Sleep Over

Let's Pretend

Your mind was blank as Gikwang reached for your IPod, you would have to sing *Ugh I’m so stupid! Of course I would have to sing sooner or later, why didn’t I realise that??* You thought when you realised Gikwang was holding your IPod in front of you, “Um Em, could you put your pass code in?” you nodded dumbly and typed in the four numbers. You then opened your playlist so that Gikwang could choose a song “Can you choose a song that’s not too hard, I haven’t sung in quite a while” you murmured; feeling slightly embarrassed. He looked at your anxious expression and smiled, “Don’t worry Emma I’ll choose an easy one” you nodded at him, thankful for his kindness. “Um, I want you to sing part of I’m Sorry” he grinned, “Are you serious??” you gaped “You want me to sing one of your own songs?” and as you looked around the circle you saw the others smiling in agreement. *Crap! I haven’t sung in so long and he just has to choose a song with high notes* you cringed to yourself, but none the less, you agreed. You only had to sing a verse or a chorus, you decided on the chorus and thought words of encouragement *Come on Em, you can do this! It’s only four lines!* and with that you took a deep breath and started to sing.

Your voice filled the air with the music playing quietly in the background and the six singers sat there astonished. “Sigani heureugo heulleoseo, apeumi chueogi doel ttaemyeon, nareul saranghaesseotdeon geu mameuro, doraol su itdamyeon…” Your voice sounded amazing; though you didn’t know it and you almost stopped halfway through because of the looks they were giving you. Four lines later it felt like your heart was in your throat, you had just sang part of B2ST’s song, and they were still staring at you until they started doing something unthinkable; they started clapping! You gaped at them with wide eyes and stuttered “S-So who’s turn is it?” none of them said anything, so you just spun the bottle; it pointed at Dongwoon, but the maknae didn’t even notice because he was too busy staring at you with a goofy smile on his face. “Um, do I have something on my face?” you asked the younger nervously, finally he snapped out of it and answered quietly looking downward (because all of a sudden he found the floor rather interesting) “No, um…I just really liked your singing” and you smiled at your friend (trying to cover up that fact that you were red from their constant gaze on you) “Well, spin the bottle then. It might be me again” (though you sincerely hoped not) This got his attention and he span the bottle, this time the singer was Gikwang and he looked confident; but you could tell he was ever do slightly nervous.

Gikwang had to sing Monday to Sunday and he sung the chorus, needless to say he sang beautifully and his cheeks coloured when he saw you beaming at his performance. After Gikwang, you had to choose a song for Junhyung; you chose Demon by Jay Park and or course, Junhyung sung the rap from the middle of the song (which coincidentally, was your favourite part of the song) It took about twenty minutes for everyone to have two turns and you were about to have your second shot when there was an unexpected knock on the door, you were closest so you got up and opened the door and before you could say a word five boys marched in. SHINee had come to visit. Jonghyun and Key had walked in holding hands and your smile could’ve lit up a room “I’m so happy for you guys!” and you gave each of them a warm hug, they smiled back and both bowed to you. “We wanted to say thank you to you, because we never would’ve worked it out without you” and you replied “It was worth it! You guys make a great couple” and the pair blushed.


The rest of SHINee and B2ST turned to you, “How do you know about them?” asked Minho, sounding quite astonished. “They both asked me for advice and it just so happened that they liked each other. So I helped them along and convinced Jjong to confess” and everyone’s jaws went slack; bar Key and Jonghyun’s. Hyunseung looked at you and said “So you don’t have a problem with a guy and a guy dating?” you gave him a confused look “No, of course not. Why would I?” he looked at you sheepishly and answered “It’s just that most people are prejudiced against that kind of thing” This comment earned an incredulous stare from you and you replied coolly “Well Hyunseung, I’m not most people and I believe that it’s a wonderful thing when two people can fall in love. Whether they’re the same gender doesn’t matter, the fact that they found love is special because not everyone gets to experience it and nothing should stop those two people from following their feelings” Hyunseung shut up after that.

Onew noticed all the IPods in the centre of the circle and smiled “Are you guys playing spin the bottle?” and you and B2ST nodded. “You want to join in?” you asked and SHINee all squished into the circle, adding their IPods to the pile. But then Doojoon pointed out that it was still your turn to sing *Damn it Doojoon, why’d you have to remember??* you cursed in your head and handed your IPod to Yoseob. He flicked down the list of songs for a bit and then stopped “I think you should sing 1000nen Zutto Soba Ni Ite by SHINee” your face fell “Yoseob oppa! You’re so mean!!!” you exclaimed. Taemin, who was sitting next to you asked B2ST “Is noona a good singer?” and the six boys opposite nodded vigorously, he looked back to you and said it the cutest voice you had ever heard “I wanna hear my noona sing” and you gave in. “Fine, but I’m only singing the chorus!” and SHINee watched as all of B2ST’s gaze became locked on you before a word even left your mouth.

Once again you started singing and the room was silent except for you IPod playing the song softly in the background, only this time you had to sing more than before. “Afure dasu omoi, kore ga boku no ai. Sarani motto, motto okiku natte. Sugu ni subete wa, tsutae kirenai. Moshimo zen nen kakatta to e, Zutto boku no soba ni ite” You shyly looked around to see their reactions, you had hit all the notes perfectly and the boys almost looked tired. “Uh I know I’m not that exciting when I sing but you don’t need to show that you’re tired so obviously” you flushed, but Jonghyun interrupted “You weren’t boring at all, you have an amazing voice!” you were confused “Then why are you all looking like you’re gonna fall asleep?” and this time Yoseob spoke “Well, you have such a beautiful voice you were singing us to sleep” This hadn’t occurred to you and you hurried to get to the next person turn since you didn’t really want the attention.

SHINee was awesome at this game and it was really nice hearing them sing individually, Taemin sung a verse of a ballad and he sounded like an angel singing. After about another half an hour of playing the game you ordered room service for some drinks and snacks, all that singing meant you needed it. When you’d finished all your food and drinks an unexpected question arose; could SHINee stay the night there with you and B2ST. You didn’t mind and it worked out ok for space since both rooms were the size of a decent apartment. Both rooms had four large couches and a king sized bed, you said that you could sleep on a couch and then two of the others could have a bed, but the boys wouldn’t hear it! Eight of them could sleep on couches and three of them could cram on one bed in the room opposite yours, so that’s how it went.


After talking for a while longer you left to get changed and you were looking at the PJ’s Gikwang bought for you; it was a light blue tank top with a cupcake on it with matching long pants. You put the pants on and were just about to out the tank top on when the door opened. It was Minho, who immediately turned bright red and slammed the door shut after blurting out “OhmygoshI’msosorry!” You looked down at your attire; you were wearing the pyjama pants and your bra… *Oh well, whatever* you thought and you shrugged it off. You walked back into the other room to meet a group of questioning faces, the silence was almost getting awkward until Key finally burst “Did he walk in on you getting changed!?!” you merely nodded, frankly you didn’t care. Minho meanwhile was sitting furthest from you and had his head tilted down so he wouldn’t meet your steady gaze. Key’s mouth dropped open and said “Minho! Apologise now!” but you waved it off “Its fine, he already apologised. Plus it’s not like I’m mad, it’s pretty much the exact same as seeing me in a bikini so what’s wrong? It was an accident anyway, so don’t worry about it Minho” and you smiled gently at the flustered male.

After that whole ordeal was over, you all headed to bed. You had the king bed in one of the rooms, while Key, Onew and Taemin shared the bed in the other room and the other eight had a couch each. You had been asleep for a few hours when there was a gentle knock at your door, so you got up and opened your bedroom door to be greeted by a timid looking Taemin. He had small tears in his eyes and you instantly pulled him into a hug, “Minnie, what’s wrong?” you asked looking at the younger. “I had a s-scary dream, e-everyone was gone. The SHINee hyungs, B2ST and even you” he sobbed quietly into your neck “I was all alone and I couldn’t move, all these strangers were surrounding me and teasing me and throwing things at me saying I deserve to be alone” your eyes widened. *Aww, what a horrible dream, poor Taemin…* you thought while gazing at the boy clinging to you. His voice was all over the place due to the slight hiccups he had from crying as he asked “N-Noona…c-can I stay with you tonight p-please?” and you looked down at him (which was a weird feeling since he was actually taller than you) and answered “Sure Minnie, but why didn’t you go to one of your hyungs?” you asked, being curious and his face heated up a little. “I thought they would laugh at me” he whispered “Ok, it’s alright. You can stay with me for the night” you said soothingly.

The boy held your hand as you tucked him into bed, he made you feel like you were really his big sister and considering you were an only child; it felt nice. He was sleeping in his jeans since SHINee hadn’t originally planned on staying and you asked him “Do you want me to go get your shirt?” (It was quite cool and the poor boy was shivering enough from the crying that had finally ceased) but he shook his head and with that you crawled into the other side of the bed. He had a pained expression on his face, so you thought of something, “Do you want me to sing for you Minnie?” you murmured and you saw the smallest of nods from the boy. “Thank you” he whispered and after you started singing he began to drift off. Taemin was clutching the banana toy you gave him in one hand (he had started taking it everywhere) and was still holding your hand with his other by the time you both fell asleep. The rest of the night was peaceful, but at around 9:00am, your sleep was interrupted by both B2ST and SHINee flinging your door open. You drowsily woke up, finding that Taemin was still holding your hand and you looked up at the ten faces in your doorway. Two words passed through your head *Oh …*. Seeing you and Taemin in the bed together (while Taemin was still shirtless) they all yelled “You slept with Taemin!?!”

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Possumdudechick8 #1
Chapter 26: Bout ing time Sis!!! we all missed you so god damn ing much!!! hahaha Love it!!! XX <3
Possumdudechick8 #2
Chapter 25: Please update soon sis because I wanna find out what you can think up for Suzy next mwahahahaha awesome cliffhanger by the way hehe ^.~
Possumdudechick8 #3
Yah dongsaengie haha annyeong haseyo please update I'm going crazy here haha I miss you xx saranghaeyo bogoshipo kamsahamnida xx
Chapter 26: I'll miss you dongsaeng! D:
Chapter 26: I'll miss you donsaeng! D:
Chapter 26: enjoy your holidays~~
its okay authornim
<3 (^_^)v
yoseoblover7 #7
Chapter 26: AWWWWWWWWW :( Have a good trip though!
b2strockz #8
Chapter 25: Update soon girl!! It's awesome! *Squels*
Chapter 25: omg saengie you made me cry BUT LOL at suxy xDDD
damn i must be that strong .... /i wish *rolls eyes* xDDD
oh ____tt i wander what happens 2 days later...
Chapter 25: OK seriously?!?! I CRIED. It was so terrible, yet so beautiful at the same time!!!! :'D
GO DONGSAENG!! :D <3 <3 <3 <3 <3