Boys Will Be Boys.

Broken Symphony

A grand event was to be held, one that all the 'popular' kids would be sure to attend. One among those would be Kim Jaejoong of course. The girls gossiped amongst themselves as they pondered over who his would be this year. As for the previous year, a girl two years older had been the lucky gal. Yes, JaeJoong had that much game. The males of the school of course had looked up to their role model and aspired to be big like him someday.


A single dance would dramatically change the way things currently were. This dance would be special. It was already destined to work this way. Who would have known that such an event would involve many students, including JaeJoong, HyeSeung, and Junsu.



A flyer, one single flyer, was posted on the school bulletin board. Attracting the eyes of many, a group of students gathered around, reading it carefully.


'Dancing under the Moon! Come one, come all! You are formally invited to attend the biggest school event of the year! Admission is only $15!

Gals, find your gallant men. Guys, find the lucky ladies!'


A girl squealed, "Omomo! I'm going to get the bestest dress ever! I'll wear it and flaunt myself!"

Boys chuckled, but interest was growing for they would LOVE to find a nice girl, with just the right body.


Two groups of people soon made their way. One was a party of three the other a party of two. JaeJoong, Yoochun, and Junsu strolled to the bulletin board with smug grins as the others stepped back. From the other side came HyeSeung and Junsu, laughing of how they had almost fallen a few steps before. The two groups met and it was one of the boys looking at the girl from the other side. JaeJoong glanced at HyeSeung, having the memories from that night rush to him all of a sudden. Yoochun took a look at Junsu, raising an eyebrow with a grin.


Then a voice intervened. The popular girl of school, one JaeJoong had already been with, said in a sugary tone, "Oppa! Are you going to the dance?"

JaeJoong walked up to the flyer and examined it carefully. He sighed, "Perhaps. Wae?"

"Hm...oppa, would you like to go with me?"

HyeSeung rolled her eyes and she couldn't believe the girl was throwing herself to Kim JaeJoong.

JaeJoong smiled, approaching the girl slowly, brushing a strand of hair past his fingers. He made a sideglance and observed what HyeSeung's reaction was. Girls huddled close gasped, wondering if the handsome boy would accept. If so, that would imply they'd have to search for other men.


He said with a smirk, "I, I to...not go with you."

The girl's face fell and she suddenly felt embarrassed in front of anyone. JaeJoong noticed this clearly and then cupped her chin with one hand. "Sorry dear, but at least remember we've been together before."

JaeJoong chuckled as he walked past her, turning to look at HyeSeung with his hands buried in his pockets. She couldn't detect just what emotion was hidden behind those glossy eyes of his, but she knew very well that there always was a burning flame in his eyes, one that could frighten anyone. About to say something to break the silence, she was interrupted by Junsu dragging her away, having his own plan in mind.



JaeJoong scoffed once the two were long gone. "Yah, those two are asking for it..."

Yoochun grinned at his friend, amused with the bitternesss in him. Ah, how fun it was to observe a jealous man, especially one whom he knew very well.

"Yah! What was that for?" HyeSeung was flustered from the moment she had shared with JaeJoong, wondering why he had gazed at her so intently.

"I thought there'd be a war if I let you look at each other any longer."

"I hate how he thinks he's all mighty and supreme. And seriously, did that girl have to be all over him? Brings shame to women."

Junsu chuckled and he suddenly crouched down on his feet in front of her. With a grin he said, "How about a challenge?"


"Let's have a bet."


"What, are you afraid?"

HyeSeung rolled her eyes and scoffed, "Ha! Just give me the darn bet and we'll see who is 'afraid' araso?"

"It's a deal then." He leaned over, cupping her ear with his hands as he whispered the rest. A teasing grin spread across his lips.


Junsu smirked and rested his chin on his open palm. There was a strange glimmer in his eyes, one only his ex-bandmates knew. But alas, they were nowhere to be found.

She sighed, "What's the catch?"

"Hmm. I have one."


"So Hyung, who are you going with?" Yunho cracked his knuckles as he asked.

Yoochun chuckled, "Haven't you already had a taste of every single girl? The dates for parties, dances, and even for special occasions. Are you not tired of this game?"

"Girls...they're almost all the same. From all the girls I don't think I've met even on--" He stopped as he remembered HyeSeung. She may not be Korea's Next Top Model, but she certainly wasn't your average plain Jane either. To him, Han HyeSeung was a different girl in every aspect. Whereas other girls said Oppa, HyeSeung would call someone by their name. While others would curl their hair or wear jewelry, HyeSeung wouldn't. She was fresh, natural, and in some way even mysterious. She wasn't your usual bubbly twit. The girl had a mind and she'd let everyone know just what was on it.

"None except HyeSeung?"

JaeJoong whipped his head to face Yoochun, a dumbstruck expression on his face. "Say that again?"

"Why are you still lying to yourself? I know, Yunho knows, and YOU know very well your feelings for her."


Meanwhile, a tall, skinny man arranged his black fedora hat with a sigh in the airport. Wearing dark gray shades, he coughed as he lifted his wrist, taking a quick glance at the time.


"Cheogyo..." [Excuse me] A woman tapped him and nervously smiled.

"Hm?" He lifted the collar of his navy blue coat, gazing at the woman with a raised eyebrow.

"Is this your passport? It fell from your pocket."

"Ah! My passport!" He bowed a little at the waistline, grateful.


"Oh, it's no problem. Your name is..."


The boys were sitting outside in the school bleachers, conversing with one another. JaeJoong sat on the highest seat in an uninterested mood, Yoochun was lying down on his back in the seat below JaeJoong's with his arm covering his face, and Yunho stood beside the two. Memories were being reminisced, old jokes retold, and moments relived. Yunho then exclaimed in surprise, “Oh! HyeSeung!”

JaeJoong lifted an eyebrow as he wondered to himself just why she was here. Rubbing his lip with his thumb and forefinger, he sighed.

HyeSeung then took a deep breath, “JaeJoong, I need to ask you something.”

Standing up, he shoved a hand in his pocket while with the other he brushed back his golden bangs. “Shoot.”

“JaeJoong, do you want to go to the dance with me?” The confidence in her voice sent him into a state of confusion, bewilderment, and most of all surprise. Had she not been avoiding him before?

His response could be one or two words: a yes or a no. It was as simple as that. Biting his lower lip, his gaze lingered over her eyes and he slowly opened his mouth. The words that were to come, what would they be? A yes or a no?

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Chocolatemushrooms #1
This was so interesting :)
Wonderful story!
awww, i luv how she plays violin~! ^^
jungminian0403 #3
ending? wah! but congrats for making a beautiful story
sakura #4
I forgot about this! I'm so sorry! Weird that I never got an update for it.<br />
But that was so cute! I seriously thought HyeSeung would end up with Junsu but guess not<br />
Changmin is the brain of the group but also the main eater too!<br />
But the ending is soon. I'm sad now.<br />
Thanks for the update<br />
Update soon please
AhmanduFT #5
how nice (: they got together! haha :D a little disppointed that its ending soon, buT definitely looking forward to the epilogue (:
OHH! They are a couple now, how cute ^^ I'm so sad the story is coming to an end D: Update soon then ! Good Job ! Hwaiting ~!
Eun_Ah #7
Oh it's nice Jaejoong finally had the courage to admit his feelings for her.. and she didnt reject him at all.. there is attraction between the boy, they cant deny it.. and even her parents like him.. lolz..<br />
Please update soon^^
DearIC #8
oh! Now HyeSeung and Jae are a couple!...and I just realized I called Jaejoong Jae even before HyeSeung called him like that in the story hehe...I´m glad that their friendship is restored and HyeSeung´s parents are so nice and totally accepted Jae XD...and well she is still her and that is why even if she fights with Jae they will be together for long, I hope hehe...I like the poem, it reflected the differences between them and how they ended together. And only one more chapter T.T...but I really enjoyed this story, good job!
DearIC #9
I really liked mysterious Jae, and I also love his black hair. I'm glad Changmin and Jae talked and tried to fix their friendship, I hope Jae can talk to Junsu too. And as I already told you I love Maze, it is a great song!...And I'm glad HyeSeung is discovering other side of Jae...she can start liking him more if she really knew him.
Finally caught up! Hehe loving this even more now :D