Exchanged Opinions.

Broken Symphony

HyeSeung was dragged by JaeJoong a few blocks until it finally hit her. Why was she letting herself be controlled like a puppet by someone whom she had no interest in whatsoever?

JaeJoong noticed her body becoming stiff, her head cocked to the side, and that she must have been deep in thought. Being the busy man he was, he really couldn’t care less what was going on in that head of hers, with her brain the size of a pea, or so he claimed. He waited a minute or two for her to get back to reality, but when she still didn’t move a muscle, he became rather impatient. “Yah! Are you going to move or am I going to have to carry you now?”

She snorted and rolled her eyes, “Moh?”

“Aigoo, what is with that attitude of yours?” He raised two of fingers, scrunching up his nose at her, annoyed. Her glare intimidated him a bit and he then looked at his feet, noticing his shoes for a brief minute.

HyeSeung took advantage of the moment in which he was distracted for he had loosened his grasp on her. She tugged her hand back from him, whirling around to use her left leg to kick his knee, smirking at her unexpected attack. Now how would Mr. Kim JaeJoong take this?

“Augh~” He fell to the ground, feeling its coldness, landing on his very rear end. She took a glance at him, raising her chin; his eyes turned cold, fierce and she was just about to run away when his hand grabbed onto her ankle, pulling her down beside him. In one of his sharp tugs, he had already brought her down, making her land on her too with a scowl. Her eyes shut tightly as she felt the searing pain from her sudden fall, rubbing both of her palms on her cheeks. JaeJoong enjoyed the sight of her oh so very much, smirking, thinking it served her right for having done the same to him only seconds ago. Her pain was indeed his joy.

He slowly rose, shaking off any dirt or dust particles that could have accumulated from the ground. Sliding a hand in one of his pockets, he raised an eyebrow as he looked down at HyeSeung curiously. She rolled her eyes and wondered what thoughts could be rushing through his head. Most likely they were ones that really were not worth her time as she finally concluded. His staring eyes bothered her—she couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable under his gaze. “What?”

He looked away, shrugging his shoulders to himself, biting his lower lip with his upper front teeth, “Nothing. You should just get up now. Looking pathetic and helpless just doesn’t go with you. Besides it may seem to others that I struck you down or something.”

She sighed, muttering bitterly to herself, “Don’t want to ruin that beautiful image you hold there.”

“Eh? You crazy punk.”

“Yah! At least I don’t look as stupid as you!” She scrunched up to the side, gripping her sides tightly, preventing her hands from flying at the ‘Kim JaeJoong’s’ precious face.

He opened his mouth to form a surprised gesture, pointing his finger towards himself, chuckling sarcastically, “Me? Omo…Let’s just end all this nonsense and actually try to get along.”

She rolled her eyes and was about to respond when once again he began pulling her to who-knows-where to do who-knows-what. Since when had her life gotten so complicated? Before she never even talked to boys…and now here she was being dragged by one to her doom.

“Where are we going?” She pulled back, not wanting to be tugged away by such a fool.

“Out?” He shrugged, showing off that haughty attitude of his, the one he used everywhere with everyone.

“In THERE??” She didn't like the looks of the house, the 'for rent' sign. It made her wonder just what this boy would try to do to her in there. Such a secluded place, oh, she didn't like it one bit. 

“Why not? It's not as bad as it looks.” The innocent gaze he returned to her confused her, made her wonder if this was all just another trick, a way to get her to cooperate. But what could she do when her resistance was slowly diminishing, her trust in him growing, for a reason even she could not understand.

He suddenly halted, bringing her crashing towards him, and he turned with a teasing grin, “Is the fighter HyeSeung…scared? Omomo, where did all the courage go to? Tsk, tsk.”

The words she wanted to yell in his ear were swallowed and she had decided to just follow this crazed buffoon. If she didn’t, he was going to bother her for the entire night. Who knows, he might even find her house, serenade her at night even? That was something her parents would never let her live down. Ha, her parents might even consider inviting JaeJoong inside and ask what connection the two held.


An Hour Later.


“Well you’re the one who walks in school like a primadonna! And you’re a guy too…” She burst out laughing, trying to hold it all back with her hands.

“Ha! What about you? Miss-I-don’t-care-about-anything. Some even mistake you as a boy.”

“Whatever, rockstar.”

“You know I play music?” He suddenly grinned and his eyes gleamed like a little boy being praised. “Ya like what I play?”

She scoffed, examining the tips of her fingers, “I haven’t even heard you.”

“But everyone’s listened to me! All the concerts are always full and people even cheer for an encore.”

“Guess I am not everyone then, eh?”

He pointed his finger towards her, shaking it, saying, “Oh, you’ll hear me now.”

“Really now? And just what will you play exactly? The window?”

“Ha-ha-ha, very funny. Wait a bit.”

She saw him leave the room, go out the door, and out to the backyard. Just what on earth was this boy doing?

JaeJoong had been relieved that the two had finally managed to not only get their work done for school, but also even had a real conversation without getting into a fight or argument. He then pulled out his guitar that had been hidden under one of the wooden plank boards from under the very house. He did not even have to look where the guitar must have been for in one slight tug, he already had the guitar in his hands. He couldn’t help but smile to himself and wondered what HyeSeung’s reaction might be. Would she swoon over his musical talent? Though then again, she was a different girl and could not be compared to any other.

He returned to the room in which she was still sitting on her knees, waiting for him with a small smile, looking around at the room she was in. Once she heard his footsteps, she looked up at him and when she saw the guitar in his hands, she remembered how Junsu had played for her the other day. Junsu’s guitar had been different for it had been an acoustic one while Jaejoong’s was electric. She had never seen one of those before.

“First time seeing a guitar eh?”

“I’ve seen an acoustic one before. It sounded nice…” A wry smile curled her lips, her eyes danced a bit as she thought of Junsu.


“This kind of guitar is new to me though.”

“REALLY!” He couldn’t wait to start playing, hear a single praise come from , see her smile once more.

“No need to yell, I’m right here beside you. Where did you get the guitar from though? Did you…steal it?”

JaeJoong shook his head, chuckling at the girl, amazed by her question. “Do I really look like the kind of person that would actually steal?”

She stared at him for a few seconds before looking away and suddenly tying her shoelaces.

“Okay then, don’t answer that.”

“Soo, how did you get it?”

“The house you are standing in right now used to be the one I lived in as a child. Only recently my mother decided to sell it. Since she is now with another man and she even had the gall to say this home of ours brought back too much memories. I don’t like the man she is with now. He tries to buy my love by getting me clothes and other things like that. So I come here every time I desire to be alone.”

HyeSeung suddenly felt bad for having thought of JaeJoong as a cold hearted boy with no principles or feelings. To hear him speak of his parents, the way they had split up, and how he had just confided in her—it made her speechless.

His fingers began to the strings, his fingers jamming up and down, side to side. His head bobbed to the beat and he played a kind of music she’d never heard before. Placing a finger to her chin, she said aloud to herself, “So this is rock?”


It took her a few seconds to reply for she really thought about it. She looked at him dead in the eyes with a straight face, “No.”

“Moh??” He was surprised—no baffled. How could she say it so seriously? How he hoped she was just being playful.

“It is nice, but I feel nothing. You’re not playing your best nor with your soul. I believe music represents a person, the way they feel, the way they are. You are playing what you know, what you usually do. Any normal person would say it’s great because they have no real connection with music. I’m not saying you’re bad, but what I mean is that you’re not what you can be. I think…you could be better. Play with your soul for yourself not for others. Why play for others? All in all, they eventually leave, and who are they to you anyway? Have you not thought perhaps that most of them are interested more in you than your music?”


“You might not comprehend what I mean now. But I hope one day you do. The reason I’m telling you this isn’t that I dislike you nor that I wish to bring you down—it’s because I somewhat care about you.”

“And how do you play?”

“I don’t know what you would think of it. Like I said, I play for myself.”

He actually appreciated her honesty, though he had to admit—the truth did hurt a bit. He had known the whole time that he hadn’t been playing very well. He just liked how everyone cheered for him, how the boys envied his coolness, and well just the perks of his life in school. But did he actually like what he played?

He wasn’t completely sure.


“JaeJoong, just remember what I said.”

“Is there anyone else you’ve heard, but actually liked the way they play?”

“There was this boy at our school. You probably don’t know him. I was surprised myself when I met him.”

“Yah, I know everyone at our school.”


“Junsu?” The very name made his blood boil and he suddenly frowned. How could she praise a cad like him??

“Mm. He is a nice guy. One of the few I even talk to.”

“He is a waste of your time. You shouldn’t even hang out with a prick like him. That ungrateful traitor.”

She remembered Junsu’s first words to her when they’d only met for the first time. How he spoke of being rejected by the entire school since one of the ones that ruled the school couldn’t stand him. “Why don’t you like him?”

“Why should I?”

“Why are you acting so differently? Gosh, and I thought you seemed like an alright guy.”

He laughed bitterly, clicking his tongue, “And Junsu is alright?”

“Junsu is my friend.”

“And what am I then? Your friend too? I won’t be placed in the same category as that—”

HyeSeung rolled her eyes, annoyed at JaeJoong’s change of attitude, “I am leaving. I can’t believe I actually thought you might be different. But you’re just the same, Kim JaeJoong.”

“Go on, LEAVE. I won’t miss you. Don’t even think of talking to me or coming near this house.”


He sighed as he leaned against the wall, “She actually left…Damn Junsu!” Kicking the air almost made him lose his balance and fall.


She walked home furiously, unable to understand how or why JaeJoong despised Junsu so much. Well, it was certainly the last time she’d try to get along with someone as impossible as him. She should return to the way she used to be. Being with no one but herself.

“Junsu, Jaejoong…they no longer exist in my world.” 



Woot! Finally updated! Took me about a month, but yeah.

Sorry to my readers for taking a while but I've been rather busy v.v And my laptop was taken away so I write some of this chapter by hand and then edited it on word. If I don't update for a while or such it most likely means I'm either stuck, busy, or on hiatus. My blogs are usually notifications of such things. So please check them out just for in case. My blogs are usually just about my writing lol.

Thanks to EVERYONE for the lovely comments and support. 22 subscriibers already, wow. I'm pleased that you guys like this story ^^ I have fun writing it even. Which character is your favorite? Who do you want to see more of? Anything like that, please comment.

Oh and can anyone help me get a banner for this story lmao. I hate the banner I looks a bit crappy lmao. xD I'm better at trailer making -.-

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Chocolatemushrooms #1
This was so interesting :)
Wonderful story!
awww, i luv how she plays violin~! ^^
jungminian0403 #3
ending? wah! but congrats for making a beautiful story
sakura #4
I forgot about this! I'm so sorry! Weird that I never got an update for it.<br />
But that was so cute! I seriously thought HyeSeung would end up with Junsu but guess not<br />
Changmin is the brain of the group but also the main eater too!<br />
But the ending is soon. I'm sad now.<br />
Thanks for the update<br />
Update soon please
AhmanduFT #5
how nice (: they got together! haha :D a little disppointed that its ending soon, buT definitely looking forward to the epilogue (:
OHH! They are a couple now, how cute ^^ I'm so sad the story is coming to an end D: Update soon then ! Good Job ! Hwaiting ~!
Eun_Ah #7
Oh it's nice Jaejoong finally had the courage to admit his feelings for her.. and she didnt reject him at all.. there is attraction between the boy, they cant deny it.. and even her parents like him.. lolz..<br />
Please update soon^^
DearIC #8
oh! Now HyeSeung and Jae are a couple!...and I just realized I called Jaejoong Jae even before HyeSeung called him like that in the story hehe...I´m glad that their friendship is restored and HyeSeung´s parents are so nice and totally accepted Jae XD...and well she is still her and that is why even if she fights with Jae they will be together for long, I hope hehe...I like the poem, it reflected the differences between them and how they ended together. And only one more chapter T.T...but I really enjoyed this story, good job!
DearIC #9
I really liked mysterious Jae, and I also love his black hair. I'm glad Changmin and Jae talked and tried to fix their friendship, I hope Jae can talk to Junsu too. And as I already told you I love Maze, it is a great song!...And I'm glad HyeSeung is discovering other side of Jae...she can start liking him more if she really knew him.
Finally caught up! Hehe loving this even more now :D