Not a chapter, sorrryyy (:

B1A4's Assistant manager


OMG YOU GUYS, I just have to share this weird dream I had with B1A4 in it!

So it started in a huge forest, and B1A4 was there and some other weird people I didn't know. And we were running away for this evil witch. And then out of the sudden there was this bomb and the whole forest almost vanished except for a small circle where we were in. And then the witch took us to her secret hide out, so we walked in there and she was talking about how she wanted to have someone's fingers for her curse. And luckily she broke of the fingers of some random person that I didn't know (I would have attacked if she touched someone from b1a4) and then the witch started telling us why she was doing this . And everyone was sitting on a couch that appeared out of nowhere. And somehow Jinyoung had a mini keyboard thing with him. And starting playing a dramatic background song while the witch was explaining her evil plan. So I was like: wtf, Jinyoung shut up, she'll kill us if you're not serious? And he just sat there smiling like an idiot and turned up the volume! And Gongchan sat next to me, so I looked at this other girl and we both had our fangirl face on and screamed without a sound, you know? And then I looked at Jinyoung again and was like: Idiot stop playing the keyboard! he just sat there smirking and like after 10 minutes that witch finally noticed that someone was playing the keyboard, so she was like: WHO IS INTERRUPTING MY GENIUS PLAN? And I looked at jinyoung and said: "I told you man!" And then the witch walked at us....

And then I woke up, I hope the Jinyoung from my dream was okay? He was seriously so stupid!
I finally dream about B1A4 and then he's an idiot...
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Kaymarie057 #1
Chapter 9: I just found this story years after you wrote it and so I don't even know if you'll get my message but I just wanted to say I loved that you have weird dreams too! I can't remember if I ever dreamed of any K-pop stars, but years ago I dreamt of Alex Pettyfer and Anna Maria Perez de Tagle. In my dream I was married to Alex and me and Anna were teammates and we were fighting against zombies but Alex didn't want me to fight because I was pregnant but I was too stubborn and we lived in this truck that looked like a regular semi-truck back from the outside but was like a huge indoor city with separate living areas for everybody and a medical area (it was like that tent in the Harry Potter films where it was regular looking from the outside but a mansion inside), and at one point me and Anna had to go out to get rid of the zombie bodies because the smell of blood was what attracted them and when we came back a zombie almost caught us but we shot it before it did. It was a very strange dream but I wrote it down after I had it so I wouldn't forget it.
BlackPearl96 #2
Chapter 10: Waaaah, putting exo in a b1a4 fanfic..... As an exotic bana I must say I approve
suban-chan #3
Chapter 9: mwahahahaha!!!
seeing the smart Leader becoming an idiot Lol x)
BlackPearl96 #4
Chapter 7: Awwwwh everyone is so cute! Please update soon
PoisonApple911 #5
Chapter 2: Looks pretty interesting! Guess I'll be keeping an eye on this one~! :D