Award Show Blues

Award Show Blues

Jiyong squirmed on his big, expensive, black leather couch with his arms crossed and an annoyed scowl on his face. For some reason the damn cushions felt like bricks and he couldn’t find a comfortable position. Being in one of his moods often made everything seem a lot more bothersome than it was. He wasn’t exactly pouting because he was a grown man and they didn’t do such childish things.  Or at least that’s what he tried to tell himself as he pointedly ignored the man smirking beside him irritatingly.

Seunghyun took his hand off his own lap and attempted to slyly place it on Jiyong’s leg. The younger man merely slid over, putting a whole cushion between them. Seunghyun’s smirk grew.

“I thought you said you weren’t mad.”


“Yeah, you are. Want to know how I can tell?” The older man moved closer, turning in his seat and folding one leg in front of him. Jiyong rolled his eyes and refused to look at the man. “You’re using one word answers, pouting at the television and ignoring me.”

“Not pouting…” Jiyong muttered under his breath grumpily. He could practically feel the amusement radiating off Seunghyun and that only pissed him off more.

“Wow! Two whole words. I guess you’re not mad after all.” Seunghyun laughed and brushed his fingers over the short shaven red hair on the left side of the younger man’s head. Jiyong felt his fury build up to impossible heights, consuming his like a volcanic eruption until all he could feel was the burning fire of anger ignited by the embarrassment and loneliness from the night before.

He leapt from the couch and spun to face his boyfriend for the first time all day. “How could you do that?! I had to sit by Yesung, who wouldn’t stop talking like we’re best friends even though I barely know the guy, and then I had to go up there and accept OUR award all by MYSELF and pretend I wasn’t pissed off that my bandmates WEREN’T THERE!” To emphasize his rage he threw one of the decorative pillow straight at Seunghyun’s smiling face. One of the ones with lots of bead work so it was sort of hard and would probably hurt a bit. Ha.

It wasn’t that he had really minded sitting next to the Super Junior member. As a proud leader, Jiyong had wanted to celebrate the award with the rest of his band. He’d been looking forward to it. He’d been severely disappointed when nobody had been there with him.

Seunghyun stared at him for a second in silence, visibly trying to fight back the laughter that was undoubtedly trying to bark its way out. Jiyong threw his hands up in frustration and growled. The older man cracked and buried his face in the pillow that had been thrown at him. It did little to muffle the deep belly laugh and it definitely didn’t hide his body shaking with mirth. The younger man stomped his foot, not in the mood to deal with the idiot seated before him any longer, and turned to stalk to his room where he planned to lock the door and write his frustrations out.

Seunghyun grabbed his wrist and pulled him back. He fell forward, landing in a position that had him straddling Seunghyun’s lap. The older man held his face gently in between his palms and brought their mouths together in a slow kiss.

“I’m sorry, baby. We were hungry and I thought we’d have time to grab a bite and get back. I was wrong.” There was still amusement lurking on his face, but Jiyong could see the sincerity in his deep brown eyes, and his anger began to melt away. Seunghyun kissed him again, deeper and more passionately. Jiyong never could resist his boyfriend’s devil tongue. Just as he was about to start letting his hands wander, Seunghyun pulled away and took something from his pocket. He held it out to the younger man with a tender smile.

Jiyong took the box and opened it slowly. Inside was a silver ring interlaid with blue and pink gemstones.

Seunghyun removed it from the box and carefully slid it onto Jiyong’s finger, placing a chaste kiss right above it after.

“I’ll be beside you for every award from now on. I promise.”

Jiyong blinked back tears; he wasn’t a girl and he wasn’t going to cry, damn it. He wrapped his arms around Seunghyun’s neck and picked up the kiss where they’d left off moments before.

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Danees #1
Chapter 1: How cute. Like it (:
queenroro #2
Chapter 1: Can I ask what award show this was?
Pinkblusoul #3
Chapter 1: Now i know, i thought they are busy doing a make up... LOL
free2bhappe #4
Chapter 1: So THAT’S why the guys weren’t there to accept the award with GD, they were getting something to eat!*LOL*
Jiyong pouting like a two-year old was just too cute. I really enjoyed this. Thanks so much for sharing.
Chapter 1: aww this was really cute ♥
StormyDay #6
Chapter 1: this was incredibly sweet and cute:)
thanks for sharing ur story.
thya-aryssa #7
Chapter 1: i was wondering why theres only gd on the stage... this!! great job!!
Chapter 1: Awww this is so incredibly sweet :)
but ohmg "landing in a position that had him straddling Seunghyun’s lap" - yes please ;)
LOL to TOP's devil tongue! ♡ The story was short but I totally love it! (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
Chapter 1: aawwww so sweet! love this!