Chapter 5: Do you still remember?

Past, Present, Future

Dance class was on. Thanks to Victoria, i wasn't late for class. As i entered the studio, i found Kai keeping his eyes on me all the time. I sent him the questioning look but he ignored me. That felt worse than a rejected Hi-5. As we were told to do our own warming up, only he was sitting at the side of the studio, calmly sipping from his water bottle. Maybe i'll just ignore him. 

Soon, dance practice started with freestyle at first. My favourite part of dance. However, mid-way the music was stopped, much to my disappointment. I was unconsiously making a pouty face which Kai saw, unfortunately. He was smiling at me the whole time. What's his problem? Not wanting to be distracted by the instructions passed down, I squinted my eyes and glared at him. Wrong move. He laughed even harder. Feeling really annoyed by him i imagined myself killing him on the spot, strangling him and choking him. The smirk on my face didn't go un-noticed by him. 

Despite my painful short term memory, i managed to catch what the instructor said. We were practising ballet now. I groaned mentally. Please not pointe. Pleasepleaseplease. Anything but pointe. "Everyone! Pointe shoes on. Time to practise." Eunhyuk exclaimed. I looked up and sighed, mentally cursing the person that introduced pointe in ballet. I always thought ballet was a girl's thing, and expected that boys would struggle with pointe but i was taken aback by Kai. Who knew he was a master at ballet. I allowed myself to swoon over his ballet skills for just a moment before snapping back to reality. 

"Alright. Let's take 5 and continue. We'll continue with shuffling later on." Eunhyuk instructed. My eyes sparkled on the hearing the word "Shuffling". I've always wanted to do it back home, but no one other than myself knew what it was. Untying my pointe shoes, i threw them in my bag and stretched my toes out. Ah. So comfortable. Dawning my dancing shoes once again, my stomach decided to let out a monstrous growl. I forgot i skipped yesterday's dinner and breakfast today. Everyone in the studio was laughing, as i run my fingers through my hair again. 

Dance practise continued on, i was hoping that everyone would forget about my "incident". While practising, i felt as if someone was staring at me throughout. I ignored it nevertheless. Everything ended and beads of pespiration was dripping down from my face. Class was dismissed but i was siting on the floor to catch my breath. They were moving out of the studio one by one. Suddenly i heard my name being called. 

A bar of chocolate was thrown in my direction and i caught it using my fast reflexes. I lifted my head up and saw Kai leaving. 

"Kai? Did you giv-" 

"Remember to have your meals." Kai mumbled as he cooly raised his hand with his back facing me to say goodbye. 

I smiled. Thank you, Kai.

I met up with Victoria and Suho for lunch, told each other about our day so far. However, i didn't tell them about what happened between Kai and myself. If i did, Victoria would be sending those kind of looks again. We then made our way to the indoor stadium, for the welcoming speech giving by the head-master. 

As expected, the indoor stadium was huge. Hang on, no. ENORMOUS i would say. Only a number of students were there but i wasn't surprised it was the full student body. It's THE School Of Performing Arts. Only the best enters the school. The speech ended with a stadning ovation and a shocked me. What the head-master said, i hope he wasn't lying. "And if you're good enough, we might consider to debut you as an idol." I heard every word clearly. I might get the chance to debut. Debut. As if on cue, Victoria looked at me and both of us exchanged glances. We might get to debut!

Worn out due to the pointe practise this morning, i dragged myself back to my dorm. Mentally cursing at the same time about the school's large compound. Whoever survived 2 hours straight of pointe, i'm going to worship you as my god. I closed my eyes and tried to walk back to my dorm. I thought i hit a wall, a very warm wall and a short one indeed. I took a few steps back , preparing myself for a lashing from that particular warm wall. With my eyes still closed, i prepared myself for the worst. But then i realised. It-It's so familiar. 

I opened my eyes, hoping i was wrong. But my past, decided to haunt me. Jonghyun. 

I stood there, speechless. With all my past memories hitting me all at once, i took a step back. 

"Hae Jung? You're here in this school? How come i never knew?" He asked. Kim Jonghyun. I took another step back.

He took my wrist. That was how i used to take yours as well. I tried to shake it off, but he obviously gain a lot of muscles since i last saw him. I couldn't win over him. 

"What do you want." I stately bluntly as i looked down at my wrist. 

"I know it's a lot to ask, but i need you to hear me out. What i did 3 years ago, was foolish. And i apologise. You know i'm not really good with words, Hae Jung. You know, right?" He said softly. 

Why wouldn't i know? You were never good with words, like me. Why wouldn't i know?

I let one teardrop escape my eye. Two. Three.

I felt his hand loosen his grip and took the opportunity to run. I ran as fast as i could. I didn't know where i was going, but i had only one thing in mind. To get away from him. I knew he was sorry. Why wouldn't i know? But i didn't want to see him. Not here, not now. 

But back there, i saw something. I saw it. 

He still has that ring.




Author's note:

YAY Chapter up! Will update soon. Thanks a lot!:)

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dinosayshi-77 #1
Chapter 14: Omg you're such a jerk!!!!!! Just kidding authornim but that chapter just made me mad xp I can't believe he stole her heart that fast -.- Hae Jung should've left Jonghyun in the past xc update soon ^.^
dinosayshi-77 #2
Grrrr xp I knew you'd do this to me xO if i were Hae Jung, I would've never promised Jonghyun anything because I'd be in BlushLand with Kai, dancing and sharing a mocha frappe with him (: update soon ^.^
dinosayshi-77 #3
Chapter 12: Yesssss, he's blushing so it seems we're going somewhere c: curse Hyunnie for being so cute but I still don't like him (in this story).. he even said it himself, he doesn't stand a chance cx
dinosayshi-77 #4
Chapter 11: Noooo, I want Baekhyun to be the best friend that always had her back other than all three of them fighting for her xp KaiJung all the way!(:♥
dinosayshi-77 #5
Chapter 10: Omg....As much as I love Jonghyun, I really want her to be with Kai c: but no worries, I'm hoping for the best^^ update soon~ (:
dinosayshi-77 #6
Even though it has interactions with all of them, I feel as though this chapter focuses on Kai's involvement(sp?) with her *squeals* lol... Just know that I loved it haha. Update soon! ^.^
dinosayshi-77 #7
Chapter 8: Hmmm. Even though Jonghyun's in the picture, I'm starting to miss Kai lol.. They're both my biases, with Jonghyun being my #1, but in this story, Kai serms much better haha.. Anyway, hope you're enjoying yourself! =) Update soon! ^.^
dinosayshi-77 #8
Chapter 7: Eeekkk! I love you soo much because of this chapter! Its full of Kai! ^.^ Haha, update soon!!~ =3
Chapter 6: Author-Nim Hwaiting! Uodate soon too~ :D
dinosayshi-77 #10
Chapter 5: Yayy!! Kai looks like he's opening up to her! Id accept chocolate from him anytime ;3 lol Update soon! ^.^