
More Than This


Tittle: More Than This (Part 1/2)

Character/Pairing: Kris and Tao/Taoris

Genre: Fluff and Romance



Tao sat in his usual lunch spot, on a table underneath the cherry blossom tree that was in full bloom while intensely focusing on coloring the picture of various flowers that he picked from the bunch that his grade 1 teacher had just hand out before the bell rang for lunch time. Tao was making sure that every flower is of different color, since he had an unhealthy-ish obsession with the color of the rainbow and no one really knows why, until much later on in his life that is.


“Why are you coloring flowers? Are you gay?” Tao looked up from his activity to find a few older kids, in grade 3 he recognized, staring down at him.


“What’s gay?” He tilted his head to the side in the most adorable way, indicating his confusion.


“You like to kiss boys?”


“I kissed my daddy, daddy is a boy so yes.” Zitao smiled cutely, almost beaming at the mention of his beloved father.


“This kid is so stupid!”


“It’s not nice to call people stupid!” Right after Tao finished his sentence, a fist had landed on his right cheek causing him to fall back in pain.


“You , dirty .” One of the kids continues to yell out while kicking his small body. Tao didn’t really understand what he was saying and he was in too much pain too even care anyways.


“HEY! YOU STUPID KIDS!” Someone yelled out and ran over to where Zitao was being kicked to the ground.


“Oh , it’s that Yifan kid.” One of the older kids called out.




"The new kid from Can.. Can of something..."


“So what? He’s only in grade 2.”


“Yeah but did you know he bashed up Jungmin? The kid is still in hospital and everyone is too scared to tell on him.”


“I don’t-“ Before the 3rd grader’s sentence could be finished, a punch landed on the side of his head causing him to whimper in pain and started crying snotty tears.


“What the hell are you doing Wu Yifan?” One of the 3rd grader demanded.


“What does it look like I’m doing? And it's Kris for you, punk. Get out of here before I kick your heads in.” Kris cocked an eyebrow as if stating the obvious and the older boys could only start running before they ‘get their heads kicked in’.


Tao, who was lying on the ground, heard footsteps shuffling towards where his sore body.


“Hey kid, are you okay?” Kris knelt down to Tao’s level.


“N-no. I t-think I’m gonna die.” The younger said, tearful eyes and lips were quivering as if he really was going to die.


“You’re not going to die, I’m here.”


And that marked the beginning of the 10 years friendship of Kris and Zitao.




Kris and Zitao, first ‘best friend kiss’: Kris 9 years old, Tao 8 years old.


“Yifan!” The familiar voice called out, Kris was too busy playing with his game boy to notice the younger was slightly limping.


“Tao, I told you to call me ge! I’m older than you!” Kris growled, eyes not leaving the screen.


“Yes yes gege, anyways, today I tried to kissed this boy in my class and he pushed me away so I fell on the table, twisted my ankle and nearly broke my back.” Tao complained, nose wrinkling to add emphasis on the tragic event.




“It was one of the older boys but don’t worry gege, last time you almost killed the kid who you punched on the side of the head, you were lucky you missed his temple.”


“Well did that punk say anything to you?” Kris cocked an eyebrow, waiting in anticipation as he knew innocent and naïve Tao would spill the name somewhere along the conversation.


“I’m not falling for that again gege.” Tao forced a smile, eyes filled with too much sorrow for an 8 year old.


“What’s wrong Taozi?” Kris ran a hand through Tao’s hair, patting ever so gently.


“Gege am I ugly? Do I really look like the grudge’s son? Who is the grudge’s son anyways? The older kids keep telling me that. Is that why they hate me?” Tao asked in a voice so quiet it was almost inaudible but Kris caught every word.


“You’re not ugly and you do not look like the grudge’s son. Who cares what those other punks say? Gege cares about you more than anyone could ever hate you.” Kris said and leaned forward to plant a small kiss on the younger one’s lips, not being completely sure why he did so it, because heck when does a 9 year old ever know the reasons behind their behaviors.


Atleast that's what Kris has been telling himself for the past 9 years. 


Zitao who was somewhat surprised also kissed Kris softly in return.


"Gege only you are good to me."


"It's cause I care about you."




Kris' first heartbreak: Kris 14 years old, Tao 13 years old.


The first time Kris had his heart broken wasn't because of a girl, wasn't because his ex-girlfriend had cheated on him with the soccer captain and wasn't because he broke up with any of his ex-girlfriends.


Kris who was busily making out with his new girlfriend hastily picked up the phone after leaving it vibrating for 5 minutes straight.


"WHAT?" He yelled into the phone.


"Kris! Finally you idiot! Tao is in the hospital!" Screamed Luhan on the other line.


"WHAT?" Kris flew up from the couch, causing his girlfriend to fall on her .


"KRIS!" She growled.


"Shut up!" He hissed and returned his attention to the phone call while attempting to button up his uniform shirt.


"Where is Tao? Tell me which hospital!" 


"Qingdao Central Hospital! Hurry up! He's calling for you." Luhan sighed as Kris hung up the phone and stormed out of the door.


After a 20 minutes sprint, Kris finally made it to the hospital. He hadn't noticed the burning feeling in his chest until he reached the emergency desk. His lungs that were begging for oxygen made it hard for Kris to form any coherent sentences, but he somehow managed to get the message across to the nurse and was eventually informed of Tao's room number. 


Kris pushed the door open and noticed a bruised and beaten up Zitao lying on the white hospital bed, although unconscious, his fist were clenching, something that Kris noticed Tao would do when he was in distress. Kris felt his legs giving out, not because he had sprint 20 minutes to see Tao but because his most precious person was lying on the hospital bed, experiencing pain that was inflicted by other classmates and he wasn't there. Wasn't there to protect his most precious person.


Kris walked to Tao's bedside, afraid to look at the younger, afraid of those visible bruises and cuts that appeared on his usually flawless and tanned skin. 


"You came." Luhan looked up and Kris could only nod.


"What happened?"


"The senior kids thought it'd be funny to beat him up and push him down the stairs." Luhan said bitterly.


"Which kids?"


"Donghai's crew." The name that came out of Luhan's lips caused Kris to boil in anger. He felt his fist clenching so hard his knuckles has probably gone white.


"I'll ing kill them all." Kris turned his heels to leave but was stopped by the sound of Tao's small voice calling out for him.


"Yifan ge..." The younger reached out a hand blindly, eyes half opened as if he had sensed Kris' presence.


"I'm here." Kris grabbed onto his hand and brought it to his face, pressing the hand against his cheek. Tao immediately relaxed at the familiar warmth.


"I have to go home. My mom is expecting me. Look after him okay?" Luhan said and picked up his bag to leave. Kris only nodded, eye never leaving Tao.


"Does it hurt?" Kris asked into Tao's hand.


The younger shook his head slightly.


"You don't have to hide it, it's just me." Kris said while pushing Tao's fringe out of his face.


"It hurts. My body feels broken. It even hurts to breathe." The younger confessed, eyes shutting in order to stop his weakness from showing.


Kris squeezed Tao's hand and felt his heart on the point of bursting as the younger squeezed back. It was another silent treaty between the twos, words didn't mean nearly as much as actions in their relationship and so with that thought in mind, Kris leaned forward to plant a small kiss on the younger's lip. The chaste kiss sent warmth from Kris' body into the younger's trembling one, automatically easing his aching soul.


"I'm so sorry." Kris whispered, lips still ghosting on the younger's soft ones. A tight feeling creeping its way into Tao's chest as he felt Kris' breath so close, he could almost taste the older.


"It's not your fault gege." 


"Zitao I..." The older found himself unable to finish his sentence as he was lost for words. Trembling fingers tracing the side of Tao's profile as lips continued to press gentle kisses on the raven haired boy. The only thing that he could do. He felt helpless and useless, as if someone had also stomped on his limbs, as if someone had also pushed him down the flights of stairs.


The younger soon drifted to sleep as the medications started to kick in. Kris sighed as he opened his phone to see a miss call from Tao, 30 minutes before Luhan had continuously abused his call button.


The younger had called for help.

The younger seeked for his help.

And he was too immersed in his 'activities' to pick up the phone. 


That was the first time Kris had his heart broken.

The pain in his chest could not otherwise be explained by any other terms. The sight of Tao so weak and vulnerable had him feeling the emotion they called heartbreak. He couldn't understand the disappointment and remorse that clouded his mind and heart, it was beyond uncomfortable and confusing. He had thought that heartbreaks are caused from a person whom you are romantically involved with, but never before had he felt anything as tormenting, and it was only caused by the sight of Tao lying on the hospital bed, there was no lover's quarrel, no cheating, no breakups.

It must be because I care about him, that must be it. 


The same aching continues to invade his chest every time he thought about that disastrous day.




Kris and Tao hormonal and needy teenagers part one : Kris 15 years old, Tao 14 years old.


“URGH! you Kris. Stop ignoring me!” Tao threw his plushy panda 'Peach' at Kris.


“Zitao I wouldn't ignore you if half of what you're talking about is somehow of relevance and importance to our precious lives and you harder.” 


“Ew, no thanks.”


“Tao stop being a .” Kris growled, attention turning back to his homework. Well he had to do his homework to stay in school, how else was he meant to get the es? Plus, top grades goes a long way when it's accompanied by Greek god-like features. Something Kris knew all too well.  


“Says the one with the chronic -face.” Tao pouted, reaching out to retrieve Peach from the ground, their only child apparently. Tao demanded to be the named the father in Peach's birth certificate (yes Tao made one with a drawing of a rainbow at the corner of the page as a stamp of approval) in which Kris strongly disagreed considering it wouldn't make sense for him to be the mom. Tao finally gave up and named himself the mother. Yes Peach's last name is Wu. Don't judge! it's not his fault Tao's cuteness seeped through his system like some kind of deadly virus that he can't help but give in too, since it was too much cuteness overload for a man to take in. 


Yes, Kris is very manly thank you very much. Just... things are a little different when it comes to Tao. 


Okay, Kris is a pile of cheesy rainbow happy sappy goo when it comes to Zitao. And he will never admit to it...but it seems only Kris is the only person who doesn't know that the whole world is aware of that fact.


"Stop saying that, it's not my fault I was born looking like Adonis and I'm freaking older than you!" 


"I don't remember Adonis having a chronic face."


"Just shut up!" 


"Why am I even replying to you?"


"Becauth youth loveth meth." Tao replied, palms pressing together, eyes opened wide while looking at Kris.


"No Oh Sehun I do not love you. And why are you imitating him anyways? Are you guys dating or somthin'? Didn't he just transfer from Korea like last week?"


"No~ Luhan already claimed him as his 'boyfriend he just doesn't know it yet'. Plus, Sehun is cute but not my type." 




'WHY! How is it good? I don't think I'll ever find a boyfriend!" Tao exclaimed dramatically while falling back onto the bed. "Guess it's just you and I Peach, your father will eventually leave us for another woman." The younger faked a sob as he held onto the panda plush as if it really is a baby. 


"Why do you want a boyfriend anyways? You're still too young." Kris cocked an eyebrows, finally joining Tao on the bed.


"What do you mean ge? I'm like a year younger than you and only within last two years you've dated more people than I could even count on my fingers! Who the hell start dating at 13 anyways?" Tao scoffed while turning to his side so that his back was facing Kris.


"Er...uhmm... They're different! They're girls! Guys are dangerous." Yeah, that's totally it.


"You would know, it takes one to know one." The younger sulked.


"Oh c'mon Taozi, stop sulking! If no one marries you, I will okay?"  Kris said while running his fingers through the younger's dark hair, so smooth it never fail to amaze him.


"Pftt, you're not even gay. But I do appreciate the thought and your consolidations." Tao felt his lips curving upwards, unable to sulk any longer as he turned around to face Kris. "And your phone is ringing." He pointed to Kris' phone that was vibrating on the study desk.


"Mmm." Kris hummed, eyes still on Tao, his fingers now lingering on the small of Tao's back, tracing random patterns.


"Gege, what if it's something important?" Tao frowned.


"Doubt it." Kris smiled, eyelids becoming heavy at the warmth that the younger provided. Tao slowly shifted inwards so that he could be closer to Kris, it felt all too familiar, too right. The hugs, the gentle touches, the kisses even and he somehow could never have enough.










“I just… Nevermind.”


“You just?” Kris pressed on.


"I just wish we'd never part." Tao whispered and proceed to bury his face in Kris' chest.


"Why would you say that? That's not something you have to wish for." 


"Mmm.." Tao hummed in response, ready to snuggle into Kris' chest again but was somehow pulled back for a soft kiss on the lips instead.


"G-ge.. y-you're so needy." Tao stuttered nervously when the elder pulled back.


"What? It's not like it's the first time." Kris laughed, amused at the blush that made his cheeks seem more rosy than usual.


"Weren't we fighting just before?"


"We're teenagers, we're allowed to be moody." The older chuckled, pulling Tao into another embrace before the both of them drift to dream land.




Kris and Tao hormonal and needy teenagers part two : Kris 17 years old, Tao 16 years old.


"Gege!" Tao skipped happily towards Kris as if he was about to receive a present.


"Morning panda." The elder smiled and ruffled the said panda's hair, earning a pout in return.


"Don't mess up my hair! Do you know how long it took me to tame it this morning?!" The younger hissed.


"Yeah yeah yeah." 


"KRIS!!" From a distance, Tao could hear an earth shattering squeaky voice calling out to Kris. He frowned as he noticed it was a female with half of her uniform skirt cut off, showing her long legs, something Tao knew Kris was fond of.


Kris turned around and waved absentmindedly before dragging Tao along with him. 


"YA! You're not gonna wait for your girlfriend?" The girl finally managed to catch up with the two, panting slightly because of the distance that she had to cover in her obnoxious heels to get to her boyfriend, apparently, Tao thought.


"Sorry babe, I thought you were someone else." Kris brushed her question off smoothly.


"Oh, well I was wondering if you could pick me up and then we could head to Luhan's party together this weekend?" The blonde girl said in a sickeningly sweet voice. So sweet it almost cause Tao to gag and that's saying something, because Tao is never one to hate on sweet things.


"Uh well I was gonna go with Tao." Kris raised an eyebrows, from the corner of his eyes he could see the panda boy standing awkwardly next to the two that were conversing.


"But I'm your girlfriend! If we go together maybe we could leave together two." She whispered the last part, making sure to blow a puff of hot hair to Kris' ear in a suggestive manner.


"But I already promised Tao." Kris shrugged, not really in the mood for anything, even his girlfriend's offer for hot .


"You always put him first, everything is Tao this Tao that, why don't you date him instead?" She huffed angrily while stomping her foot.


Tao who was feeling extremely uncomfortable and annoyed decided to finally in. "Ge it's fine, I can go with Yixing. You should go with your girlfriend." 


"But I want to go with you." Kris frowned.


"See? Even he said that it's okay!" 


"Are you sure Taozi?"


"Yes ge, it's fine really." Tao smiled before turning away to walk by himself towards the school gate. Tao failed to notice the sad look that took over Kris' face as he watched the younger quicken his pace.


Tao sighed heavily as thoughts of the girl from before touching and kissing Kris crept onto his thoughts.

I hate Kris

I hate his ty girlfriend

I hate his stupid face

I hate the affectionate nickname that he used for her

I hate his...

I hate...

I love Kris.


It took 16 long years and it was unexpected but on a normal sunny school day, Huang Zitao finally realized his feelings for Wu Yifan and he hated it. He hates not knowing when all these dumb feeling started, he hates the fact that he could never be anything more than a best friend, a brother to Kris. He hates his feelings, the way his heart seems to skip a beat when Kris affectionately ruffle his hair or when their hands meet accidentally. He hates all those things but he loves Kris. Stupid and oblivious Kris.


School that day was nothing more than tiring. Tao couldn't concentrate on anything his teachers were saying as his thoughts were too occupied with a specific person. None other than Wu Yifan, the school's heartthrob, every girl's fantasy and every guy's subject of envy.


Tao sighed for the nth time that day as he tiredly dragged his feet towards his lockers to grab his lunch when the lunch well ginally rang.


"Hey Taotao!" A deer like boy chirped happily while running up to Tao, literally ting rainbows and glitter with every step.


"Hey Lulu." Tao mumbled wearily.


"What wrong!?" Luhan frowned as he noticed Tao's gloomy aura.


"Hey guys." Baekhyun, the Korean-Chinese student who was one year their senior greeted.


"Hey Baekkie." 


"And what's wrong with you?" Baekhyun raised an eyebrow at Tao. "Did you finally realise your feelings for Kris or somethin'?" The older commented while leaning against the locker that was next to Tao.


The shock look on Tao's face was enough to answer Baekhyun's question.


"W-What? What do you mean? W-who has feelings for who? Why is K-Kris ge in this conversation?" Tao answered nervously which only added to Baekhyun's amusement.


"Please stop this pathetic attempt of hiding your feelings, you're only embarassing yourself." 


"B-but I d-don't like Kris ge."


"Taotao, you know how I'm the most oblivious person in the planet earth? Even I know how much you worship Kris and the ground he walks on." Luhan smiled while patting Tao's shoulder for moral support.


"H-how did you know?" Tao eyed the two suspiciously.


"Please Zitao, I could literally feel your lingering gaze on Kris even when he's is right next to you. I don't know when it started since I've only met you in junior high but Zitao, you look like the biggest love sick puppy when Kris is around or even when he's mentioned honey, it's terribly unhealthy. Oh my gosh and don't get me started on when he kisses you. Please someone stop me from talking about Tao and Kris' friendly kisses." Baekhyun being the diva he is, pointed out the obvious fact while resting a hand on his hip and flicking his non-existent long hair with the other.


"Th-This is bad, this is really bad. I can't face Kris ge, I can't, I can't. this, no no no no no. I can't like him. NO." The younger panicked much to his two friends' amusement.


"You can't like who?" Kris suddenly popped out of nowhere with the most serious expression ever. His panda likes someone? Time to mentally note the bastard's name and destroy his reputation along with his that could potentially ruin his baby's innocence. Wait...wait... baby? WHAT?


"N-no one gege." Tao smild innocently at Kris while turning back to give Luhan and Baekhyun a deadly glare that caused shivers to

run through their bodies.


"Tell me!" Kris demanded.


"I said it's no one."


"But you just said before."


"There is no one."


"Stop talking ."


"You stop prying."


"Oh so now I'm prying. What's wrong with you? I can't know who my bestfriend like?"


" this, you." Tao growled before walking away. Luhan and Baehyun gulped at the tension, never once have they seen Tao and Kris like this.


Kris' eyes glazed in anger as he ran after the younger and yanked him back harshly.


"Zitao I told you not to swear." Kris gritted his teeth.


"You can't tell me what the I can and can't do."


"Why are you being like this? Weren't we fine this morning? You cracked because I asked you a ing simple question? Are you on your ing period? I thought we tell each other everything. Since when did we become like this?"


"Since I realized that I ing love you, in that sickeningly romantic way that you despise. Are you happy now?" 



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Chapter 2: Crying
Chapter 2: That was so damn fluffy I'm gonna cry........
Uraacaa #3
Chapter 2: Okay, so I remember reading this one before a long time ago and thought it was the cutest childhood bestfriend lover au fic. Now that I read it again I realize how funny it actually is even if the plot is pretty cliche with the elementary bullies and having a first friend save you from them and whatnot. Still its a nice story, thanks. Taoris OTP 4ever ^^
Chapter 2: I cried after reading this, geez I need Taoris right now
Chapter 3: I'm glad I could read this again. :) I always feel fluffy reading this. o(^^o) are your oneshots still in draft?
newgirl #6
Chapter 2: awww sweet <3 loved it :)
I love this story <3
Its really heart touching and simply awesome!! Omygosh!!
Chapter 2: hey authornim! i was rereading this story again, and so you know, i love this fic. i was hoping if you could make sequel hehehe. anyway, goodjob authornim! ;)
Allie-Kray #10