VIXX: Ravi

♛Kpop Oneshots♛

 He was the newest rapper in the market, your first, your favorite, your one true love. You couldn't understand this sudden attraction to this man. He was just a rookie kpop star, with bold, strong, vicious face that brought you further into his trap. It frustrated you that, here was this man that had you by the heart, and yet you could never be with him. It caused you to lay in bed all day some days and just cry. No one would ever know, you kept it so greatly locked into the safe you called your diary. So many chances to go to see him, but they never fell through. Watching him through a screen suddenly seemed not good enough. Suddenly one day, you refused to watch one more video. It was see him up front and personal, or nothing. It was like your personal strike to yourself. Over the year, you saved every cent you had, birthday money, grade money, christmas money, every cent was put into a fund. That fund would bring you to the land of the "perfect" you liked to call it. To ordanary people, who weren't us k-poppers, it was just South Korea. The day you stepped foot onto that perfect soil was the day you found yourself the happiest. 

 You already had a place to stay in Seoul. Befriending the Korean foreign exchange student was probably one of the best decisions you'd ever made, even though you really didn't make the decision manually. It just kinda...happened. As you took the taxi to the large apartment building, you sent your friend a text from your new phone. 

To: JeongYeonnie

I'm on my way. Are you sure it's okay with your parents I live with you?

 You pressed the send button and it dinged when the message was gone. You took a deep breath and watched out the window, watching all the foreign people walk with their smiles as they talked to the people beside them, all the shops kept nice and neat with the letters you learned to know so well. But in this town, this city, this entire country, you were the foreigner. It felt strange, but you would learn to get used to it. Your phone binged, indicating you had got a new message. Without a glance, you knew who it was. 

From: JeongYeonnie

Yes! Umma said it ok! The room is ready for U :)

 Before you had even gotten there, you already felt welcomed. No matter how many times your mother yelled saying they would think you weird, you knew as long as you spoke the language, acted as if you had been raised Korean your entire life, and shown them you were Korean in your heart, you would be fine. You smiled before locking the phone and looking through the front window. You were so close.


 Two weeks since you arrived and you felt at home. JeongYeon had shown you around, herparents had treated you as if you were their own child, giving you an allowance, and even taking you to Inkigayo. Of course, he didn't perform that night, ut you refused to give up. You had to see VIXX in person. 

 You trotted down the street towards your friend's favorite cafe, meeting with her after her tests were done. As you entered the warm restaurant, you looked up and spotted something you never thought you would see. VIXX's Leo and N. They were standing right there, waiting for their coffees to be given to them. But he wasn't with him. You glanced around to see if he was there. Ken sat at a table, playing what it looked like Candy Crush on his iPad, Hyuk and Hongbin sat at another table, drinking their hot drinks in between a heated game of what you guessed was Tap Tap Revenge 4, but he was still no where in sight. You sighed. Oh well, at least you got to see the rest of the members. You stood in line behind a tall man, his voice deep, but it sounded very familiar. He ordered his "usual" and paid the barista. He turned to look towards the two excited boys at the other end of the cafe when his profile struck you. It was him. Your eyes grew wide, your heart felt like it was stopped, you feltlike you couldn't breathe, but worst of all, you felt your face grow hot. Yup, the worst part of this all, even though you felt like you were about to faint, was you were blushing. He could see! Quickly, you turned your gaze to the floor, noticing his head was turning back you. 

 "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm in the way," he chuckled, stepping out of the way. You looked up at him and smiled, shaking your head.

 "It's okay, you're fine. I mean it's fine! Not that I'm not saying you're not fine, 'cause you are! I'm gonna stop talking now..." You bit your lip and approached the counter. You could hear his laugh rumble in your ear, causing your heart to flutter. That was the laugh that flooded the room when your friends texted back. 

 "You're cute. Let me buy your drink," he said, stepping back in line, only this time, next to you. You were sure to faint. He just called you cute. You turned and looked at him.

 "Oh, no! You don't need to do that!" 

 "I insist," he demanded with that adorable smile on his face. You couldn't resist and gave in. You ordered a hot chocolate, hoping it didn't seem too childish, and stood aside, allowing him to hand the barista the amount of won required. 

 "I'll pay you back, I swear," you said, a slight concerned face washing over your features. He shook his head.

 "Don't worry about it. It was my pleasure. Especially since you made me laugh." You smiled and nodded, a light pink flushing your cheeks. After both drinks were handed to you, the both of you sat down at a table near the window, watching over the street and all the people walking by. For what seemed like hours, the two of you sat and talked. Although you knew so much about him, you found out more than anyone else. And surprisingly, he found out a lot about you as well. It wasn't until your phone dinged that your mesmorizing conversation has ceased. You glared down at your phone to see a text from JeongYeon

From: JeongYeon

Ahh! I'm sorry! I can't make it. Umma wanted me home. Are you still at the cafe?

 You glanced at the top of the screen to see the time. It had been two hours. You quickly shot JeongYeon a text saying you would be home as soon as possible. "I'm sorry, but my host family is calling me back home. I have to go," you mumbled, your voice solemn and sad. He grinned and shook his head.

 "It's okay. Maybe I can take you home. I can call my manager and tell him our business here is done." 

 "Would you really do that?" you asked in shock. Would he relly take you home? He nodded and pulled out his phone.

 "It's all up to you. Would you allow me to?" You're lips curved into this giant smile that you could not tame. Of course he could take you home! It was a dream come true! You nodded your head shyly in attempt to seem not as excited as you really were. He dialed the number and moments later, his manager pulled up. 


 It had been 3 months since you and WonShik had become friends. You texted eachother daily, seeing how the idol life was from him, and seeing what the normal life was from you. Alas today was different. WonShik hadn't texted back. 


Ravi? WonShik oppa? hellooooo?

 Just as you sent it to the MIA boy, the doorbell rang. You frowned and made your way to the door. You opened it slowly to revel a sharply dressed WonShik, a dozen roses in one hand, his other hand tucked in his pocket. He smiled at you shyly, causing your heart to flutter, just as it did the day you two had met. He took a shakey breath before opening his mouth wider.

 "These are for you," he said, handing you the red roses, "there's a card inside." Sure enough there was. You opened it, reading the words sprawled across the sheet of paper.

I've never met someone as dedicated as you. Meeting you was the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Will you do me the honour of being my girl?


 Your cheeks flushed red as you read the line. "Do you have a pen?" He patted himself down to find nothing. He shook his head with his shoulders pulled into a shrug. You turned and grabbed a pen from the table in the cup next to the door. Thank god from Mrs. Lee. You scribbled on the paper and handed it back. He unfolded the paper and smiled. He dropped the note and brought you into a tight hug.


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Started a new BAP chapter request. Sorry it's taking so long. I have to use mobile. Computer is completely busted.


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kpop_luv #1
Chapter 21: Thank you very much I loved it~~!!!
kpop_luv #2
Chapter 20: Person desired: Infinite Sungyeol

Plot: Sungyeol takes you in from the streets, (since your parents died) and tells you that he's in a gang and not to fall in love with him. As time goes on one day Sungyeol comes home from a gang fight, you begin to clean his wounds and as your cleaning his wounds you accidentally kiss him and blurt out you feelings for him and apologizises to him retreating to your given room in embarrasment. Then the next day he confronts you telling you he loves you back. Sorry if it's confusing...

: No....well maybe a very passionate kiss and some comical y comments here and there. Other than that no thank you :)
Chapter 10: Yay!!!!! More Vixx, juseyo!!! ^_^
xMiu-Chan #4
You liar, these were all amazing. And in no way horrible. I think I might just have to request one too...
Can't wait to see more!
Chapter 13: Ahhhh!!! I love it!
You're not a horrible author! You're so cool for making our requests. Thank you! ^.^
Chapter 11: it.....can't wait for the next update...muahahahahahahaha... daebak author-nim daebak!!! ^^
Chapter 10: Kyaaaaaaa!!! So cuteeeeee!!!!!
Chapter 9: * squeals* I adore you! Thank you! Thank you~~~
This has been something that I have had in my head for a quite a while. And now it's on writing. Yes!~ *happy dances*
It's perfect. Cutie Ken is a man.
Person(s) Desired: Daehyun BAP
Picture optional:
Plot: Your mother had decided to marry you with her friend's son. At first you don't want since you have a boyfriend, Hyeongkon. But your parents doesn't approve your relationship with Hyeongkon because she feel that Hyeongkon can't make you happy.At last you have to obey your mother decision. Like it or not, you have to forget about Hyeongkon. After the wedding, you can accept Daehyun as your husband.
or not: No
Person desired: VIXX - N
Plot: You(Jung Eunwoon) had been in love with your elder brother Leo's best friend Cha Hakyeon "N" for a while and you suddenly see him confessing to the queenka Joo Eunyoung! A few days after that "confession", N comes over to Leo and your house and talks to N about the girl he likes(who is actually you) and you just happen to overhear their conversation. What will happen?
: Nope~