Is it alright if I take a nap?”


“Go ahead. I’ll keep watch,” Yuri says. He nods and takes off his jacket before lying on the bed. “Have a good rest, Boom.”




Sehun dashes to the gym where the hip-hop dance club is holding their meeting today. He curses under his breath at his teacher for taking so long to explain how he should fix his essay and then going completely off tangent and tell a random story about his weekend. As soon as he reaches the gym door, he roughly pulls it open.


“S-Sorry I’m late!” he loudly apologizes.


“Sehun-ah! Where were you today?! We just wrapped things up!” Eunhyuk, the club president, exclaims.


“Sorry Hyung, I had to go to one of my teachers for help,” Sehun explains with a quick bow.


“Ah I understand. Well luckily today’s meeting was mostly talking about a new routine I’ve created to perform at the upcoming school festival so you didn’t miss that much. Ask Kai and Kyungsoo for the details. If you can, try not to miss the next meeting because I’ll be assigning parts and begin teaching the choreography. I want to give you one of the solo breaks since you are one of the club’s best dancers after all,” Eunhyuk says with a smile and pats Sehun on the shoulder.


“I’m honored,” Sehun answers, taken aback by Eunhyuk’s praise. “I’ll come to the next meeting for sure.” Eunhyuk nods in approval and walks away to talk to the club officers.


“There he is!” Sehun spins around and finds Kai and Kyungsoo walking over to him. “You took forever, Sehun!” Kai comments. “Don’t tell me Mr. Kim went off rambling a story again and you listened to all of it.”


“Well…” Sehun begins.


Kyungsoo laughs. “We’ll take that as a yes. You should have told him you had club activities today! That way he wouldn’t have minded if you left during his stories.”


“It already happened so nothing can be done now,” Sehun sighs irritably.


“Oh hey! Sehun, you should meet Lay hyung’s cousin! He just transferred here from China and he joined the club,” Kai says excitedly. With the save of a hand, Kai leads Sehun over to Lay with Kyungsoo trailing behind them. Sehun notices a dirty blonde boy that is around his height. “Lay hyung! Luhan hyung!”


The two boys turn around with grins on their faces. “Hey Kai, hey Kyungsoo. And look who finally showed up,” Lay laughs as he notices Sehun.


“Hello Hyung,” Sehun greets politely.


“Sehun, this is my cousin, Luhan. He just transferred into Taeyeon’s class,” Lay explains.

The boy Luhan gives Sehun a nervous bow but smiles brightly at Sehun. For some reason, Sehun could feel a blush rising to his face as Luhan smiles at him. “It’s nice to meet you, Sehun. I’m Luhan. I apologize in advance if my sentences are awkward. My Korean still isn’t all that great.”


“It’s alright and it’s nice to meet you too. And don’t worry about your Korean. You’ll get better at it in no time. Just ask anyone if you need clarification and I’m sure they’d be happy to help you,” Sehun says. “So you’re in Taeyeon noona’s class, huh? That means you’re the same grade as my sister.”


Luhan nods, his smile still on his face. “I sit next to her and she’s been a big help to me. I guess she must be popular because some guys were giving me stares whenever I would ask Taeyeon a question.”


Kai overhears this and chuckles. He gives Luhan a light pat on the back. “Gotta be careful out there, Hyung. Taeyeon noona has a lot of fans in this school.”


“I’ll be sure to keep that in my mind,” the new Chinese student chuckles with Kai.


“By the way Sehun, Kai and I are planning to go to the café with Lay hyung and Luhan hyung. You wanna come?’ Kyungsoo asks his friend.


Sehun ponders his options for a moment. His mind wanders back to this morning when Sooyoung was explaining to him her dream about the cave and the forest. Sooyoung’s disturbed and confused face flashes in his mind and Sehun knows he should decline his friends’ invitation to talk to his sister. “I’m sorry guys. Maybe next time. I have to be going home with Noona now.”


“Whaaaat?! Come on man! You miss club today and you won’t even hangout with us?” Kai exclaims. “Come on, Sehun!”


Kai and Kyungsoo pout together, making their eyes wide with fake sadness. Sehun chuckles at his friends’ fail attempt at aegyo and shakes his head. “Sorry guys. I really do need to go.”


Kai huffs and crosses his arms. “Fine, but you owe us!”


“We’ll see you later then, Sehun. Say hello to Sooyoung for me,” Lay says. Sehun nods in response.


Luhan walks up to Sehun and extends a hand at the younger boy. “I hope we’ll be able to spend time together in the future,” Luhan smiles.


“Of course,” Sehun smiles back. He takes Luhan’s hand into his and gives it a firm, yet gentle shake. He silently comments on how the new Chinese student has one of the friendliest and warming smiles he has ever seen. “Bye.”


Sehun gives all his friends one last wave and leaves the gym to go find his sister. He walks on the pathway leading through the science buildings and social science building that is connected to the library. Sehun deeply inhales the afternoon air and raises his arms upward to stretch. Releasing his breath, he relaxes and continues his stride. As he is about to pass the social science building, he spots Sooyoung and Taeyeon leaving the building.


“Oh there you are, Noona,” Sehun calls out. He approaches them and he gives a polite bow to Taeyeon.


“Hello Sehun,” Taeyeon greets. “I just finished tutoring Sooyoungie.”


“Ah I see…” Sehun replies absently as he stares at Sooyoung. His sister looks distant and lost in thought. Sehun is well aware of his sister’s crush on Taeyeon and he is taken aback at how Sooyoung doesn’t look as cheerful as she usually does after a tutoring session with Taeyeon. He shoots a questioning look at Taeyeon.


Understanding the look, Taeyeon asks, “Sooyoungie, I need Sehun’s help with something. Do you mind waiting here for a moment? I promise we’ll be quick.”


To both Taeyeon and Sehun’s relief, Sooyoung offers a tiny smile. “Sure.”


Taeyeon thanks her and she and Sehun head back into the social science building and head into the next hallway where Sooyoung could not see them from outside. When they believe they have gone far enough, Sehun turns and faces Taeyeon. “Taeyeon noona what’s wrong with Sooyoung noona?”


“I’m not sure. She was unusually distracted during our session. I kept trying to help her on her trigonometry identities, but it appeared that her mind was somewhere else,” Taeyeon says, looking crestfallen. “Actually, I was hoping you would know what’s wrong with her. You are her brother after all.”


Sehun bites his lip. He has an idea what could be bothering Sooyoung, but he could not tell Taeyeon his suspicions. It has to do with her ability, her eyes, and it’s something Sooyoung wants to keep private from others. “She was fine this morning so I don’t know,” he lies.


Taeyeon nods looking more sad than before. “I’ve never seen her like this before. She looks really troubled, and no matter what I did, she wouldn’t cheer up. I’m worried about her.”


Sehun is somewhat startled at the concerned tone in Taeyeon’s voice. He silently notes the underlying emotion in the older girl’s eyes. Perhaps there is more meaning to Taeyeon’s words than the upperclassman is willing to reveal? Pushing aside his assumptions, Sehun asks Taeyeon another question. “Do you know if something happened to, Noona?”


Taeyeon leans her cheek against her palm and ponders. “Maybe… Maybe it’s something that new girl did or say.”


“New girl?” Sehun repeats. This is something he did not hear.


“Yes. Sooyoung’s homeroom got a new transfer student, much like how my homeroom got a new student too.”


“You mean Luhan right?”


Taeyeon raises a brow at him. “Yes, but how did you know? Oh wait! Lay did mention he would bring Luhan to the hip-hop club today.”


“That’s how I met him,” Sehun nods. He feels a smile slowly curving at the corners of his lips but he pushes it back. Now is not the time to be thinking about him. “But enough about Luhan, what about this new girl in Sooyoung’s homeroom?”


“I don’t know much about her other than her name: Kwon Yuri. I just know what she looks like since Tiffany pointed her out during passing period. But before I met Sooyoung in front of the library, I saw her talking to Yuri and as Yuri walked away, Sooyoung had a shocked expression on her face. I acted as if I didn’t notice them… but when I asked Sooyoung what was the matter she brushed me off saying nothing was bothering her.”


Sehun nods and crosses his arms. “I’ll talk to Noona about it. I have this feeling that Yuri might be the cause.”


“I have the same feeling too. But Sooyoungie might be more willing to talk to you about what’s bothering her than to me,” Taeyeon says, a hint of sadness behind her voice.


Sehun rests a hand on Taeyeon’s shoulder, attempting to console her. “I’m sure she has her reasons.”


“You’re probably right. I’m jealous of your relationship with Sooyoung though. You two really seem to trust each other entirely,” Taeyeon comments with a twinge of jealously. “Especially since you two are not even blood related.”


“You’re putting yourself down too much, Taeyeon noona,” Sehun frowns. “Sooyoung trusts you more than you know. I’m sure she’ll open up to you in no time. Like I said, I’m sure she has her reasons for keeping her secrets hidden.”


“Thank you Sehun,” Taeyeon says with a honest smile.


“Come on. Sooyoung noona is waiting for us.”


Taeyeon shakes her head. “You two should walk alone. I’ll stay at school for a little longer.”




“Cheer her up for me, okay?” Taeyeon requests.


Sehun stares into Taeyeon’s eyes long and hard. The shorter, yet older girl silently begs Sehun with her eyes to go on without her. He runs a hand through his hair and sighs in defeat. Sehun agrees to go without Taeyeon and relunctantly turns away. He hesitates momentarily, hoping Taeyeon would change her mind, but to his displeasure he hears her walk away, her footsteps slowly fading away.


When Sehun emerges from the building alone, Sooyoung shoots him a puzzled stare. “Where’s Taeyeon?” Sooyoung asks her brother.


“A teacher of Taeyeon was looking for her so they could discuss some project,” Sehun lies smoothly. “She said to go on without her since she doesn’t know how long it will take.”


“Oh I see,” Sooyoung frowns, disappointed. “I guess we should hurry home then. Don’t want Appa to start worrying about us.”


Sehun nods in agreement with his sister. Together they leave the school grounds and head home in silence. Although it is only five minutes into their walk, Sehun is deeply concerned at how quiet Sooyoung is. On a normal day his sister would be talking about the most random things nonstop till they reached their house. Now Sooyoung’s face is serious, her brow furrowed in though, and without a single trace of a smile.


“Noona, isn’t there something you wanted to talk to me about?” When he sister raises a questioning eye brow at him, he clarifies. “The dream you’ve been having, remember?” Sehun mentally decides to hide the fact he knows about Yuri until Sooyoung tells him herself.


“Oh… that” Sooyoung sighs. “I just don’t feel like talking about it right now.”


“Noona, you’ve been acting strange ever since this morning and now your behavior is even worse. You should at least talk to me about what’s bothering you,” Sehun insists. “You’re just worrying everyone with the way you’re acting. Even Taeyeon is worried about you.”


 At the sound of Taeyeon’s name, Sooyoung stiffens and a flicker of guilt flashes in her eyes. She has Tiffany and Jessica worried, but now Taeyeon too? “You’re right, Sehun. I shouldn’t keep it all inside… Is it okay if we talk about it in my room after dinner tonight?”


“You promise to talk about it then?” Sehun asks, narrowing his eyes at his sister.


“Promise,” Sooyoung assures, lifting up her right pinky.


Sehun blinks at the childish gesture, but he smiles nonetheless. They used to make pinky promises when they first became legal siblings. These days Sooyoung only does pinky promises if they’re important. Sehun trusts his sister and hooks his pinky with hers before pressing their thumbs together, completing the promise. He notices that although Sooyoung promises to talk about her dream, he could still see the swirling pool of fear behind her dark brown eyes.





A/N: Thank you for reading everyone! And special thank you to soshiaddict9 for leaving commets on my story! (:

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Chapter 2: OMY~~~

Hmmmm nice update