He's the one.

I'm Yours Forever.


It was 7 am and I was preparing myself to go jogging as this is always my everyday routine. Every day? Yes, everyday. The memory of me getting at last place in marathon not long ago was embarrassing. Not only that, but when I was at the finish line, I stumbled upon something which resulted I rolled in front of everyone. Not only that, they had to call the ambulance because I was unconscious. The past kept haunting me and the only reason that kept me determined on building up my stamina so the same mistake won’t be repeated.

I always go to the lake not far from my house because it mostly covered in trees, forest-like and full of nature. You can hear crickets as they rub their feet or see the fishes as they swim in the water or maybe even a glimpse of sunshine through the trees. If you give me two options of jogging in the nature or on treadmill, I will rather say nature.

“Hi, Ha Ni!” someone greeted me suddenly as I jog past a tree.

If this is my first time, I would startle and turn around to see who it was. But no, it’s the same voice everyday, which greeted me every morning, trying to keep up my pace which later would fail.

“Hi, Baro.” I said, almost expressionless, not bother to stop or look at him.

“Hey, it’s a coincidence, right? I’m going jogging, you’re going jogging and we met. Does this called destiny?” he said, trying to hold back his smile.

I rolled my eyes at his cheesy pick up line. What? Destiny? Seriously? Dude, you’ve been hiding behind the same tree every morning and jog along when you saw me. Destiny my foot.

“Wanna grab lunch together?” he asked, though I don’t bother to answer it since I find it unnecessary.

He was quiet a moment, probably trying to find new topics since I don’t respond to the last one. “Hey, um. Have you done your homework? The one that Ms. Han gave us. You know, I find it’s very-“

And I purposely turn up the volume of my Ipod, drowning his voice with the music that boomed through my earphone. He probably won’t notice that I didn’t hear him, but that’s okay, I don’t think it make any difference if I didn’t answer him anyway.

After several kilometers of jogging, he was still a never ending chatterbox. Doesn’t he even know that if he keeps talking while jogging, he only grew tired faster because then his breath would be shorter. I wanted to tell him that, but looking how merry he is babbling away thinking I was listening but the fact is I’m not, I let him be. I noticed he ran out of steam after the non-stop jogging and already calling me to stop. I didn’t because I didn’t hear him. Not that if I do, I would stop, I would leave anyway, just like what I’m doing now.

Then, he’d been left behind and I felt relief. I wonder how much time does he need to realize that I’m not interested, at all. Guess he was determined and never gives up. It’s a good thing there’s some values in him that I was impressed of, or I’ll be totally anti with him for his annoyance and irritating that he showed every day.

After 6km of jogging, I started slowing down as I inhale deeply to see how much air could my lung contain and exhale. I did that a few times and shouted when I exhale at the last one, letting out all my problems and negatives as well. That’s a relief.

Though what I didn’t know was, there’s a group of guys, more to a gang, saw me walk by. Well, of course, who wouldn’t? A young lady, alone, left unguarded, in a place where no one was there, it would be an easy target for them. That definitely what they would think of me. They made their way towards me and surrounded me, forming a circle around me so I have nowhere to go.

“Hey, honey. Want to play?” A guy spoke; it’s funny that my name sounds like that, too.

I wasn’t scared of them, though I wondered what kind of expression showed on my face they saw that made them laugh. Then, one of the guys who I have my back on to, bravely slapped my bum. I was shocked and turned around which all of them laughed to the stunts their friend did. I was about to take down the guy who have no idea what’s he’s putting himself into when suddenly a voice was heard above the laugh.

“Take your filthy hand off of her!” someone shouted which made everyone turned to him, including me. I saw he was standing there, eyes locked with the guys, trying his hard to not show that he was scared.

“Baro…” I mindlessly called him out, though everyone misunderstood it and thought that I was calling him for help.

“Oh, trying to be brave in front of your girlfriend, huh?” A guy walked up to him, mocked him. He walked around Baro and mock some more which followed by his friends’ laugh.

“Leave her alone.” Baro bravely said through his gritted teeth, clenching his fist.

“Why? She’s pretty. I like her.” He replied, standing beside Baro, eyeing me from head to toe as if I’m his new shining toy.

Baro couldn’t stand how he looked at me as such and released a punch targeted on his face when suddenly, unexpectedly, he caught Baro’s fist and punched him back with his free hand, causing him to fly backward, agonizing in pain.

“Baro!” His name slipped my mouth.

I grabbed the guy’s hand who was brave earlier and twisted it in an awkward turn which cause him to scream in pain. All pairs of eyes were on me now as I got their attention. I put out my hand and signaled them to come and try to get me. One by one try their luck to catch me.

Besides, how could a little girl brawl against 5 strong men, right? Yes, but it isn’t impossible to defeat 5 big airhead fools either.

They end up on the ground, whimpered like dogs that just got beaten up. “And stay down!” I shouted at them, intentionally on intimidating them which, gladly it did. I rushed to Baro to his aid, who was already dragged himself to lean against the tree.

“Oh my gosh, are you okay, Baro? Are you hurt?” I grew concern after I noticed a bruise on his eye which he covered it with his hand the whole time. Oh no! It would leave a scar on this pretty face and it would all be my fault.

He grinned and I’m not sure why because he’s in no state to do so. “You worried about me?” he asked, still grinning.

I looked at his face and it’s obvious that he didn’t regret of receiving a knuckle punch on his face. I rolled my eyes inwardly and looked at the guys I take down earlier who were already helping each other out to get away from us.

Are they Baro’s alliances in his freaky plan? Wait, is this even his plan?

I look at his face and back to them. No, I don’t think so. No matter how much Baro try to get me, I don’t think he wanted to deceive me into being his. He’s a nice guy and won’t do such. I just know it.

“You pabo! Putting yourself into such trouble and act all hero. Now see what happened to your face. Aigoo. Everybody will think that you joined in a gang fight because of me. Bijossoh?!” I shouted at him as I poked his cheek hard which made him cringed.

“I was trying to help.” He said slowly, staring at the ground.

“Yah! Do you think I’m a fool to jog alone every morning in such place without knowing how to defense myself?” I scolded him like I scolded my cat that made a mess in my room. I don’t know why I thought of him like that, probably because he did that cute and innocent face which I know, myself, that I can’t resist it.

“Come on, let’s get ice for that.” I said slowly as I try to get him on his feet.

He obeyed but still looked at the ground. We went to the convenience store and I was linking arm with him to support him, afraid if he’ll fall. Which come to think of it now, was ridiculous because he was hurt at the eye and not at the body part that helped him to walk.

But, I was worried about him that time.

“Here, put it at your eyes.” I handed him the bag of ice I bought.

He took it and obediently do as I told. He was quiet the whole time and it felt weird because I got used to him when he talked. I took a seat beside him on the bench and watched as he put the ice gently on the bruise. He is good looking though, had to admit that. His eyes, his nose, his mouth, every part of his face I traced with my eyes, wondering why I didn’t notice any of these perfect features before. I quickly snapped out of it and shrugged the thought of him away.

“Mianhe.” He said to me.

For a second there, I thought he was apologizing for being attractive and make me drawn into him.

“For causing you trouble.” He added.

I let out an ‘oh’ and facepalming myself in my mind for having such a stupid idea that he would do that.

“You didn’t know. That’s okay.” I said, being soft with him. Either he was injured and I felt responsible for it or I just noticed that he’s adorably cute, I don’t know.

“I have to make it up to you.” He said, turning to me. Somehow, I sensed a plan forming inside his head, but I shrugged the thoughts off.

“No, that’s okay.” I insisted, taking precautions.

“You’re my hero, Ha Ni. You save my life and I won’t live in peace if I have nothing to give back. Please.” He said as he widened his eye and made his sad puppy face.

I stared at his cute face and I know that I couldn’t say no. “Yeah, fine. Whatever, Baro.” I shrugged.

“Then let me walk you home.” He said with his charming smile that I can’t help but to smile back.

Whoa! What’s wrong with me? Why am I all good and softie with him now? Aren’t I supposed to be mean and cold?

We were walking back home and it felt like forever because he started to talk and it’s still long way to go. I started to miss the quiet side of him. I would easily leave him but looking at his injury, I don’t have the heart to do so. After all, I’m not a full time meanie. We reached to a path that covered with trees on both sides, which we had to pass to go to our home. I love this part the most, it felt cool and the sounds of pollution can’t be heard as if there’s an invisible wall between this place and the city.

“Ha Ni…” he called me suddenly. I turned to him when I realized his tone changed as if he wanted to tell me something important.

“I wanted to tell you something I never told you before but I’m sure you had figured it out.”

I blinked in anticipation.

“I…like you, Ha Ni. You probably had known that but here I am, standing right in front of you, confessing it. I really really like you, Ha Ni.”

I blinked again.

“You’re my inspiration, my reason and my hope. How can a person even live without those? No, they can’t. Just the same thing that I can’t live without you. I’m not forcing you to be mine, I just want you to consider to be. I know I can’t protect you like before, but I’ll give you all my heart. I promise.”

Then, he took a step closer and another step closer and another step closer until I could feel his breath on me. He held me and my brain was yelling to me to run and dump him but my heart told me to stay. I was arguing with myself, having dilemma in my head. He lowered his head to my level and decision had been made.

I want to stay.

He put his mouth closer to mine and we kissed. At first, I can’t believe it either that he have such guts to do that. How bold he is to kiss me. He stole my kiss! But then again, I allow him to. I could feel he was smiling as we kissed and my leg started to wobble but luckily he held me up.

“You know he’s the one when you felt sort of electricity when you touched.” My friend’s words suddenly came echoing into my mind. Exactly! I do feel it! I feel that electric flowing through me!

But we were kissing. Isn’t that what everyone felt when they kissed anyone? No, my heart answered. He’s the one. Suddenly I felt the whole world stops and we stayed at there as time froze. I saw sparks light everywhere. The butterflies in my stomach were flapping their wings and my heart rate grew faster and faster and… I need air!

He broke the kiss as we both gasping for air. When our eyes met, he smiled at me as if he could read what I thought when we kissed. He looked at me, expecting something came out from my mouth.

I took my time before I started to talk. “How can you be so sure that I won’t take you down like I did to the guys?” though that’s the first question that came into my mind.

He grinned and I knew he had figured it out. “I follow my heart.” I wanted to say, ‘I did too’, but decided not to.

“So is it a yes?” he asked, hopeful.

I stared into his eyes, meaningfully and smiled. He understands by what it meant and grinned. He then, pulled me into his embrace and whispered something into my ear which sets the butterflies flying again,

“Then, you’re mine forever.”

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Chapter 1: Woah!!!! This is DAEBAK!!!! @_@
unknown_00 #2
Chapter 1: Oww. sweet one :3