Chapter 7: A Chance

Past, Present, Future


"Mind if i come in?" Don't you dare. I shook my head. Kai plopped himself on the floor a few metres away from where i was sprawled. It was better to keep my distance. Can't a girl just get her privacy? He stood up and walked over to my side. Not wanting to look up at him, i pretended to be pre-occupied with my ipod. Kai cleared his throat, intending to catch my attention. I didn't felt like turning to him, i just gave him a "Hmm?". He then gave a light kick to my legs to signal me that he really wants to talk. Without any choice, i turned around to face him.

"Hmm?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"The dance you did just now. Could you do it again?" He asked. Something's up. But i agreed without hesistation of course, i take pride in my dance. Soon the music started playing and i found myself moving to the music once again. I didn't even noticed when Kai stopped the music in between my dance. That song as my favourite, i knew every single beat as the music continued to play in my head. Not until i hear another song playing in the backgroud. I don't have this song in my playlist.

The song playing was definitely slower by a beat or two, and the rythm wasn't really suited for my power dance just now. It sounded more like a cheoregraphed dance than a freestyle dance. It was different, with a beat playing first, then it slows down and plays the beat again. At the end of the song, a different beat is played, as if joining the two beats together. It sounds like a-

"Couple dance?" Kai read my mind. I nodded along.

"Eunhyuk was right. You're a rare talent. Only very few are able to identify the dance by just listening. Like me." He bragged. I was about to thank him for the front part. But just rolled my eyes after hearing the back part.

"But why did you play this song for me?" My head was filled with curiosity. Why?

"Well, i just found myself a dance partner for the Open House Performance." Kai stated.

"Who?" I asked. That girl must be legendary to be chosen by Kai.

But Kai just shot me the are-you-serious face. Which i gladly returned with the do-i-look-like-i'm-kidding look.

"You." He pointed at me. WHAT?

With my eyes wide open, i asked him again. "M-Me? Why would you pick me out of so many talented dancers. And why does it have to be a couple dance? From what i know, dance majors do NOT need to put up a performance."  No way.

Surprisingly not annoyed, he answered my questions without a problem. "Yes you. Being an incredible dancer, i only pick those almost an par with myself. And you, are just the right one. Eunhyuk requested for couple dance for the entire dance majors, maybe because he wanted to be paired up with Donghae. And you obviously didn't listen to the speech given. As quoted from the head-master, 'All majors are required to put up at least one performance for each major taken.' Did i answer all your questions, Miss?"

Hanging my head in defeat, i sighed out loud. Today didn't really went well. I pouted to show my disatisfaction. This is going to be hard.

"Don't do that." Kai looked at me.

"Do what?"

"This." Kai just imitated me pouting, although i thought he was exaggerating it. What an idiot.

"Kai, I'll d-" He cut me off again.

"Jong In." Kai blinked his eyes at me. "You can call me Jong In."

"Jong In?" But he shook his head at me. Didn't i say it correctly?

Then i saw that smirk. "You're supposed to called me Jong In oppa."

OH HELL NO. I puffed up my cheeks in annoyance. And started chasing him around the room shouting at the top of my voice. "Who's calling you Jong In-oppa?!" He didn't seem to mind anyway.

"See! You just did!" He chuckled.

After a few rounds of chasing he gave up, lying on the floor. There was a moment of silence before he spoke up. "You know, you can join me here if you want." Too tired to think, i rested my body at a considerable distance away from him. I stared at the ceiling a while first, before my eyelids started to droop. I was trying my best to stay awake, but gravity just shut my eyelids tight, sending myself to slumberland.

The next morning, i woke up with dance music being played from another studio. I fell asleep here? I sat up and looked around the studio, and saw that a jacket dropped to my waist. Weird. I didn't bring any jacket along. I turned around and found out that i had been resting my head on my bag as well. That's even weirder. I remembered i fell asleep just on the ground. Could it b- I picked up the jacket at the same time, to see a note hidden in the pocket.

It stated.

"Don't catch a cold, pig.

                   Jong In "

I chuckled and placed the note nicely in my bag.

You surely are one of a kind, Jong In.




Author's Note:

WEEEEEE~ Chapter 7 done~ Well i was fangirling about kai earlier today. Hahah forgive me! Next chapter willl be aboutttttt BAEKHYUNNNN AND JONGHYUUNNNNNN with kai of course haha. Thank you so much! :) I'll update soon~

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dinosayshi-77 #1
Chapter 14: Omg you're such a jerk!!!!!! Just kidding authornim but that chapter just made me mad xp I can't believe he stole her heart that fast -.- Hae Jung should've left Jonghyun in the past xc update soon ^.^
dinosayshi-77 #2
Grrrr xp I knew you'd do this to me xO if i were Hae Jung, I would've never promised Jonghyun anything because I'd be in BlushLand with Kai, dancing and sharing a mocha frappe with him (: update soon ^.^
dinosayshi-77 #3
Chapter 12: Yesssss, he's blushing so it seems we're going somewhere c: curse Hyunnie for being so cute but I still don't like him (in this story).. he even said it himself, he doesn't stand a chance cx
dinosayshi-77 #4
Chapter 11: Noooo, I want Baekhyun to be the best friend that always had her back other than all three of them fighting for her xp KaiJung all the way!(:♥
dinosayshi-77 #5
Chapter 10: Omg....As much as I love Jonghyun, I really want her to be with Kai c: but no worries, I'm hoping for the best^^ update soon~ (:
dinosayshi-77 #6
Even though it has interactions with all of them, I feel as though this chapter focuses on Kai's involvement(sp?) with her *squeals* lol... Just know that I loved it haha. Update soon! ^.^
dinosayshi-77 #7
Chapter 8: Hmmm. Even though Jonghyun's in the picture, I'm starting to miss Kai lol.. They're both my biases, with Jonghyun being my #1, but in this story, Kai serms much better haha.. Anyway, hope you're enjoying yourself! =) Update soon! ^.^
dinosayshi-77 #8
Chapter 7: Eeekkk! I love you soo much because of this chapter! Its full of Kai! ^.^ Haha, update soon!!~ =3
Chapter 6: Author-Nim Hwaiting! Uodate soon too~ :D
dinosayshi-77 #10
Chapter 5: Yayy!! Kai looks like he's opening up to her! Id accept chocolate from him anytime ;3 lol Update soon! ^.^